
  • 网络smith;Smith College
  1. 露丝·西蒙斯(RuthSimmons),前史密斯学院和布朗大学(BrownUniversity)校长

    Ruth Simmons , former president of Smith College and Brown University

  2. 阿里安娜•赫芬顿(AriannaHuffington)在史密斯学院(SmithCollege)表示:“我奉劝你们,不要只想着成为世界顶尖人物,还要改变这个世界。”

    So there was Arianna Huffington at Smith College saying " what I urge you to do is not just take your place at the top of the world , but to change the world . "

  3. 你过世的姑姑很特别,但并不是因为她启发了你的灵感,使你创作了那本讲述史密斯学院(Smith)一名英文教授的故事、至今在亚马逊上仍未售罄的小说。

    Your dead aunt wasn 't special because she was the inspiration for your still-available-on-Amazon novel about an English professor at Smith .

  4. 有些大学,比如史密斯学院,以及奖学金基金会,比如LEDA,努力让贫困家庭的学生知道他们可以获得哪些学习辅导和资助资源。

    Some colleges , like Smith , and scholarship foundations , like LEDA , try to spread awareness of the academic and financial support resources available to low-income students .

  5. 史密斯学院是这所大学最古老的寄宿学院之一。

    Smith House is one of the oldest residential colleges of the university .

  6. 比史密斯学院更适合作为这场革命领导者的孕育之地当今社会关于成功的概念

    Than right here at Smith At the moment , our society 's notion of success

  7. 并重新挖掘自身的智慧你们史密斯学院独具自身智慧的二年级生艾琳.麦克丹尼尔

    And reconnecting with ourselves Your very own , very wise Smith sophomore , Erin mcdaniel

  8. 她的班级打算在史密斯学院举行毕业十五周年纪念活动。

    Her class at Smith College was to gather for the fifteenth anniversary of their graduation .

  9. 因为这是你们必须面对的你们在史密斯学院接受的教育让你们明确知道

    And because you are up to it Your education at Smith has made it unequivocally clear

  10. 教职工成员们勇于奉献的家长们和朋友们还有成就卓越的史密斯学院2013届毕业生们

    Members of the faculty , devoted parents and friends and especially the fabulous Smith College class of 2013

  11. 她把拒绝信发到网上,引发了讨论热潮和史密斯学院的学生抗议。

    She posted the rejection letter online , catalyzing a storm on the Internet and student rallies at Smith .

  12. 南希·戴维斯出生于纽约,长大在芝加哥,1943年毕业于史密斯学院。

    Born in New York City , and raised mostly in Chicago , Nancy Davis graduated from Smith College in 1943 .

  13. 此外,她还被耶鲁、哈佛、威廉姆斯学院以及史密斯学院授予荣誉博士学位。

    She has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from Yale , Harvard University , Williams College , and Smith College .

  14. 我非常高兴地写信告诉你,你是一个埃利斯哈姆的阿瑟史密斯学院奖得主。

    With great pleasure I write to tell you that you are a winner of the Arthur Ellis Hamm Prize at Smith College .

  15. 祝贺你们你们在漫长黑夜之后迎来了黎明你们四年前第一次来到史密斯学院时

    Congratulations . You have reached the light at the end of the tunnel And when you first arrived at Smith four years ago

  16. 为女性的投票权等权利进行过斗争第二次女性革命接受了史密斯学院校友的有力领导

    Fought , among other things , to give women the right to vote The second women 's revolution was powerfully led by Smith alumnae

  17. 两国交换留学生,实际上并不是什么新事物,你们的谢校长曾在美国史密斯学院获得学位。

    It is not entirely new , this exchanging of students & your President Xie earned a degree from Smith College in the United states .

  18. 伦敦大学戈德史密斯学院计算机技术专家凯特德夫林说,未来的性爱机器人很可能被设计成能够学习其人类伴侣的性爱偏好以改善性能。

    Kate Devlin , computing expert at Goldsmiths , University of London , said it was probable future sex robots would be designed to learn their human partner 's sexual preferences to improve performance .

  19. 史密斯学院和罗格斯大学反对拉加德和赖斯在毕业典礼上演讲的师生可能完全是受到了误导,这是件很遗憾的事情&我相信情况就是这样。但谁会在乎我怎么想呢?

    The protesting students and faculty of Smith and Rutgers may be utterly , sadly misguided in objecting to Lagarde and Rice , as I believe they are & but who cares what I think ?

  20. 史密斯学院和罗格斯大学反对拉加德和赖斯在毕业典礼上演讲的师生可能完全是受到了误导,这是件很遗憾的事情——我相信情况就是这样。但谁会在乎我怎么想呢?

    The protesting students and faculty of Smith and Rutgers may be utterly , sadly misguided in objecting to Lagarde and Rice , as I believe they are -- but who cares what I think ?

  21. 问我这个问题的霍巴特和威廉姆史密斯学院的物理学家斯佩克特博士告诉我,他推测和超新星相关的数字时的经验法则是:不管你认为超新星有多大,它们其实比你以为的更大。

    Dr.Spector , the Hobart and William Smith Colleges physicist who asked me thisquestion , told me his rule of thumb for estimating supernova-related numbers : However big you think supernovae are , they 're bigger than that .

  22. 在史密斯学院,这种支持包括对遭遇紧急情况的学生提供(有限的)额外资助,因此,如果家里有急事,需要学生搭最后一刻的国内航班赶回去处理的话,低收入家庭的学生能够成行。

    At Smith , this support includes a ( limited ) extra fund available to students in emergency situations , so if a family emergency arises and a last-minute flight across the country becomes necessary , a low-income student can make the trip .

  23. 加拿大女王大学史密斯商学院(Queen’sSmithSchoolofBusiness)的排名提高最大,跃升32位至第67名。

    Canada 's Queen 's Smith School of Business registered the best progression , climbing 32 places to 67th .

  24. 大卫·科什是马里兰大学罗伯特H。史密斯商学院的副教授。

    David Kirsch is an associate professor at the Robert H.Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland .

  25. DavidKirsch是马里兰大学罗伯特H史密斯商学院的副教授。

    David Kirsch is an associate professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland .

  26. 西安大略大学(UniversityofWesternOntario)的毅伟商学院(IveySchool)和女王大学(Queen’sUniversity)的史密斯商学院(SmithSchoolofBusiness)分别排名94位和100位。

    Rotman is the highest listed at 65 . Western University 's Ivey and Queen 's University 's Smith School of Business are at 94 and 100 respectively .

  27. 多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)罗特曼商学院(RotmanSchoolofManagement)排名最高,为第65位,而加拿大女王大学(Queen’sUniversity)史密斯商学院(SmithSchoolofBusiness)在今年的榜单中垫底,排名第100。

    Among these , Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is the highest ranked at 65 , while Smith School of Business at Queen 's University is bottom of the table in 100th place .

  28. 史密斯商学院与加州蒙特里的海军研究生院(navalpostgraduateschool)有一个合作项目,2002年开办,使得华盛顿地区的军事人员有机会攻读一个联合mba学位。

    The Smith School has a partnership with the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey , California , that since 2002 has enabled military personnel in the Washington area to take a combined MBA degree .

  29. 我们懂得感恩,如果我们赢得比赛,我们会回报史密斯商学院。

    We know to owe , if we won the match , we will redound upon Smith Commercial College .

  30. 大赛由史密斯商学院联袂中国中央电视台共同举办,被誉为《赢在中国》的“英文版”。

    S.business school with Executive MBA and custom executive education programs in China , has launched the Win in China-Smith Business Plan Competition .