
  • 网络partition of India
  1. 论艾德礼政府实施印巴分治政策

    On the Attlee Government in its implementation of the partition of India and Pakistan

  2. 很多学者认为,印巴分治悲剧是英国政府一手造成的。

    Many Chinese scholars argue that it was the British government that led the tragic partition of India .

  3. 印巴分治社会原因之剖析

    An Analysis of Social Sources for Indo-Pakistani Partition

  4. 英国的分而治之政策与印巴分治

    British , s Divide and Rule Policy and the Division of India and Pakistan

  5. 有时德里被叫做“外乡人之城”,这里居住着1947年印巴分治时来的难民或是寻找工作的移民。

    It is sometimes described as " nobody 's city ", inhabited by refugees from India's1947 Partition or by job-seeking migrants .

  6. 1947年印巴分治之后,他们最初居住的地区被划归巴基斯坦;之后,他们搬到了印度所属的地区。

    They lived originally in a region that later became part of Pakistan after the partition of India in 1947 ; they then moved to the Indian state .