
  • 网络prehistoric civilization
  1. 西域史前文明发展的若干理论问题

    Some Academic Problems on the Progress of Prehistoric Civilization in the Western Regions

  2. 爱琴海岛屿和周边国家的史前文明。

    The prehistoric civilization on the islands in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding countries .

  3. BIBT研究所的研究目标锁定在史前文明探源,尤其关注“文明同源说”。

    The purpose of the BIBT institute is locked in seeking the origin of prehistorical civilizations , especially " the civilized homology " .

  4. 而在漫长的时间长河之中,对于史前文明的研究可谓浩瀚如星海。

    In the long period , the researches of prehistory are abundant .

  5. 首先,在山洞中发现了史前文明的大量证据,因为天然的屏障帮助保存了这些人造物品。

    First , much evidence of prehistoric civilization is found in caves because the natural shelter helps preserve artifacts .

  6. 我认为这是对于大约11000年前大洪水淹没那个史前文明的沿海广阔地区的变形记录。

    I think this is the Great floods inundated the prehistoric civilization vast areas of coastal deformation record at11000 years ago .

  7. 长江中游作为我国文明的重要发源地之一,史前文明绚丽灿烂。

    The middle reaches of Yangtze River where has brilliant prehistoric civilization is one of the important cradle of civilization in our country .

  8. 在史前文明中,气候变化对生产方式的选择有重要的影响;在历史时期,政治和文化因素对人类生产生活的影响明显增大。

    In prehistoric civilizations , climate change had an important influence on the choice of the mode of production ; in historical period , impact of political and cultural factors on the human society increased significantly .

  9. 她说有考古学证据显示一些史前文明大量依赖枯木作为燃料,或者砍掉一些树枝,而非砍死整棵树。

    She said there 's archaeological evidence that some prehistoric cultures relied heavily on dead wood for fuel , or ... um ... just cut off some of the branches of trees instead of killing the whole tree .

  10. 武汉历史文化旅游资源按照史前文明时期、军事城堡时期、封建镇邑时期和近代都会时期四个时期分类,可以囊括所有的历史文化旅游资源并对其文化内涵进行分析;

    Wuhan history and culture according to prehistoric civilization period , military castle period , feudal town city period and know period modern times tourist resources , can include all tourist resources of history and culture and analyze their cultural intension ;

  11. 二是受进化论的影响,研究者认为中国宗教的发展经历了从史前到文明时代逐渐衰弱的过程。

    Secondly , influenced by the Theory of Evolution , the researchers think that the religious development in China weakened gradually from prehistoric age to the ages of civilization .

  12. 已知最早的木乃伊是新克罗人的一个孩子,他们诞生于史前钓鱼文明,生活在现在干旱的智利和秘鲁沿岸。

    The oldest known mummy is that of a child of the Chinchorro people , a prehistoric fishing culture that lived along the arid coast of present-day Chile and Peru .

  13. 宁夏史前远古人类文明的序幕

    The Prologue to the Civilization of Ancient People in Ningxia

  14. 史前城址与文明起源关系略论

    On the Relations between Prehistorical Cities and Civilization Origins

  15. 二是对图腾批评的再阐释,从父权制文化的祖先神话图腾的考察走向史前“女神文明”的探究;

    Secondly , he re-interprets the totem criticism , investigates the ancestral myth totem , and then makes inquiry into the prehistoric goddess of civilization .

  16. 本文是辽宁省社科基金重点项目辽河上游史前考古与文明起源研究(编号:L06AZS001)的子课题,主要侧重于经济生活方面的研究。

    This paper is a part of an important item of social science fund of Liaoning province whose title is ' Prehistoric Archeological and civilization origin research on the upriver Liaohe region '( No.L06AZS001 ) . The primary research focuses on the economy environment .

  17. 中国史前城址与古代文明

    Prehistoric Walled Sites and the Ancient Civilization of China

  18. 长期以来,史前城址一直视作文明起源的重要标志之一,也是研究人类社会形态变迁及社会组织结构的重要方面。

    Over the years , prehistoric city sites have been not only regarded as an important symbol of the origin of civilization , but also is one form of human social change and an important aspect of social organization .

  19. 史前时期人类创造文明时所遗留下连续分布的遗迹与遗物,经过历史的沉淀后,转化成了在历史、艺术、科学等方面均有着重大价值的史前遗址。

    The continuous distribution of ruins and relics of prehistoric times were left behind by humans when they created civilization , after a history of precipitation , have translated into the prehistoric sites in terms of history , art , science are of great value .