
  • 网络hejaz;Hijaz;Hedjaz
  1. 大地会下陷:一个在东方,一个在西方,一个在沙特阿拉伯的汉志省。

    The ground will cave in : one in the east , one in the west , and one in Hejaz , Saudi Arabia .

  2. 《汉志》的分类既是对前人分类思想的继承,也是对学术进行分类整理的结果。

    The classification is both an inheritance and the result of the classification of learning .

  3. 论文第二章论述影响《汉志》分类的三个因素:前人分类思想、当时的学术存在以及学术的盛衰。

    The second chapter gives the three elements affect the classification of History of the Han Dynasty : the former ideas of classification .

  4. 从《汉志》看西汉解释学规范的建立&《汉志》文化价值研究之二

    Investigating the Establishment of Principles of Hermeneutics in West Han Dynasty through Hai Zhi & the 2nd Paper on Investigation of Cultural Values of Han Zhi

  5. 《汉志》编次的价值取向,不仅体现在对图书总目的分类上,也体现在子目的分类上。

    The value orientation of the editing order of Han Dynasty · Yiwen Records is not only reflected from the classification of its general aim but also that of the sub-aim .

  6. 本文从《汉志》出发探究小说家的起源,并对《汉志》所载小说家进行分析。

    Starting from Bibliography Treatise of Chronicles of Han Dynasty , the writer of this article aims to explore the origin of novelists and make an analysis of the novelists described in the Chronicles .

  7. 文摘张舜徽对《汉书·艺文志》的目录学研究,发明《汉志》体例、指明古书通例,有其独到的学术价值。

    Zhang Shun hui 's bibliography study about " Hanshu Yiwenzhi " had explained the style of " Han Chi " and pointed out the general orders of classics , which has its unique academic value .

  8. 一些是混合的少数民族,包括突厥人,伊朗人,马来人,和其他族群的后裔,大多数人作为朝圣者移居并且在红海沿岸的汉志地区居住。

    Some are of mixed ethnic origin and are descended from Turks , Iranians , Malays , and others , most of whom immigrated as pilgrims and reside in the Hijaz region along the Red Sea coast .

  9. 本文根据汉画像的图像志材料,论述了汉画像中巫舞的几种形式,并对其文化意义进行了阐释。

    Based on the materials of images , The article probes the several types of koradji dance and illustrates its cultural significance .

  10. 汉语文古籍文献目录资源的共建共享&CALIS古籍联合目录系统《汉志》与《隋志》的道家文献目录比较

    CALIS Online Ancient Books Cataloging System A Comparative Study of the Document Contents of Daoist school between Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi and Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi