
sī wǎ xī lǐ yǔ
  • Swahili
  1. PaulWarambo解释了“性交”这个单词通常是如何从英语翻译成斯瓦希里语。

    Paul Warambo explains how the term " sexual intercourse " is commonly translated from English into Ki'Swahili .

  2. 成长于英语环境之中,后来又学习了sheng俚语,正是这种以斯瓦希里语为基础的俚语赋予了他无限活力。

    He grew up speaking English ; a later adoption of Sheng , a slang based on Swahili , energises him .

  3. Pesa在斯瓦希里语中是钱的意思。

    Pesa means money in Swahili .

  4. PaulWarambo:“在斯瓦希里语中,'kutendakitendokibaya'的意思是干坏事。”

    PAUL WARAMBO : " We always say , in Ki'Swahili , ' kutenda kitendo kibaya ' -- to do something bad . So , imagine sex was associated with something bad , from the African cultural context . "

  5. AARONCOLVERSON用斯瓦希里语唱歌:“这是非常好的歌曲,很高兴见到你,在肯尼亚你没有任何忧虑。”

    AARON COLVERSON ( singing in Swahili ) : " It 's pretty music to say nice to meet you , in Kenya where there are no worries . "

  6. STEVENWEINBERGER:“最大的长处当然是这份档案非常统一,你可以立即对斯瓦希里语朗读者和英语母语朗读者做比较。但其缺点是,缺乏训练的人对朗读这篇短文可能存在困难,可能无法表现出他们真正的发音能力。”

    STEVEN WEINBERGER : " The biggest plus , of course , is that it is so uniform that you can immediately compare a Kiswahili speaker to a native English speaker . But the downside is that a less-than-skilled reader will have difficulties with the paragraph that might not demonstrate their true phonetic abilities . "

  7. 这些人听说有科学聚会,就要求以他们当地的语言(卢格巴拉语、斯瓦希里语、卢干达语和Itesot语)在当地的马尔瓦(小米啤酒)酒店举办聚会。

    These people heard about the science meetings and asked for them to be held in their local languages ( Lugbara , Kiswahili , Luganda and Itesot ) at the local malwa ( millet beer ) joint .

  8. 东非的主要交际语是斯瓦希里语。

    Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East africa .

  9. 偏巧她很会说斯瓦希里语。

    It happened / chanced that she spoke fluent Swahili .

  10. 这种装备名叫Huru,在斯瓦希里语里意思是“自由”。

    The kits are called Huru , Swahili for " Freedom . "

  11. 在斯瓦希里语中马培德意味着爱。

    Mapendo , in Swahili , means great love .

  12. 没有比在斯瓦希里语的乌沙希迪,意思是见证更重要的了,

    and none more or so than Ushahidi which means witness in Swahili ,

  13. 语言:法语和阿拉伯语为官方语言,通用近似斯瓦希里语的科摩罗语。

    Languages : Officially Arabic and French , however the majority speaks Comoran .

  14. 夸扣特尔语夸克特尔人讲的瓦卡希语她说的斯瓦希里语非常流利。

    The Wakashan language of the Kwakiutl . She speaks Swahili with great fluency .

  15. 她说的斯瓦希里语非常流利。

    She speaks Swahili with great fluency .

  16. 她不但能讲而且能写斯瓦希里语。

    She both speaks and writes Swahili .

  17. 既然他们只讲斯瓦希里语,我们就用动作和手势来表达意思。

    Since they spoke only swahili , we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood .

  18. 去西伯利亚旅行学习斯瓦希里语

    trips across Siberia , learning Swahili

  19. 他会说俄罗斯语和斯瓦希里语。

    He speaks Russian and Swahili .

  20. 在斯瓦希里语中,肯兹这个名字意为“深藏不漏的珍宝”——这正是这只倭黑猩猩具有的特质。

    In Swahili , Kanzi means ' buried treasure " - a quality this creature has in buckets .

  21. 语言:英语和斯瓦希里语为官方语言。吉库尤语、索马里语和卢奥语也通用。

    Language : English and Swahili are the official language . Kikuyu , Somali and Luo are also widely spoken .

  22. 建此节日的人从非洲使用最广的语言之一斯瓦希里语中选用了表示初收果实的词宽扎。

    The people who created Kwanzaa used the word for " first fruit " in Swahili , one of the largest languages in Africa .

  23. 乌查加斯,斯瓦希里语选举的意思,那只是我们为选举部署平台的名字。

    Uchaguzi , the Swahili name for elections , that 's just the name of the platform that we 've deployed for this election .

  24. 研究者说:不管你说汉语,英语还是斯瓦希里语,全世界人们大笑和微笑的含义都是一样的。

    Whether you speak Chinese , English or Swahili , a laugh or smile has virtually the same meaning all over the world , researchers said .

  25. 范·格斯特尔表示在斯瓦希里语中瓦卡瓦卡的意思是“闪闪发光”,它是当今世界最为有效的太阳能光源和手机充电器。

    Van Gestel said WakaWaka , which means " Shine Bright " in Swahili , is the most efficient solar-powered light and phone charger in the world today .

  26. 他能说流利的斯瓦希里语和英语,除三个国家之外,他到过非洲大陆的所有国家这是一个我无法与之相比的记录。

    He speaks fluent Swahili as well as English and has been to all but three of the countries on the continent a much better record than I can boast .

  27. 我们还遇到了曾在肯尼亚做传教者的妇女们,她们用斯瓦希里语同我打招呼;农夫们在踏上拖拉机前追看《华尔街日报》上的财经版面。

    Wemet women who had been missionaries in Kenya and greeted me inSwahili , and farmers who tracked the financial pages of the WallStreet Journal before setting out on their tractors .

  28. 在斯瓦希里语中,基孔肯雅的意思是弯曲,即感染上这种病毒的人会因为关节剧痛走路弯曲。

    The name chikungunya means " that which bends up " in the Swahili language . People infected with the virus walk in a bent-over position because of the severe pain in the joints .

  29. 关于奇昆古尼亚病毒的最早记载是在1952年的坦桑尼亚,它的名字来自于一个斯瓦希里语的单词,意思是“弯曲”&意指奇昆古尼亚病毒感染者的关节肿胀,身体弯曲。

    The virus was first recorded in1952 in Tanzania and gets its name from a Swahili word meaning'that which bends up ' & a reference to the stooped posture of infected people whose joints swell up .

  30. WeFarm拥有一个翻译国际答案的志愿者网络,例如从一位用英文或斯瓦希里语答复的肯尼亚农户到一位说西班牙语的秘鲁农户,还可以提供法语和海地克里奥尔语的解答。

    WeFarm has a network of volunteer translators for international answers - say from a Kenyan farmer replying in English or Swahili to a Spanish-speaking one in Peru - and can also provide answers in French and Haitian Creole .