
  • 网络Indus Valley Civilization;Harappan civilization
  1. 一种久经世故和技术先进的城市文化明显地出现在印度河流域文明里。

    A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization .

  2. 印度&印度河流域文明在一段时期里受到破坏,文献记载消失了。

    1550 BCE : India - Writing disappears from India for a time with the destruction of the Indus Valley civilization .

  3. 印度河流域文明消亡的现代启示

    The Modern Implications of the Extinction of the Indian River Valley Civilization

  4. 良好的农耕自然条件,保障了人们稳定的衣食之源,印度河流域文明在这基础上产生了。

    Good natural conditions for farming , the protection of the people a stable source of food and clothing , the Indian River Valley civilization on this basis produced .

  5. 印度河流域文明居先于南印度的首个农业文明,在现在称为卑路支的山丘上浮现,直到印度河流域的西端。

    The Indus civilization was predated by the first farming cultures in South asia , which emerged in the hills of what is now called balochistan , to the west of the Indus valley .

  6. 这一段河流风光绮丽,碧水萦回,石峰林立,构成一幅锦绣画卷。公元前2600年,印度河流域文明碧草丛生,充满着野生动物。

    This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese painting with its clear water and clusters of pinnacles . In 2600 BC , the Indus Valley was verdant , forested , and teeming with wildlife .