
Hàn Jiānɡ
  • Han River ;river in central Korea
  1. 但是到了90年代后期,汉江航运处于萎缩状态

    But arrived 90 time later period , hanjiang shipping is in atrophic condition .

  2. 基于GIS的汉江流域洪水预报系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of GIS-based Flood Forecasting System for Hanjiang River Basin

  3. 汉江水污染控制信息系统GIS数据库的设计

    Database Design for Hanjiang Water Pollution Control Information System

  4. 基于GIS的汉江中下游土壤侵蚀强度初步分析

    Primary Analysis of Soil Erosion Intensity in Middle and Lower Reaches of Han River with GIS

  5. 基于GIS汉江流域中下游地区生态安全的评价

    Based on GIS the Ecological Security Assessment on the Middle and Lower Reaches of Hanjiang River Basin

  6. 基于GIS的汉江水污染信息管理系统的结构设计

    Frame Design of an Information Management System Based on GIS for Water Pollution Control in the Hanjiang River

  7. 基于遥感和GIS的汉江上游植被与土壤侵蚀动态监测研究

    Research on Vegetation and Soil Erosion Dynamic Monitor of upper Reaches of Hanjiang River Based on RS and GIS

  8. 基于GIS的汉江中下游农业面源氮磷负荷研究

    Research on nitrogen and phosphorus load of agricultural non-point sources in middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River besed on GIS

  9. 武汉沿长江、汉江Cd高值带成因初探

    Origin of cadmium high-value zones along the Yangtze River and Hanjiang River in Wuhan , Hubei , China

  10. 汉江水文化旅游资源及其开发的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis and Development on Tourism Resources of Water Culture in Hanjiang River

  11. 从汉江奇迹到IMF危机&韩国经济发展中的产业政策评析

    From Han Kang Miracle to IMF Crisis & Evaluation of Korean 's Industrial Policy in Economic Development

  12. 汉江上游有机污染物COD(Cr)综合衰减系数的试验确定

    Experimental study on integrated attenuation coefficient of organic contaminant ( COD_ ( Cr )) in upper reaches of Hanjiang River

  13. 黑河及汉江流域MODIS叶面积指数产品质量评价

    A Quality Assessment of MODIS LAI Product in Heihe and Hanjiang River Basins

  14. 基于SWAT模型的汉江流域径流模拟

    Runoff Simulation in Hanjiang River Basin Based on SWAT Model

  15. 本文综合了国内外使用GIS网络分析技术的现状,并具体结合长江流域水资源保护决策支持系统项目,对于用有向网络模拟汉江流域的流域信息进行了深入分析;

    In this paper , we summarize the development on GIS Network Analysis , synthesize the Yangtze DSS project and lucubrate the simulation of drainage basin with GIS Network Analysis ;

  16. 韩国首都首尔如今是一栋栋摩天大楼林立、不断向四处延伸的特大型城市,其汉江南岸(SouthoftheHan)的江南地区在上世纪80年代以艺术画廊与非传统生活场景著称。

    South of the Han in Seoul - the country 's capital and a sprawling concrete megalopolis - Gangnam was known in the 1980s for its art galleries and alternative scene .

  17. 采用LPJ全球植被动态模型(Lund-Potsdam-JenaDynamicGlobalVegetationModel)模拟气候变化对汉江流域植被的可能影响。

    The LPJ ( Lund-Potsdam-Jena ) dynamic global vegetation model was used to assess the possible vegetation responses to climate change in the Hanjiang River basin .

  18. 汉江硅藻水华优势种的形态及18Srdna序列分析

    Analysis of morphology and 18S rDNA gene from the causative specie related diatom bloom in Hanjiang River

  19. WEP模型参数自动优化及在汉江流域上游的应用

    Parameter optimization of WEP model and its application to the upstream of Han River

  20. 除汉江黑猪(P0.05)和野猪(P0.01)外,其余的猪种基因频率和基因型频率都处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P0.05);

    Except in Hanjiang black pig ( P0.05 ) and wild pig ( P0.01 ), frequencies of gene and genotype in other breeds were in equilibrium of Hardy-Weinberg ( P0.05 );

  21. 为了避免定点观测数据的不足,在地理信息系统(GIS)支持下,应用动态综合层次判别分析法对汉江中下游地区土壤侵蚀强度及其空间分布规律进行了研究。

    In order to overcome the inadequately observing data , soil erosion intensity and its spatial distribution characteristics in middle and lower reaches of Han River were analyzed with Dynamic Hierarchy Discriminatory Analysis ( DHDA ) by using GIS .

  22. 汉江上游流域水能资源丰富,干流可开发装机容量213万kw,年发电量69.73亿kw·h。

    Waterpower resources of Han river upland catchment is abundance , which main stream can develop 213 ten thousand kW installed capacity and annual capacity of electric production is 69.73 a hundred million kW ?

  23. HEC-HMS水文模型系统在汉江褒河流域的应用研究

    Application of Hydrological Modeling System HEC-HMS to Baohe Catchment of Hanjiang Basin

  24. 以钟祥汉江大桥的损伤识别为例,对基于BP神经网络和遗传算法的桥梁结构损伤诊断方法进行的实例应用研究,结果表明该方法兼有神经网络广泛的映射能力和遗传算法快速的全局收敛性能。

    By an test example of a bridge structural damage identification method based on BP neural networks and genetic algorithm , the results show that extensive mapping ability of neural networks and rapid global convergence of genetic algorithm can be acquired by combining them altogether .

  25. 应用以SCS水文模式为基础的月水量平衡模型,模拟东江、赣江、汉江和黄河中游的27个子流域的径流。

    SCS monthly water balance model , which based on SCS hydrologic model , was used to simulate the monthly runoff of 27 sub-basins in the Dongjiang , Ganjiang , Hanjiang and Yellow River basin .

  26. 采用扣损法和改进的WAM模型分别分析计算了汉江流域地表水资源可利用量。

    The available quantity of surface water resources in the Hanjiang River Basin is computed respectively by deduction method and improved WAM .

  27. 1000kV汉江大跨越塔线体系风洞实验与风振响应分析

    Wind Tunnel Tests and Wind-induced Responses Analysis of 1 000 kV Hanjiang Long Span Transmission Line System

  28. 最后根据汉江流域的历史洪水资料和洪水风险评估结果,用水力学的HEC-RAS软件对该级别的洪水进行了洪水灾害严重程度的仿真。

    Finally , we give a hydraulic simulation based on HEC-RAS and history flood and the flood risk assessment results of Hanjiang River .

  29. 本文结合汉江机床厂昆山分厂S-7420螺纹磨床在线自动补偿磨削系统项目,采用模块化硬件和软件重新设计了控制系统,介绍了模糊PID控制在交流伺服系统中的应用及系统构成。

    This paper redesigns the AC servo system with the blocking hardware and software , which is a part of the online compensating system of the S-7420 ball screw-grinding , introduces AC servo system and the Fuzzy-PID controller 's application in this system .

  30. 再次,在TOT-BOT融资模式的基础上分析汉江梯级电站建设资金的融通渠道,分析各种渠道在该项目中的适用性,并提出了汉江梯级电站建设中分阶段的融资渠道。

    Moreover , analyse the circulation channel of the step hydropower station construction fund of Han River on the basis of TOT-BOT financing mode , analyse various kinds of suitability in this project , and has proposed the financing channel stage by stage in Han River .