
  • 网络Chinese Buddhism;han buddhism
  1. 宋代是词发展的巅峰时期,也是汉传佛教发展的又一个高峰。

    The peak period of Song Ci is Song Dynasty , but also the peak of Chinese Buddhism .

  2. 中国汉传佛教忏悔思想研究

    A Study of the Thoughts about Repentance in Chinese Buddhism

  3. 本文以汉传佛教建筑装饰为主要究对象。

    Decoration of Chinese Buddhist buildings is studied in this paper .

  4. 1931-1945年间中国汉传佛教界状况研究

    Analysis of Chinese Han Buddhism Situation from 1931 to 1945

  5. 汉传佛教和道教也进行改革。

    Reform of the Han-Chinese Buddhism and Taoism was also carried out .

  6. 中国汉传佛教梵呗研究

    Disquisition on Buddhist Singing in Chinese Buddhism

  7. 当你站在佛像前的大,你不能不颂赞如何行政区的汉传佛教的工作啊!

    When you stand before the Grand Buddha , you cannot help praising how prefect the Chinese Buddhist work it is !

  8. 最后探讨这一思想对当代汉传佛教建设的启发意义。

    Finally , the author tries to discuss the inspiration of this thought in the field of the Chinese modern buddhism construction .

  9. 在佛学东渐的过程中,佛教逐步与中国传统的儒、道等本土文化相结合,形成了独特的汉传佛教。

    In the process of Buddhism 's development towards eastern China , it gradually intermingled with traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism , becoming unique Chinese Buddhism .

  10. 本文论述了该书之所以能成为汉传佛教逻辑权威著作的原因,并对其主要的理论贡献和失误作了钩玄提要。

    This paper explores the reasons why it could become the authority of Han Buddhist logic , and makes a brief comment on its theoretical contribution and mistakes .

  11. 在查阅文献、资料和进一步了解大部分云南汉传佛教寺庙的基础上,针对寺庙园林的发展现状,重点对云南汉传佛寺的园林进行分析。

    It is good to understand the development of the gardens of the temple . This paper is focus on analysis of the garden with Yunnan Han Buddhist Temples .

  12. 九华山佛教音乐属于汉传佛教音乐,在应用形式上可分为仪规音乐和道场音乐两类。

    The Buddhism music in Juhua Mountain belongs to Mahayana Buddhism , in terms of application form , which can be divided into music for ceremony and music for Buddhist rites .

  13. 从其内容与形式看,回鹘文佛教愿文较多地受到了汉传佛教文化的影响,其中不少作品以其形式灵活,韵律和谐,感情笃实,字里行间流露出真情而生动感人,具有较高的文学价值。

    By its contents and formation , those Uighur votive writings had showed the great influence over from Chinese Buddhist literature with true feeling and harmonizing rhyme , so they had great value in literature works .

  14. 在1931&1945年的全面抗战时期,中国汉传佛教界在这特殊时期的行为充分展示了其慈悲精神与民族精神。

    In the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan In the totally anti-Japanese war between 1931 and 1945 , the special periods , Chinese Han Buddhism world has demonstrated its charitable spirit and patriotic spirit .

  15. 本文主要对寺庙园林植物景观进行研究,研究发现云南汉传佛教寺庙园林的植物景观特征有:植物姿态优美、大量选择乡土树种、植物寓意好等,大部分植物与佛教思想或佛教故事有关。

    This paper found that Yunnan and Chinese Buddhist temple garden plants landscape features . They are plants grateful , a large selection of native trees , plants moral and so on . Most plants are related to Buddhism and Buddhist stories .

  16. 汉传佛教和藏传佛教在这一时期均有迅速发展。康熙年间,道教传入千山,逐步兴盛,形成了佛教和道教并存于千山地区,寺庙与道观并处于一山之内的现象。

    In the Kangxi Dynasty , Taoism spread to Qian mountain , its gradually prosperous has formed the phenomenon that Buddhism and Taoism coexisted in the Qian mountain area , together the temple and the Daoist temple punished at the same time in the same mountain .

  17. 印度对于中国雕塑艺术的影响自佛教在两汉之际传入中国就开始了,经历千年的传承演变逐渐势微,至元代时,汉传佛教的雕塑艺术已然衰落。

    Indian influence has had an effect on Chinese sculpture since the time Buddhism was introduced to China during the Han Dynasty . After evolving for nearly a thousand years in China , the inland Buddhism sculpture artwork was on the decline as the Yuan Dynasty approached .