
  • 网络Eswatini;the Kingdom of Eswatini
  1. 我现在住在这里,但我几乎所有的时间都呆在斯威士兰。

    I live here now , but I 've spent all my time up in Swaziland .

  2. 他穿行于南非、斯威士兰、莱索托和津巴布韦等地托运货物。

    He hauls loads throughout South Africa , Swaziland , Lesotho and Zimbabwe .

  3. 他运送货物的脚步踏遍了南非、斯威士兰、莱索托和津巴布韦。

    He hauls loads outside the throughout South Africa , Swaziland , Lesotho and Zimbabwe .

  4. 粮农组织驻斯威士兰的紧急协调员JohnWeatherson指出,六个月来,这一举措收了非常好的效果。

    Six months on John Weatherson , FAO Emergency Coordinator in Swaziland , says that it worked extremely well .

  5. 但首先,斯威士兰政府不得不被说服允许MSF开展这一项目,无国界医生斯德莫·古博说道。

    But first , the Swazi government had to be convinced to allow MSF to run the project , says MSF Doctor Sidumo Gumbo .

  6. 三个人今天站在了顶峰,包括SibusisoVilane,出生于斯威士兰(非洲)的登山者,他成为了完成这一壮举的第一个黑人。

    Three people stood on the peak today , including Sibusiso Vilane , a climber born in Swaziland , who became the first black person to accomplish the feat .

  7. 兰特南非和斯威士兰使用的基本货币单位。

    A basic unit of currency in South Africa and swaziland .

  8. 熊猫的平均寿命比斯威士兰的人均寿命还高。

    That Panda live longer than average people of Swaziland .

  9. 联合国向斯威士兰提供业务人员信托基金;

    United Nations Trust Fund for provision of operational personnel to swaziland ;

  10. 你是在哪儿,又以什么方式越过边界进入斯威士兰的?

    Where and how did you cross into swaziland ?

  11. 斯威士兰对医生和助产士开展产科培训;

    Swaziland is training doctors and midwives in obstetrics .

  12. 斯威士兰和沙特阿拉伯紧随其后,懒惰人数占全国的69%。

    Swaziland and Saudi Arabia slouch in close behind , with 69 % .

  13. 东南部非洲国家斯威士兰是全球艾滋病病毒感染率最高的国家。

    South-east African country of Swaziland is the world 's highest HIV prevalence country .

  14. 在山区和偏远的斯威士兰,这一承诺帮助拯救了许多生命。

    In mountainous and remote Swaziland , this promises to help save many lives .

  15. 再经过斯威士兰参观当地著名的玻璃及蜡烛工场。

    The tour then passes Swaziland to visit its glass and candle making factories .

  16. 最近的调查结果表明,感染最严重的两个国家是津巴布韦和斯威士兰。

    Recent findings point to two of the hardest-hit countries – Zimbabwe and Swaziland .

  17. 一个居住在斯威士兰和临近地区的东南非洲的民族成员。

    A member of a southeast African people living in Swaziland and adjacent areas .

  18. 斯威士兰毗邻南非和莫桑比克。

    Swaziland borders South Africa and mozambique .

  19. 我的成长期主要是在斯威士兰度过,这样的经历也造就了我的全球视角。

    I grew up primarily in Swaziland and have a global view of the world .

  20. 瑞典援助莱索托和斯威士兰信托基金

    Swedish Trust Fund for Lesotho and Swaziland

  21. 一名来自斯威士兰的犯罪嫌疑人被捕。

    One from Swaziland was arrested .

  22. 博茨瓦纳的艾滋病流行率仅次于斯威士兰,高居世界第二。

    Botswana has the second most severe HIV / AIDS epidemic in the world , after Swaziland .

  23. 斯威士兰的生动事例说明了投入物展销会是如何使贫困农民提高其产量的。

    A telling example from Swaziland shows how input trade fairs enable poor farmers boost their crops .

  24. 1973年以色列在非洲的外交关系网开始崩溃,赎罪日战争后只有莱索托、斯威士兰、马拉维和南非没有与以色列断交,才阻止了以色列在非洲外交关系网的全面崩溃。

    Swaziland , Malawi and South Africa keeping the diplomatic relations with Israel after the Yom Kippur War .

  25. “基本上你是看南非,斯威士兰,纳米比亚和莱索托,”她说。

    " Basically you are looking at South Africa , Swaziland , Namibia and Lesotho ," she said .

  26. 该集团是全球最大的斯威士兰个别公司与固定电话,移动和商业客户活动。

    The group is the largest individual company in Swaziland with landline , mobile and business customer activities .

  27. 斯威士兰的疫情最为严峻,人均寿命降低了48.7%。

    It has the most severe case and percentage of life expectancy that it reached about 48.7 % .

  28. 这一大型的增强服务也在诸如博茨瓦纳和斯威士兰等其它高负担的国家中进行。

    This massive scale-up of services is also being seen in other high-burden countries such as Botswana and Swaziland .

  29. 据说,斯威士兰有着最高的艾滋病毒感染率。

    Swaziland is said to have the highest known rate of infection for the virus that causes the disease .

  30. 过度开垦和旱灾是斯威士兰的困境,也是过去粮食短缺的主因。

    Over farming and droughts are problems in Swaziland and have led to major food shortages in the past .