
  • 网络myth;myths and legends;legends;fairy tale
  1. 第一章着重分析中原农耕文化和岁时文化对西王母神话传说的影响;

    The first chapter stress the influence of the agricultural and Suishi culture upon the myth and tale about Hsi Wang Mu .

  2. 当然,这只是神话传说。

    This of course is only a myth or folk tale .

  3. 他们主要从神话传说中提取剧本的素材。

    They drew the material of their plays chiefly from myths and legends .

  4. 于是,我们的旅行成了文学主题的探索,启程就是为了寻找各种书籍的英国版本、罗尔德·达尔(RoaldDahl)的戏剧作品、哈利·波特历险故事和雷克·莱尔顿(RickRiordand)的神话传说。

    This upgraded our trip into a kind of literary quest . We would set off in search of British editions , Roald Dahl-based theater , Harry Potter adventure and Rick Riordan-inspired mythology .

  5. 论三峡神话传说的审美特征

    The Aesthetic Characteristics of Tales in the Three - gorge Area

  6. 希腊神话传说的文化背景初探

    A study of the cultural background of Greek myths and legends

  7. 据说跟一个神话传说有关系。

    It is said this practice is related to a legend .

  8. 神话传说在现代创意产业中的文化价值

    The Cultural Value of Myths and Legends In Modern Creative Industry

  9. 东方最美丽是古老的神话传说。

    Oriental is the most beautiful ancient myths and legends .

  10. 论我国通古斯诸民族神话传说中的动物崇拜

    Remarks on the Animal Cult in the Various Tungusic Tales

  11. 不同的社会经济结构、不同的生产方式会产生不同的神话传说。

    The production way of different social economy structure produces different mythology .

  12. 古代两河流域文字起源神话传说

    The Account of the Origin of Writing from Myths of Ancient Mesopotamia

  13. 圣火,起源于古希腊神话传说。

    The Olympic flame derives comes Prometheus , an ancient Greek god .

  14. 西王母神话传说研究

    The Study of Myth and Tale about Hsi Wang Mu

  15. 第一节是有关史前傩的三个神话传说。

    Section I is about three prehistoric myths and legends .

  16. 神话传说先秦寓言与微篇小说

    Fable , Parables in the Pre-Qin Period and Short-short Stories

  17. 长白山神话传说的文化解读

    A Cultural Interpretation of the Myths and Legends about the Changbai Mountains

  18. 试论中国古代体育英雄神话传说

    On sports mythology and legend in ancient ch in a

  19. 这些神话传说反映了古人对原始舞蹈的一种感知。

    These myths reflect the understanding of ancient people in primitive dances .

  20. 还是神话传说中那些踏浪抑或腾云驾雾的人物?

    Or those legendary waves treading or clouds driving people in mythology ?

  21. 五帝是中国神话传说中的五个天神。

    The Five August Emperors are the five gods in Chinese legends .

  22. 吴越神话传说中的海洋文化精神研究

    A Study of the Ocean Culture Spirit Embodied in Wu-Yue Myths and Legends

  23. 论神话传说在导游讲解中的应用

    Application of Myth and Legend in Guide 's Interpretation

  24. 印度神话传说在东南亚的传播

    Dissemination of Indian Mythology and Legend in Southeast Asia

  25. 中西神话传说中的几组共同主题

    Analysis on Common Themes in Chinese and Western Myth

  26. 其绘画题材表现宗教、道德、古典文学、神话传说等。

    The painting theme of religion , ethics , classical literature , mythology .

  27. 20世纪前期海外学者中国神话传说研究述评

    Review of Chinese Mythology Research of Overseas Scholars in the Earlier 20th Century

  28. 人文景观和神话传说和谐融合。

    Historical sites and myths are fused in harmony .

  29. “嫦娥一号”卫星得名于中国神话传说中家喻户晓的人物“嫦娥”。

    Chang'e I is named after Chang'e , a famous character from Chinese mythology .

  30. 布依族的很多神话传说体现了其与鱼有血缘关系的原始观念。

    Many Buyi legends show the original concept of their blood relations with fish .