
lái suǒ tuō
  • Lesotho
莱索托[lái suǒ tuō]
  1. 他穿行于南非、斯威士兰、莱索托和津巴布韦等地托运货物。

    He hauls loads throughout South Africa , Swaziland , Lesotho and Zimbabwe .

  2. 他运送货物的脚步踏遍了南非、斯威士兰、莱索托和津巴布韦。

    He hauls loads outside the throughout South Africa , Swaziland , Lesotho and Zimbabwe .

  3. “但是从汇款占GDP的比例来看,汤加、摩尔多瓦和莱索托是最大的汇款接收国”。

    Moldova and Lesotho that are the largest recipients of remittances .

  4. 在黎巴嫩,莱索托,尼泊尔,塔吉克斯坦和少数其它国家,移民的汇款数额占到了GDP的20%以上。

    In Lebanon , Lesotho , Nepal , Tajikistan and a few other places , remittances are more than 20 % of GDP .

  5. 由三坝一堰四洞组成的莱索托调水一期工程2004年3月竣工,年调水7.8亿m3。

    The Lesotho Highland Water Project is composed of 3 dams , one weir and four tunnels .

  6. 在若干国家,汇款已经占国内生产总值(GDP)的三分之一了,如塔吉克斯坦(45%)、摩尔多瓦(38%)、汤加(35%)、莱索托(29%)和洪都拉斯(25%)。

    Remittances already make up a large share of GDP in several countries , such as Tajikistan ( 45 % ), Moldova ( 38 % ), Tonga ( 35 % ), Lesotho ( 29 % ) and Honduras ( 25 % ) .

  7. 这颗莱索托钻石是被位于南非境内小国莱索托山上的Letseng钻石矿中一位捡矿石的妇女发现的。

    The Lesotho diamond was found at the Letseng Diamond Mine high in the mountains of the tiny nation which is surrounded by South Africa , by a woman who was sorting through the rocks .

  8. 星期六上午,哈里王子计划和莱索托的塞伊索王子一起访问哈莱姆儿童区。莱索托是南非国内的一个王国,而塞伊索王则赞助了一个叫做Sentebale的慈善机构。

    On Saturday morning , Harry is scheduled to visit the Harlem Children 's Zone with Prince Seeiso of Lesotho , a kingdom-enclave within South Africa , who is his co-patron in a charity called Sentebale .

  9. 莱索托王国四周全部与南非接壤。

    The kingdom of Lesotho is completely bounded by South africa .

  10. 1998年,南非与博茨瓦纳也派遣了军队到莱索托以维持秩序。

    In 1998 South Africa and Botswana sent troops to restore order .

  11. 你知道在莱索托他们有那些非常出色的织工。

    You know how in Lesotho they have those very fine weavers .

  12. 这一类包括比利时、瑞士、莱索托、卢森堡以及冰岛。

    This group includes Belgium , Switzerland , Lesotho , Luxembourg and Iceland .

  13. 记者:莱索托的投资环境是怎样的?

    Question : How is the investment environment of the Kingdom of Lesotho ?

  14. 莱索托正在世卫组织的支持下制定精神卫生政策和计划。

    Lesotho is developing a mental health policy and plan with the support of WHO .

  15. 瑞典援助莱索托和斯威士兰信托基金

    Swedish Trust Fund for Lesotho and Swaziland

  16. 来自非洲原生态的莱索托歌舞团充分展现出非洲男子的力量、女子的热情。

    The art troupe of Lesotho shows African men 's energy and women 's enthusiasm .

  17. 比如莱索托王国,在清单上只有一件肥大的刚好适合我的圆领背心。

    Take Lesotho 's contribution to the list , a jumbo Just My Size ladies'tank top .

  18. 中国、斐济、法国、莱索托、新西兰、尼加拉瓜、尼日利亚、乌干达

    China , Fiji , France , Lesotho , New Zealand , Nicaragua , Nigeria , Uganda

  19. 莱索托乡村纪事

    Adversaria of Lesotho Villages

  20. 今天在莱索托开始了一项运动,目标是在2007年底前向所有的家庭提供艾滋病毒检测和咨询。

    Today in Lesotho a campaign begins to offer HIV testing and counselling to all households by end2007 .

  21. 1973年以色列在非洲的外交关系网开始崩溃,赎罪日战争后只有莱索托、斯威士兰、马拉维和南非没有与以色列断交,才阻止了以色列在非洲外交关系网的全面崩溃。

    Swaziland , Malawi and South Africa keeping the diplomatic relations with Israel after the Yom Kippur War .

  22. “基本上你是看南非,斯威士兰,纳米比亚和莱索托,”她说。

    " Basically you are looking at South Africa , Swaziland , Namibia and Lesotho ," she said .

  23. 汇款在国内生产总值中所占比例最大的国家为汤加(31%)、摩尔多瓦(27.1%)、莱索托(25.8%)、海地(24.8%)和波黑(22.5%)。

    Lesotho ( 25.8 % ), Haiti ( 24.8 % ), and Bosnia and Herzegovina ( 22.5 % .

  24. 莱索托是世界上艾滋病毒感染率最高的国家之一,三分之一成年人为艾滋病毒阳性。

    Lesotho has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world , with one in three adults HIV-positive .

  25. 像莱索托一样的许多国家现已增强能力,能制定令人激动的大胆规划直接对抗这一流行病。

    Many nations , like Lesotho , are now empowered to develop exciting , bold programmes that directly confront the epidemic .

  26. 问:莱索托和许多其他国家特别是非洲国家一样,面临着许多艾滋病毒结核病合并感染。

    Q : Lesotho , and many other countries , especially in Africa , are facing many cases of HIV-TB coinfection .

  27. 在代表团看来,对莱索托同样重要的是为手工艺行业制定品牌战略。

    In the delegation 's view , equally important to Lesotho is the development of branding strategies for the handicraft sector .

  28. 在艾滋病感染率较高的莱索托和其它许多非洲国家,争论的焦点集中在艾滋病检测上。

    In Lesotho , and a number of other African countries where HIV infection is high , the debate concentrates on testing .

  29. 对于小国莱索托,面向欧美市场的制衣业是它仅有的工业,这简直是灾难。

    In tiny Lesotho , where making clothes for Europe or America is the only industry around , this has been catastrophic .

  30. 李梦符和其他很多受过培训的同龄领导和老师每周至少两次到莱索托高发病率地区的学校进行访问。

    Limpho and an army of trained peer leaders and coaches visit schools in Lesotho 's high-prevalence districts at least twice a week .