
shén xiàng
  • God;idol;graven image;the picture or statue of a god or the Buddha;the picture or statue of a god or Buddha
神像 [shén xiàng]
  • [the picture or statue of a god or Buddha] 神仙或佛祖的图像、塑像

神像[shén xiàng]
  1. 苏珊买了一个土地神像来装饰她的花园。

    Susan bought a garden gnome to decorate her garden .

  2. 一旦你有足够的黑曜石,激活神像。

    Once you have enough obsidian , activate the idols .

  3. 寺庙里的神像对占据庙前广大空间的大树及攀附大树生存的茑藤和松萝十分记恨,认为它们喧宾夺主,一直想把它们除掉。

    The joss in the temple hated the big tree and the bines and vines clinging to it , which had occupied the vastly space in front of the joss house , because he thought they had usurped1 its role , and ha has always wanted to get rid of them .

  4. 当晚,它们就托梦给附近的百姓说:“给你们带来灾祸的不是神像,而是庙前的大树。”乡亲们相信了这一说法,第二天就把大树砍掉了。

    That night , they appeared in the dreams of nearby people , telling them that , " It was not the joss but the bog3 tree in front of the temple that brought you the misfortune . " The villagers were convinced , and cut down the big tree the next day .

  5. 神像高40英尺(12米),他一手拿着权杖,另一只手上是胜利女神Nike的小雕像,它们都是用象牙和贵重金属做的。

    The40-foot-tall ( 12-meter-tall ) figure held a scepter in one hand and a small statue of the goddess of victory , Nike , in the other & both made from ivory and precious metals .

  6. 赫尔墨斯神像案与修昔底德的史学思想

    The case of Hermes statue and the Historical Thoughts of Thucydides

  7. 这个结构上面有很多兴都神像的雕塑装饰著。

    This structure is decorated with carvings of many Hindu deities .

  8. 你对拉班神像遭窃事件有何看法?

    What is your comment on Laban 's idol being stolen ?

  9. 凶猛神像现在也影响撕裂(猫形态)。

    Idol of Ferocity changed to include Mangle ( Cat ) .

  10. 以偶像的形式崇拜的中国神像。

    A Chinese god worshipped in the form of an idol .

  11. 上述几点也就是自由神像所代表的价值观念。

    Those are the values that the Statue of Liberty represents .

  12. 小搁板上放着一些神画神像。

    Some holy pictures and statues stood on a little shelf .

  13. 原来雅各不知道拉结偷了那些神像。

    Now Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen the gods .

  14. 我听说过神像,也知道神像什么样子。

    I have heard of idols , and know what they are .

  15. 在宙斯神像前,运动员庄严地举行宣誓。

    Before Zeus , the athletes take a sacred oath .

  16. 不管他们的错误如何,他们每个人都信奉他父亲的神像。

    Whatever their faults each believes in the gods of his father .

  17. 不要向木雕神像祈福。

    Do not beg a blessing of a wooden god .

  18. 他们匍匐崇拜的神像。

    The statue before which they prostrated themselves in adoration .

  19. 而神像右边的女祭司正演奏著小手鼓。

    The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine .

  20. 」样,拉班搜寻神像,竟没有搜出来。

    And he searched , but found not the images .

  21. 早期的基督教徒们捣毁了许多罗马寺院的神像。

    Early Christians smashed the gods of many Roman temples .

  22. 人们对这数字神像&唱赞美诗。

    People in this figure statue & Sings the hymn .

  23. 他们雕刻的神像,你们要用火焚烧;

    The carved images of their gods you shall burn with fire .

  24. 我也必须要调整我的神像崇拜的时间。

    I have also had to adjust my Deity worship .

  25. 我应该把小神像对着太阳看。

    I was supposed to hold the statue up to the sun .

  26. 他们弯下腰像一座发着乃光的神像祈祷。

    And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made .

  27. 放在祈祷室的毗瑟神像脚下。

    And these I lay at the feet of Vishnu in my prayer-room .

  28. 就是我们什么时候才能真正看见神像?

    Regarding when we will actually see the idol ?

  29. 总是用木板把神像围起来,以防那些过分激动的狂欢者攀登其上。

    It is boarded up to prevent over-excited revelers from climbing onto it .

  30. 但我们必须在神像上面按。

    But we have to press above an idol .