
shén mó xiǎo shuō
  • Supernatural novel;fiction of demons and monsters
  1. 明清神魔小说与侠文化

    Chivalrous Culture and Gods-and-Ghosts novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  2. 第二部分论及神魔小说的创作。

    The second section explains the creation of God-Evil Novels .

  3. 中国神魔小说文体研究

    Style Study in the Chinese Novel of Gods and Spirits

  4. 幻文:神魔小说特色的根源之一

    Imaginary writing - One source of the Supernatural novel of evil spirit characteristic

  5. 论神话与神魔小说之关系

    The Mythology and Supernatural Evil-Spirit Novels

  6. 《西游记》是我国文学史上一部伟大的神魔小说。

    " Journey to the West " is one of the greatest supernatural novels in Chinese literature history .

  7. 文言小说中的志怪小说和通俗小说中的神魔小说实际上都涉及到神这一形象群体。

    The novel novel and classical Chinese novels supernatural evil-spirit novels actually popular fiction all involved " god " this image group .

  8. 本文从神话思维、神话形象、神话情节、神话主题等若干方面论述神话与神魔小说的关系。

    This text expounds the relations about mythology and supernatural - evil spirit novels from mythical thinking , mythology vivids , mythical plots , mythical themes , etc.

  9. 鲁迅对明代神魔小说是十分看重的,认为它在小说史上有着独特的价值与魅力。

    Lu Xun was regarded to the Ming Dynasty god and spirit novel , thought that it had the unique value and the charm in the novel history .

  10. 这部作品融历史演义、英雄传奇和神魔小说为一体,构思巧妙。

    The works mixes the historical novel , the heroic legend and the ghost story as a whole . The construction of the Female Celestial is very clever .

  11. 与中国的其他几部古典名著不同,《西游记》是一部神魔小说,在匡正了一些过分的谬说之后,它被视为一部玩世之作。

    Different from other Chinese classical novels , The West is a deity and monster novel , it was considered a bantering novel after strained many false ideas .

  12. 明清两代两种小说形式&神魔小说与侠义小说,随着自身的发展壮大,逐渐在彼此之间形成了一种循环的互动影响。

    Two forms of novels-supernatural evil-spirit novels and chivalrous novels from the Ming and Qing Dynasties-have gradually formed a circular interaction with each other in their own growth .

  13. 本文以明清神魔小说中的妖怪形象为研究对象,试图从总体上归纳明清神魔小说中妖怪形象的特征与特质,探讨其文化意蕴、审美特征和文学功能。

    This thesis sets images of monsters in supernatural evil-spirit novels of Ming and Qing as research subjects and tries to epitomize the characteristic and idiosyncrasy of it as a whole .

  14. 第一章从鲁迅对明代神魔小说的研究和他所采用的研究方法等层面,明晰鲁迅对明代神魔小说的考证、阐释与分析。

    The first chapter obtains from the researching results and the technique which was used by Lu Xun to defined the explanation , analysis and summary with the Ming Dynasty god and spirit novel .

  15. 同时,鲁迅将神魔小说内蕴着的独特美学价值加以评价、总结,并在自己的创作中承继了神魔小说的某些审美特质。

    At the same time , Lu Xun is appraiseing the god evil spirit novel embodiment unique esthetics value , and has inherited the god evil spirit novel certain esthetic special characteristics in his creation .

  16. 摘要明清神魔小说因其题材形态上与神话的同一,经常而自觉地借用神话形象、观念、情节等母题,注定了与神话的不解之缘。

    Owing to their subject matter are similar to myths , they use mythical images , ideas , plots consciously often , supernatural evil-spirit novels in Ming and Qing dynasties have been destined with the mythical indissoluble bound .

  17. 这些救助行为是道教对生命、享乐、自由的间接追求,在神魔小说中得到了生动体现。

    And these help is also the indirect pursue for life , enjoyment , freedom . This is just what the Evil fiction makes great effort to disseminate . All the above is validly reflected in the Evil fiction .

  18. 中国古代文学早已有幻想文学的因素,从《山海经》到明清神魔小说,构成了的古代幻想文学的发展脉络。

    Classic Chinese literature has already have the element of fantasy literature , from the Classic of Mountains and Rivers to the god evil spirit novel of the Ming and qing dynasties , outlining the skeleton of the ancient fantasy literary .

  19. 其中,笔记小说中展现出小说地位的文坛争端、历史小说中展现出文化家国的内容意识、神魔小说展现出文人视野的世俗情怀。

    In these , sketches novel unfolds reflect the dispute of the position of novel , historical novel unfolds reflect the integration of nation and family with culture awareness , supernatural evil-spirit novel unfolds reflect the common sentiments in visual field of scholar .

  20. 童心在明代神魔小说有着多方面的表现,产生了独特的艺术魅力,通过对童心的解析,有助于我们更加深入地了解中国古代小说的审美追求与精神本质。

    There is behavior in many aspects in the supernatural evil spirit novels in the Ming Dynasty in the childlike innocence , unique artistic charm emerged , through analysis in childlike innocence , facilitate us understand China ancient aesthetic pursue and spiritual essence of novel deep .