
  • Taliban
  1. 她开始写一篇反对塔利班的博客。

    And she started to write a blog against the Taliban .

  2. 2012年10月9日,马拉拉乘公交车回家时,一名塔利班男子手里拿着枪上了车。

    On Oct.9,2012 , when Malala was taking a bus home , a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in hand .

  3. 美军日前进军阿富汗山区阻止塔利班组织的一次暴动

    US troops moved into the Afghan mountains in an offensive to stop Taliban insurgence .

  4. 我们希望阿富汗塔利班同阿富汗各党派、各民族团结起来,建立符合阿富汗自身国情、广泛包容的政治架构,为阿富汗实现持久和平奠定基础。

    We hope the Afghan Taliban can form solidarity groups in Afghanistan , and build a broad-based and inclusive political structure suited to the national realities , so as to lay the foundation for achieving enduring peace in the country .

  5. 阿富汗塔利班方面多次表示,希同中方发展良好关系,期待中方参与阿富汗重建与发展,绝不允许任何势力利用阿富汗领土做危害中国的事情。

    The Afghan Taliban said on multiple occasions that it hopes to grow sound relations with China , looks forward to China 's participation integrity , adhered to non-interference in Afghanistan 's internal affairs and pursued a friendly policy toward the entire Afghan people . China respects the Afghan people 's right to decide on their own future independently .

  6. 《活下来的没有好人:阿富汗人眼中的美国、塔利班与战争》(NoGoodMenAmongtheLiving:America,theTaliban,andtheWarThroughAfghanEyes)。

    NO GOOD MEN AMONG THE LIVING : America , the Taliban , and the War Through Afghan Eyes .

  7. 我嘴里念叨着家人的名字,心里想到了被塔利班处决的丹尼波尔(danielpearl)。

    I said the names of my family and I thought of Daniel Pearl , who had been executed .

  8. 然而,塔利班(Taliban)势力已受到了抑制。

    Nevertheless , the Taliban has been contained .

  9. 第三,我必要一个DNA测试(不是由美国或塔利班来当真),年夜要由加拿年夜人来做母亲和她的儿子的DNA测试,看是否配合。

    Third , I need a DNA test ( not done by Americans or any Talibans ) maybe the Canadians to do the test of mother and dead son to see it is a match .

  10. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,投票人数远远超出预期,而郊区广泛进行的塔利班暴力活动数量也低于预期。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports the turnout far exceeded expectations and Taliban violence , while significant in rural areas , fell far short of projections .

  11. 北约驻阿富汗部队新闻发言人ERICTREMBLAY谈及塔利班试图扰乱上周总统选举后的计票工作。

    ERIC TREMBLAY , spokesman for NATOs Afghanistan task force , onthe Talibans attempts to disrupt the ballot count afterlastweeks presidential election .

  12. 目前世界最长距离的狙击记录保持者是来自英国皇室卫队的下士CraigHarrison,他在2009年11月份击毙了22.4公里外的两名塔利班成员。

    The current world record for the longest certified kill was by Corporal Craig Harrison of the UKHousehold Cavalry , who killed two Taliban in November 2009 from 1.54 miles ( 22.4km ) .

  13. 德米斯图拉(staffandemistura)表示,阿富汗最近的安全形势令人担忧,塔利班袭击了许多地点,包括首都的一家医院和主要酒店。

    De Mistura added that the security situation in Afghanistan has been an issue of concern recently , with Taliban attacks on various sites , including a hospital and a major hotel in the capital .

  14. 但由于塔利班四分五裂,哈卡尼网络(haqqaninetwork)等一些团体希望战斗到底,军事行动不可能以盛大的和平会议作为终结而这正是卡梅伦阵营所希望的掩护撤退的烟幕。

    Yet with the Taliban splintering , and some groups like the Haqqani network wanting to fight to the death , there is no possibility of ending the mission with a grand peace conference the favoured smokescreen for withdrawal for many in camp Cameron .

  15. 2018年SIGAR的一份报告称,目标是拒绝塔利班提供资金。

    The goal was to deny the Taliban financing , said a 2018 SIGAR report .

  16. 其中一个企业家叫MasoodaSultan,她出生在阿富汗,童年时期到美国,后来由于塔利班势力的驱逐,她又回到本土。

    One entrepreneur , Masooda Sultan , was born in Afghanistan , came to the United States as a child , and returned to her native country following the Taliban 's ouster from power .

  17. 已投入数十亿美元支撑阿富汗的西方同盟担心,如此大规模资金外流会引发大规模腐败,提升人们对塔利班(taliban)的支持。

    Western allies , which have spent billions shoring up the country , fear such outflows will fuel the kind of grand-scale corruption that has alienated people from the government of Hamid Karzai , the president , and boosted Taliban support .

  18. 逊尼派的塔利班(SunniTaliban)武装力量一直是伊朗什叶派政权的死对头,但有迹象显示,我敌人的敌人是我的朋友这一残酷的逻辑,可能会把他们拉拢在一起。

    The Sunni Taliban fighters have always been bitter rivals of Iran 's Shia regime , but there is evidence that they may have been thrust together by the remorseless logic of my enemy 's enemy is my friend .

  19. 美国从第3营,海军陆战团第六届期间对她们在Marjah的地位在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省的交火在周日的消防塔利班狙击手2010年2月14日支付。

    US Marines from3rd Battalion , 6th Marine Regiment take cover during a firefight as Taliban snipers fire on their position in Marjah in Afghanistan 's Helmand province on Sunday Feb.14,2010 .

  20. 鲍特称,他在讨论期间提出一种可能性,即向在阿富汗作战的英国军人免费提供cellcrypt,以防他们打给家人的电话被塔利班截听。

    During the discussion , Mr Boulter said he raised the possibility of giving Cellcrypt to British troops in Afghanistan for free to prevent their calls home being detected by the Taliban .

  21. 那时,塔利班分子控制着阿富汗的大部分。

    At that time , the Taliban controlled most of Afghanistan .

  22. 那么美国为什么要在阿富汗与塔利班作战?

    So why was the US fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan ?

  23. 长官,我们四年前赶走塔利班。

    Sir , we drove the Taliban out four years ago .

  24. 拜亚图拉却否认他与此事有关,而与塔利班惯常的行事风格大相径庭。

    Baitullah denied responsibility , which was unusual for the Taliban .

  25. 而我们还曾厚颜无耻地称塔利班为野蛮人。

    And we had the cheek to call the Taliban vandals .

  26. 在阿富汗,我们一定要打掉塔利班的势头。

    In Afghanistan , we must continue to degrade the Taliban .

  27. 这个计划曾一直被塔利班前高层竭力推进。

    The proposal has long been pushed by former high-ranking Talibans .

  28. 塔利班抓住了将进攻升级的时机。

    The Taliban seized the moment to escalate their attacks .

  29. 塔利班表示,他们将转而致力于谈判。

    In turn , the Taliban said it is committed to negotiations .

  30. 他应该推动对塔利班武装人员的招安计划。

    And he should boost programmes to woo Taliban fighters .