
shǐ qián shǐ
  • prehistory
  1. 半个世纪以来的中国史前史研究(下篇)

    The Research on Chinese Prehistory in the Past 50 Years ( Part ⅱ)

  2. 收藏史前史、石头雕刻品、古钱币、织品和陶制品。

    Collection includes prehistory , stone sculpture , numismatics , textile , and ceramics .

  3. 新石器时代在中国一直持续到漫长史前史的最后一个时期。

    Neolithic Age is applied in China to the last period of a long prehistory .

  4. 质疑·探讨·重构&对中国史前史几个问题的透析

    Query · Research · Reconstruction & A Dialysis of Several Questions about the Prehistory of China

  5. 陈列肯亚西部文化、史前史和自然史。

    Exhibit the culture of the people of Western Kenya , prehistory , and natural history .

  6. 这本书是视觉艺术从史前史时期到最近实验艺术的历史。

    The book is a history of the visual arts from prehistory to the latest experimental art .

  7. 本论文第一章着眼于音乐会史前史的研究,音乐会史前史经历中世纪和文艺复兴两个时期。

    Firstly , this dissertation has prehistoric research of concert in mind , which underwent Middle Age and Renaissance .

  8. 他将研究中国文明起源作为研究史前史的一把金钥匙,以实现他重建中国史前史的目的,着重解决中国从氏族社会到国家出现的历史。

    He researched the origin of Chinese civilization and emphasized the history from clan society to the appearance of state .

  9. 跨湖桥遗址的人们创造了灿烂文化,在浙江史前史上作出了应有的贡献。

    People of Ruins of Kuahu Bridge created a splendid culture which made a due contribution to the prehistoric history of Zhejiang .

  10. 史前史中,没有别的场景比巨兽在焦油坑中垂死挣扎的场面更令人震撼。

    No scene from prehistory is quite so vivid as that of the mortal struggles of great beasts in the tar pits .

  11. 摩尔根是第一个具有专门知识而想给人类的史前史建立一个确定的系统的人;

    Morgan is the first man who , with expert knowledge , has attempted to introduce a definite order into the history of primitive man ;

  12. 青铜器约在公元前1500年出现,标志着本港史前史最后阶段。

    The final phase of Hong Kong 's prehistory is marked by the appearance of bronze in about the middle of the 2nd millennium BC .

  13. 在第一章,重建了鼠人的生活史前史、生活史并重现其老鼠惩罚症状出现时的场景;

    In Chapter One , the author re-appears Rat Man 's pre-history of life , history of life and the appearance of symptom of " Rat Punishment ";

  14. 这种混合称谓一直影响到今天的古书注解、史前史研究,乃至旅游业中历史文化内涵的开发。

    This confusing reference of prehistoric figures has been affecting interpretation of Chinese classics , study of Chinese prehistoric history and development of the implications of historical culture in tourist industry .

  15. 本文把科学史学史分为科学史前史、科学史学科的确立以及当代科学史的发展三个阶段,概述了不同时期科学史研究的特点和状况。

    In this paper , a brief history of the history of science , Which is divided into three periods & that of the prehistory , of the establishment and the present development , is given .

  16. 他从亲属制度出发,恢复了与之相应的家庭形式,于是开辟了一条新的研究途径及进一步追溯人类史前史的可能。

    By starting from the systems of consanguinity and reconstructing from them the corresponding forms of family , he opened a new line of research and extended our range of vision into the prehistory of man .

  17. 本文通过回顾中国考古学的成长历程,认为中国古史的证明,史前史的建立和文明起源的探索,都取决于考古实践。

    Reviewing the course of the development of Chinese archaeology , the author believes that archaeological Practice and research providing data to prove ancient history of China , establish prehistory system and study the origin of cultures .

  18. 而文化研究之所以从史前史的状态脱离而成为一门独立的学科,正是源于其基于工人阶级的视角,对文化、大众这些旧概念加以重新规范和辨析。

    It is the revaluing and analyzing work on the old concepts like ' culture ' and ' mass ', from the particular working-class-based perspective , distinguished cultural studies as an independent academic field from its pre-history condition .

  19. 随着考古出土资料的增多、研究的深入以及学科的发展,旧石器时代艺术一词越来越多地出现在旧石器考古、古人类以及史前史研究中。

    Due to increasing of unearthed archeological information , further lucubrating and developing of the discipline , the generic term " Paleolithic Art " has appeared more and more in the study of Paleolithic archaeology , palaeoanthropology and prehistory .

  20. 近几十年来,对华夏文明史之有关问题,大量的考古及其众多专家学者在对华夏民族早期历史的研究发现,与传统的史系特别是史前史框架发生了尖锐的冲突。

    In recent years , a host of archeological researches and discoveries made by many experts and specialists have shown that questions related to the Chinese history of civilization clash sharply with traditional history family , especially with the framework of prehistory .

  21. 他的结论对研究史前社会史有极大推动作用。

    His conclusions on the study of prehistoric social history has a great role in promoting .

  22. 在中国,用龟这种文化现象从史前至史初贯穿始终,甚至至今仍有其孑遗,在中国传统文化中具有重要的地位。

    In China , the cultural phenomena associated with tortoise , which have survived till now , exist from the prehistory to the beginning of history and still have an important status in Chinese traditional culture .

  23. 仰韶文化在中国史前考古和史前史研究中都占有十分重要的地位。

    Yangshao Culture , which is a famous archaeological culture in China , has been playing an important role in the study of Chinese prehistory and prehistoric archaeology .