
  • 网络Nervous system function
  1. 宫内发育迟缓幼鼠NMDA受体表达异常和中枢神经系统功能变化

    Abnormal Expression of NMDA Receptor and Change of Central Nervous System Function in Young Rats Following Intrauterine Growth Retardation

  2. 结论溶栓治疗能提高AMI患者的HRV,改善心脏自主神经系统功能,从而改善AMI预后。

    Conclusion The thrombolytic therapy could increase HRV of patients with acute myocardial infarction , and improve autonomic nervous system function so as to improve the prognosis of AMI patients .

  3. 多发性硬化(MS)是一种影响脑和脊髓神经系统功能的慢性炎性疾病。

    Multiple Sclerosis ( MS ) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord .

  4. 近年来的研究显示,IL-2对中枢神经系统功能和垂体激素分泌也有某些调节作用。

    It was showed that the CNS functions and pituitary hormones secretion could be influenced by IL-2 in recent reports .

  5. EEG和影像学资料的结合,即综合脑功能及其形态学变化,可进一步准确评价中枢神经系统功能及预后。

    Combining EEG and image : brain function and shape change , we can more exactly evaluate the backbone nerve function , treatment and prognosis .

  6. 心率变异性(heartratevariability,HRV)是了解人体植物神经系统功能状态的一种方便的窗口,已成为心血管疾病临床研究的一个前沿热点。

    Heart rate variability ( HRV ) is a convenient window to study the autonomic nervous system of human body . It is a focus of studying cardiac disease in clinic .

  7. 癫痫(epilepsy,EP)是一组由大脑神经元异常放电所引起的以短暂性中枢神经系统功能失常为特征的慢性脑部疾病。

    Epilepsy is a kind of chronic disease of brain which feature is transient malfunction of central nervous system elicited by anomalous discharge of neuron .

  8. 结论:在CABG患者的手术治疗中,体外循环对于患者的植物神经系统功能和心功能有着较大的影响。

    Conclusion : The extracorporeal circulation can significantly affect the function of heart and antagonistic system in CABG patients .

  9. 目的:癫痫(epilepsy)是一组由脑神经元过度放电所致的突然、反复和短暂的中枢神经系统功能失常为特征的慢性临床综合征。

    Objective : Epilepsy is a chronic clinical syndrome characterized by a sudden , repeated and transient function of the central nervous system disorder caused by a excessive release of neurons .

  10. 癫痫(epilepsy)是一组反复发作的神经元异常放电所导致的暂时性中枢神经系统功能异常的慢性疾病。

    Epilepsy is a group of temporarily mal-runctional Chronic disorders which results from repeated discharges of neurons in central nervous system , and which are characterized by spontaneously recurrent and refractory seizures .

  11. 目的研究哮喘儿童心动周期信号(HPS)的混沌特征和功率谱特征,探讨其混沌特征、谱特征在哮喘发作与缓解时的差别,分析其自主神经系统功能的变化。

    Objective To study the chaotic characteristics and power spectrum characteristics of heart period signals ( HPS ) in children with asthma .

  12. 研究证实ET与帕金森病(PD)是相关联的疾病,二者的震颤发生机制类似,均与中枢多巴胺能神经系统功能失调相关。

    Meanwhile , ET and Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) are believed to be correlated diseases and have the same mechanism of tremor , which are associated with disorder of central dopaminergic nervous system .

  13. 因此,HRV很可能是今后临床各学科中检查植物神经系统功能状态的较为敏感的手段。

    Therefore , HRV will probably become an advanced method for every clinic subject to examine the function and state of the autonomic nerve system of human body .

  14. 结论润坦注射液治疗老年VD患者疗效肯定,且与治疗时间有关,增强VD患者胆碱能神经系统功能可能是其治疗机理之一。

    Conclusions Vinpocetine has definite effect on VD , which may be related to the therapeutic time and the mechanism in improving the function of cholinergic nerve system .

  15. 本研究检测结果为将HRV作为检测自主神经系统功能的指标应用于运动生理领域打下了工作基础。

    The results of this study provide basis for the application of HRV as the index of detecting the autonomic nervous system function in the field of athletic physiology .

  16. 结论AG在药理学抑郁模型有显著的抗抑郁活性。并且其抗抑郁活性与增强5羟色胺(5HT)神经系统功能有关,而与去甲肾上腺素能(NE)神经功能无关。

    Conclusion AG has antidepressant effect in pharmacological depression models , which is closely related to the potentiation of central 5-HT system rather than to the central NE system .

  17. HIE患儿于采血的同时进行NBNA评分,记录评分结果并判断神经系统功能及其估计预后情况。

    NBNA score for HIE children at the same time were evaluated , to determine the function of the nervous system and the estimated prognosis . Results : 1 .

  18. 提示MEP技术可做为脑血管疾病患者中枢运动神经系统功能判别的一项客观检查手段。

    It is suggested that the technique of MEP might be used as an objective check in the evalua-tion of motor nervous system function of the patients with cerebral vascular diseases .

  19. Cox比例风险模型分析提示中枢神经系统功能衰竭、感染性休克、血液系统功能衰竭、肝功能衰竭和呼吸道操作均显著影响菌血症患者的生存时间。

    Cox proportional hazard model analysis suggested central nervous system failure , septic shock , hemopoietic failure , hepatic failure and respiratory manipulation significantly affected the survival time of patients with bacteremia ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 讨论:①基于windows开发的系统具有较好的交互性和移植性,②获得胎儿心电后可用我们已开发的成熟技术实现对胎儿心动周期信号的混沌特征分析,以估计胎儿自主神经系统功能。

    Discussions : ① The system developed on the base of Windows was much better in interaction and transportability or portability ,② Whenever extracting FECS , the sophisticated technique developed by our laboratory should be used to accomplish analyzing fetal heart period signal and estimating fetal autonomic nervous system function .

  21. 结论尿毒症患者心脏自主神经系统功能异常,肾移植能部分恢复异常的心脏自主神经系统功能,对尿毒症患者肾移植前后进行HRV分析有助于病情和预后的评估。

    Conclusions Uremic patients have autonomic nerve system dysfunction , which can be partial reversed by kidney transplantation . The HRV analysis in uremic patients before or after operation may conduce to the assessment of severity and prognosis .

  22. 心率变异(HRV)分析作为定量评估自主神经系统功能、无创检测心脏功能的新工具,在临床上不断得到推广应用。

    Heart rate variability ( HRV ) analysis is a new method for the noninvasive detection of heart disease , as well as for the evaluation function of autonomic nervous system . So HRV is gradually used in clinic .

  23. 并且尚未发现明显毒副作用。结论:仙龙胶囊治疗老年VD疗效肯定,其机理与增强VD患者胆碱能神经系统功能,改善氧自由基代谢,调节NO功能、减轻其兴奋性神经毒性有关。

    Conclusion : XLC has definite effect in treating VD in aged patients , the therapeutic mechanism may be related with the actions in strengthening cholinergic nerve system , improving oxygen free radical metabolism , regulating NO and relieving its excitatory neurotoxicity .

  24. LPA对正常生理及病理状态下的中枢神经系统功能均有影响,LPA是中枢神经系统损伤部位出现最早的信号分子之一。

    LPA is likely to play both physiological and pathological roles in the development and function of the nervous system . LPA is one of the earliest signaling molecule in the lesion area of the central nervous system .

  25. n-3型PUFA(如EPA、DHA)在深海鱼油中含量丰富,其生理功能已经明确,具有预防心脑血管疾病、增进视觉系统及神经系统功能、抗癌、抗炎等重要作用。

    The n-3 PUFA such as EPA and DHA , which are abundant in fish oil , have significant physiological activity such as prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , enhancing the visual system and nervous system function , anti-cancer function and anti-inflammatory function .

  26. 耳鸣患者听觉传出神经系统功能分析

    Analysis of Auditory Efferent System Function in the Subjects with Tinnitus

  27. 中枢胆碱能神经系统功能的研究进展

    Recent Progress in Research on Functions of the Central Cholinergic Neuronal System

  28. 针刺治疗偏头痛及其对自主神经系统功能的影响

    Effect of acupuncture on automatic nervous system in the patient of migraine

  29. 神经学:研究有关神经系统功能或障碍的医学专科。

    Neurology : medical specialty concerned with nervous system function and disorders .

  30. 自发性脑干出血患者自主神经系统功能变化的研究

    Change of autonomic nervous system function in patients with spontaneous brainstem hemorrhage