
yuē dàn
  • Jordan
约旦[yuē dàn]
  1. 总统下令对美国向约旦提供的经济援助进行审查。

    The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan

  2. 他是约旦大学的地质学客座教授。

    He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan .

  3. 争论双方使约旦领导人左右为难。

    The Jordanian leader is caught between both sides in the dispute

  4. 车队曲曲折折地穿过约旦河西岸。

    The convoy wound its way through the West Bank .

  5. 约旦领导人似乎愿意参加会议。

    The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference

  6. 他们正在呼吁国际社会向约旦伸出援手。

    They are appealing to the world community to come to Jordan 's assistance

  7. 约旦的政策被曲解了。

    Jordan 's policy has been misconstrued .

  8. 约旦重新开放了与伊拉克的边界。

    Jordan reopened its border with Iraq

  9. 他今天启程绕道去约旦,用不了多久还会去埃及。

    He left today on a roundabout route for Jordan and is also due soon in Egypt .

  10. 现在从约旦到伊拉克一天只有十几辆装货的卡车通过,而最高峰时可达到一天200辆。

    Traffic from Jordan to Iraq is down to a dozen loaded lorries a day , compared with a high of 200 a day

  11. 对巴勒斯坦解放组织的支持更多地出于对约旦的长期阴谋,而不是同巴勒斯坦人在政治上的共鸣。

    Backing of the PLO stemmed more from long-held designs on Jordan than political affinity with palestinians .

  12. 该管道供给约旦15%的原油。

    The pipeline supplies Jordan with 15 per cent of its crude oil .

  13. 埃及、阿联酋、约旦以及印度尼西亚等国已经授权中国新冠疫苗在本国紧急使用。

    A number of countries , including Egypt , the UAE , Jordan and Indonesia , have authorized or rolling out the vaccines .

  14. Excel在约旦18号死海海堤沉降监测中的应用

    The Application of Excel in the Settlement Monitoring of Dike 18 of the Dead Sea in Jordan

  15. 给出了五阶型约旦块的n次方根,并讨论它在矩阵开方中的应用。

    N times squaring-roots of five stages ⅰ - type Jordan block was given and its applications in opening up Squaring of matrix was discussed .

  16. 求约旦(Jordan)标准形和演化矩阵及其逆矩阵的新方法

    The New Method of Make Jordan Standard Form and Evolution Motrices and Inver Matrices

  17. 格尔还在参与约旦首都安曼的改造工作,该市有一个非常积极的理想主义市长奥马尔•马阿尼(OmarAlMa'ani)。

    Gehl is also working in the Jordanian capital of Amman , which has a very active and idealistic mayor in Omar Al Ma'ani .

  18. 约旦、叙利亚、突尼斯以及也门都已增加了向贫困人口发放现金和福利的国家项目预算,增幅略低于gdp的0.5%。

    Jordan , Syria , Tunisia and Yemen have each increased the budgets of national programmes that give cash and benefits to the poor by just under 0.5 % of GDP .

  19. 巴勒斯坦解放组织在约旦河西岸的拉马拉举行会议,总统Abbas发表讲话。

    President Abbas addressed leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization meeting in the West Bank town of Ramallah .

  20. 据NPR新闻的埃米莉·哈里斯报道,双方分歧的焦点为以色列对约旦河西岸的占领问题。

    As NPR 's Emily Harris reports the disagreement is over Israel 's occupation of the West Bank .

  21. 上周,ScottChristianson和其他官员和约旦的安曼举行会晤。

    Scott Christianson and other officials met in Amman , Jordan last week .

  22. 应约旦的要求,一支由F16战斗机和爱国者导弹构成的分遣队正随时待命。

    A detachment of F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles are staying at the request of Jordan .

  23. 人们预计,布拉特会在不记名投票中轻松击败唯一的挑战者约旦亲王阿里·本·侯赛因(AlibinAl-Hussein),锁定第五届任期。

    Mr. Blatter is expected to comfortably defeat his only challenger , Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan , once the secret-ballot voting is conducted , to secure a fifth term .

  24. 在以色列在约旦河西岸扩建犹太人定居点问题上曾经先让步的奥巴马,迫使他的死对头本雅明内塔尼亚胡(benjaminnetanyahu)收回在2012年大选前采取单方面军事行动的威胁。

    Mr Obama ( who blinked first on the extension of Israeli settlements on the West Bank ) forced his nemesis Benjamin Netanyahu to blink on threats to take unilateral military action ahead of the 2012 election .

  25. 在6月,这两人将会挑战约旦和埃及之间的Agaba海。

    In June , the duo will swim in the Sea of Agaba between Jordan and Egypt .

  26. 约旦原子能委员会(JAEC)希望到2035年60%的能源来自核能。

    The Jordan Atomic Energy Commission ( JAEC ) wants Jordan to get60 per cent of its energy from nuclear by2035 .

  27. 来自中国的林将带领一个高级别的代表团,成员包括来自约旦的世界银行高级副行长MarwanMuasher。

    Lin , who comes from China , will be leading a high-level delegation , which will include World Bank Senior Vice President Marwan Muasher of Jordan .

  28. 驾驶雪铁龙DS3赛车的挪威人在赛季初一直是冠军的潜在争夺者,但是厄运以及约旦站的失误使他接二连三地错失了登上领奖台的机会。

    The Norwegian began the season as a title contender in his Citroen DS3 WRC but bad luck and a mistake in Jordan have conspired to keep him off the podium to date .

  29. Al-Quds大学的生命科学助理教授AzzamSaleh正在进行一项IPSO资助的项目的最后阶段研究。该项目测试约旦河西岸土壤、水和农作物的杀虫剂残留。

    Azzam Saleh , assistant professor of life sciences at Al-Quds University , is in the final stages of an IPSO-funded project to test soil , water and crops in the West Bank for pesticide residues .

  30. Oran想方设法说服了她的叔叔和祖父资助她获得学士学位并让她在伊拉克的巴格达大学获得它,因为约旦没有她的专业。

    Oran somehow convinced her uncle and grandfather to both fund her Bachelor 's degree and allow her to obtain it at the University of Baghdad in Iraq , as her subject was not available in Jordan .