
  • 网络Prehistoric life;Prehistoric Bio
  1. 电脑犹如史前生物般庞大

    computers were prehistoric and enormous .

  2. 不过,史前生物也并不总是那么恐怖,有时候,它们怪异呆萌的一面会取代它们可怕的那一面。

    But prehistoric animals weren 't always nightmarish . Sometimes , they swapped terror for the weird and goofy .

  3. 游戏介绍:你将控制一个可爱的史前生物来进行你的冒险经历哦~能不能顺利通关呢?

    Game : You will be introduced biological control to a lovely prehistoric adventure you can experience ~ smooth customs clearance ?

  4. 揭开它神秘原始隐秘居民和史前生物,透露地球上最后一块迷人的未知地带。

    From its mysterious origins to its reclusive inhabitants and jaw-dropping creatures , uncover the fascinating facts about one of the last uncharted places on earth .

  5. 看到这些史前生物被困在这里,就像是人类被困在小荒岛中是件奇怪的事。

    This is very strange seeing these pre-historic creatures that are , are trapped there like there , stuck on a little desert island if you will .

  6. 化石是指史前生物的遗迹,比如已经矿化的骨头和骨头或器官在石头上留下的印记。

    By fossils , we mean traces of prehistoric animals such as bones , which become mineralized , or impressions of bones or organs that are left in stone .

  7. 大多数史前生物都很令人恐惧,好在让人高兴的是,它们在数百万年前相继死去,客气地把这颗令人敬畏的星球让给了我们。

    Most prehistoric creatures were terrifying , and every day we 're glad they so politely died off those millions of years ago to bequeath us this awesome planet .