
shǐ shī
  • epic;heroic
史诗 [shǐ shī]
  • [epic] 叙述重大历史事件或英雄传说的长诗

  • 音乐舞蹈史诗

史诗[shǐ shī]
  1. 这部影片篇幅长,戏剧性强,不过还不能誉为“史诗”。

    The film is long and dramatic but does not quite earn the epithet ' epic ' .

  2. 他们史诗般的战斗是一部新电影的主题。

    Their epic fight is the subject of a new film

  3. 好莱坞的史诗大片有着一些与众不同的特点。

    There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic

  4. 这部影片长达3小时21分钟,是部超长的标准好莱坞式史诗电影。

    At three hours and 21 minutes , it is an over-long , standard Hollywood epic .

  5. 总有一天有人会把这部激动人心的远征史诗全部写下来。

    Some day someone will write the full epic of this exciting expedition .

  6. 革命先烈抛头颅,洒热血,谱写下可歌可泣的壮丽史诗。

    The revolutionary martyrs laid down their lives for a just cause and attained the stature of epic heroes .

  7. 我们是通过荷马的史诗和海希奥德的诗歌了解古希腊人的法律思想的。

    The legal conceptions of archaic age of the Greeks are known to us through the epic works of Homer and the poetry of hesiod .

  8. 荷马的《伊利亚特》和弥尔顿的《失乐园》是史诗

    Homer Iliad and Milton 's Paradise Lost are epics .

  9. 荷马的史诗不是只有暴躁的妻子和勇敢的战士。

    Homer 's epic is not just composed of harridan wives and brave men .

  10. 当济慈提到荷马的“骄傲的领域”时,他指的是史诗。

    Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer 's " proud demesne " .

  11. 伟大的印度教史诗之一

    one of the great Hindu epics

  12. 埃莉诺和帕克史诗般的爱情故事是从埃莉诺在校车上从帕克背后窥读他的漫画书开始的。

    For example : Eleanor and Park 's epic2 love story begins when Eleanor peeks3 over Park 's shoulder on the bus to school to " eavesread " his comics .

  13. 两位美国匿名女性发布了一个广告:“我们需要两位男士(最好是关系特别好的哥们,可以和我们俩姐妹配对)共度节日。我们的爱情是假的,但会像史诗般绚烂。我们要让所有人艳羡我们。”

    Two American unnamed women created one ad read : ' We need two guys ( preferably two in a bromance to match our womance ) to stick around for the holidays . Our love will be fake , but epic . We want to make everyone jealous . '

  14. MarsOne正计划一个电视真人秀节目,观众可以选择宇航员并看着他们准备史诗般的旅程。

    Mars One is planning a reality TV show where the audience can select the astronauts and watch as they prepare for the epic journey .

  15. 用户故事可以是粗粒度的,也可以具体化的。粗粒度的故事被称之为史诗故事(epics)。

    A story can be coarse-grained or detailed ; coarse-grained stories are called epics .

  16. 3D科幻史诗片《阿凡达》在俄罗斯上映还不到三周,就已经成为该国有史以来最成功的影片,截至目前的票房收入为5550万美元。

    Less than three weeks after ' Avatar ' hit theaters , the high-tech science fiction epic is already the most successful movie ever in Russia , with $ 55.5 million in box-office receipts .

  17. 目前,音乐剧《指环王》正在招募演员扮演英国作家J·R·R·托尔金笔下的穴居矮人,该剧取材于托尔金撰写的那部具有史诗风格的名著。

    Producers of a musical version of " The Lord of the Rings " are looking for candidates to play the hobbit heroes in the epic fantasy based on J.R.R.Tolkien 's classic .

  18. 星期天晚上,艾美奖颁奖典礼在好莱坞举行。由汤姆汉克斯和斯蒂芬斯比尔伯格联手打造的HBO史诗迷你剧《太平洋战争》众望所归,赢得奖项。

    At the Emmy Awards here in Hollywood on Sunday night , The Pacific , the epic HBO miniseries about World War II , produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg , is expected to sweep .

  19. 他还刷过谈论“韦埃尔”作为一个像史诗“Gadar”。

    He also brushes off talk of " Veer " being an epic like " Gadar " .

  20. 《乌古斯传》(oguz-nam?)是流传在古代维吾尔人民中间的一部散文体英雄史诗。

    " oguz-nam ( a | ¨)" is a heroic epic in prose spread among ancient Uyghur people .

  21. 作为逐渐展开的文化更新史诗中的视觉片断,monitos生动地表现了赋予墨裔美国人有价值及完整的认同感的习俗和日常生活。

    Visual episodes within an unfolding epic tale of cultural regeneration , the monitos keep alive the customs and daily practices that give meaning and coherence to Chicano identity .

  22. 华盛顿邮报的AnnHornaday写道:“《伯德小姐》在形式,对于表现青春敏感,以及特质方面取得了巨大的成功。电影中主要角色女孩儿虽无足轻重,但是这部电影是史诗级的。

    Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post wrote : ' " Lady Bird " is a triumph of style , sensibility and spirit . The girl at its center may not be a heavyweight , but her movie is epic . '

  23. 掀开羌族《释比史诗》神秘的面纱

    Unveiling the Mystery of the shibi Epics of the Qiang People

  24. 在蒙古族史诗中认为,人生的真正意义在于奋斗。

    It hold that the true meaning of life is struggle .

  25. 浅析《荷马史诗》中朴素的人本主义思想倾向

    On the Tendency of Simple Humanistic Thought in Homer 's Epic

  26. 这是荷马史诗的散文翻译。

    This is a prose translation of Homer 's epic poems .

  27. 《死水微澜》主题的史诗性与法国自然主义

    The epic of RIPPLES IN THE STAGNANT WATER and French naturalism

  28. 激动人心的英雄史诗&数系扩张的历史回顾

    A Very Moving Heroic Epic & The historical review of numerical-system expansion

  29. 从地府到天堂&西方史诗的传承和发展

    From Nether World to Paradise & Continuation and Development of Western Epics

  30. 二是咏史诗的生成根源探析。

    Second , the analysis of it 's original resource .