
shǐ xué
  • historiography;historical science;the science of history
史学 [shǐ xué]
  • [historiography] 以人类历史为研究对象的科学

史学[shǐ xué]
  1. 唯有如此,才能真正促进史学的繁荣与发展。

    A Speedy Way of Becoming Talented People Only in this way can the science of history be really developed and promoted prosperously .

  2. 他着眼于社会与现实而研究史学之路,是足以引起我们认真对待和思考的。

    Wang Chen studied the science of history from the angle of society and reality , which we shold deal with seriously and ponder deeply .

  3. 这部史学巨著凝聚着许多学者的智慧。

    This monumental work on history has brought together the wisdom of many scholars .

  4. 随着互联网的发展,Web中蕴涵海量呈指数级增长的各类信息,历史学专家的研究途径不再局限于封闭的数据库,而是借助搜索引擎在Internet上寻找所需要的史学信息。

    With development of Internet , various kinds of information grow exponentially , historians search for useful historical information through Internet rather than limit to a closed database .

  5. 近几十年来,女性主义史学家挑战了传统史学,不仅使妇女进入了史册,而且使性别(Gender)成为一个重要的历史分析范畴。

    In recent decades , feminist historians have seriously challenged the traditional history , by not only bringing women into history , but also making " Gender " an important analytic category .

  6. 美国南加州大学音乐史学系主任B·西姆斯博士(B·Simms)1986年出版了一本书《20世纪的音乐&风格与结构》。

    Doctor Bryan R. Simms , currently associate professor and chairman of the department of music history at the University of Southern California , published his work Music of the twentieth Century : Style and Structure in 1986 , and Tonality in Transition is the chapter 1 of it .

  7. 进行史学研究必须以历史唯物主义理论为指南;

    Doing historic research must take historical materialism theory as guide ;

  8. 困境与出路&新文学史学简论

    Predicament and Outlet-Briefly on the Re - compilation of Literature History

  9. 史学与政治&美国“共识”史学初探

    History and Politics : An Brief Analysis of American Consensus History

  10. 本文从历史编纂学及史学思想两个方面对此加以论述。

    The article expounds its accomplishments of historiography and history thinking .

  11. 20世纪以来我国经纪业史学研究述评

    The Brief Review on Academic Research of Brokerages in Our Country

  12. 中国现代史学的制度建设及其运作

    The System Construction of Modern Chinese History Science and its Operation

  13. 从《中国近代史》看蒋廷黻的史学思想

    View Jiang Ting-fu 's Historical Ideas From Chinese Modern History

  14. 论中国近现代教育家研究的心理史学范式

    On Psycho-History Paradigm of Educator Study in China Modern History

  15. 20世纪中国中西医结合研究的史学考察

    Reviewing over the History of Integrative Medicine in China in 20th Century

  16. 人文关怀与史学研究主体意识

    Humanism and the Participation of Subject Consciousness in History Study

  17. 梁启超:史学比较方法的倡导与实践

    Liang Qi-chao : Initiator and Practicer of the Comparative Approach in Historiography

  18. 论克罗齐史学思想中的伦理价值观

    On the Ethical Values in Benedetto Croce 's Historical Thought

  19. 论中日两国传统史学的比较研究

    On the Comparative Studies between Chinese and Japanese Traditional Historiography

  20. 论近代经世致用史学思潮的兴起

    On the Rise of Practical Historiography Trend in Modern China

  21. 检验的标准是现今的社会实践和史学实践。

    The inspection standards are social practice and history practice .

  22. 近50年来国内关于史学传统的研究

    Research on the Tradition of Historiography in Recent 50 Years

  23. 政治&社会史:深化史学研究的新路径

    Political & Social History : a New Path to Deepen History Study

  24. 美国西部土地投机问题的史学争论与理论思考

    Reflections on issues of land speculation in the American West

  25. 中国音乐史学研究的现状与方法

    On the Situation and Approach of Chinese Music History Study

  26. 因此史学研究的重要性是不容置疑的。

    It is no doubt that historical research is important .

  27. 论东方社会历史发展的道路及其研究&第九届全国史学理论研讨会观点综述

    SUMMARIES OF ARTICLES On the Path of Development of the Oriental Society

  28. 中国史学的遗产、传统和当前发展趋势

    The Legacy , Traditions and Current Developments of Chinese Historiography

  29. 美国教育史学流派研究

    The Study on the Schools of the History of American Education History

  30. 马克思主义史学分为建立、提高、发展三个阶段。

    Marxism history contained three stages : establishment and improvement , development .