
wū lā guī
  • Uruguay
乌拉圭[wū lā guī]
  1. 巴西必须击败乌拉圭才能确保进入决赛。

    Brazil need to beat Uruguay to be certain of a place in the finals

  2. 在世界杯热身赛中,乌拉圭队打败了英格兰队。

    In a warm-up game for the World Cup , Uruguay have beaten England .

  3. 这位乌拉圭出生的重炮手轰出了28记爱司球。

    The Uruguayan-born big-hitter smashed 28 aces .

  4. 乌拉圭回合诞生的WTO《农业协议》改变了这一局面。

    Fortunately , the Agreement on Agriculture of WTO concluded by the Uruguay Round Talks changed this situation .

  5. 英雄还是罪人:乌拉圭的路易斯苏亚雷斯(R)的可以被认为是英雄还是坏人。

    Hero or Villain : Uruguay 's Luis Suarez ( R ) can be considered a hero or villain .

  6. wto是乌拉圭回合谈判结果的体现,是gatt的继承。

    The WTO is the embodiment of the Uruguay Round results and the successor to the GATT .

  7. 从乌拉圭回合最后文本中《关于反规避问题的决定》来看,国际社会必将共同努力制定出统一的反规避法律规则并将其纳入WTO反倾销法律体系中去。

    I believe that united international anti-circumvention legal regulations shall be drawn up and brought into the WTO antidumping law system in the future .

  8. TRIPS协议中地理标志条款是乌拉圭回合贸易谈判达成的妥协。

    TRIPS provisions on geographical indications reflect a compromise reached in Uruguay Round of trade negotiations .

  9. WTO现仍在执行的乌拉圭回合《农业协议》,对国内支持和出口补贴削减的限制方面存在相当的局限性。

    WTO is still implementing " Agriculture Agreement " which is completed in Uruguay Round to require the reduction of domestic support and export subsidies .

  10. 乌拉圭回合达成的《SPS协定》规定了制定和实施SPS措施的纪律。

    The SPS Agreement established in Uruguay Round stipulates regulations on SPS measures .

  11. 第一部分介绍了乌拉圭回合农业谈判以及WTO《农业协议》关于农业补贴的规定,作为本文讨论的框架。

    Part One provides the framework of the discussion on agricultural subsides , including the agricultural negotiation of the Uruguay Round and the agreement on agriculture .

  12. 其中非优惠性原产地规则的法律制度重点对WTO乌拉圭回合达成的《原产地规则协定》进行了重点分析。

    Especially , this chapter attaches great importance on non - preference RO which has law system about WTO " Agreement on Rules of Origin " .

  13. 作为一种新型贸易方式,电子商务是在乌拉圭回合之后发展起来的,因此WTO协定中并没有对电子商务设计具体条款。

    As a new service , electronic commerce is developing after Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations , so WTO Agreements have no specific regulations on electronic commerce .

  14. 作为乌拉圭回合的重要成果,服务贸易总协定(GATS)是WTO框架下的三大支柱之一。

    As an important result of the Uruguay Round , the GATS is one of the three pillars of the WTO .

  15. 一方面要学会利用WTO的补贴规则,善于积极的运用乌拉圭回合谈判来改变对于中国不利的政策环境。

    On the one hand , China should learn to take advantage of WTO regulations of subsidies as well as the Uruguay Round Negotiations to change its unfavorable situation .

  16. WTO框架内的乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判的最后文件以及之后的许多协议,都极大地促进了电子商务规则的发展。

    The final legal texts of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations and the subsequent agreements in the framework of WTO have promoted the development of rules of Electronic Commerce .

  17. 在WTO乌拉圭回合中,服务贸易作为商品贸易的重要补充被正式纳入谈判体系,同时金融服务附件的产生也将金融服务贸易自由化推上了历史舞台。

    In the WTO Uruguay Round , trade in services has been formally incorporated into the negotiation system , and the liberalization of financial service trade emerges on the historical stage .

  18. 自1986年以后,GATT一直在进行着有史以来最大的贸易谈判,即乌拉圭回合谈判。

    Since 1986 , the GATT has been conducting the biggest trade negotiation , i.e. the Uruguay Round .

  19. 1994年乌拉圭回合谈判达成了《关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第6条的协议》。该协议为WTO现行的反倾销法。

    In 1994 the Uruguay-bout-negotiates made 《 Pact concerning putting into practice the 6th item of the total Agreement of Tariff and Trade 》 that is the current anti-dump law in WTO .

  20. 乌拉圭回合把知识产权的保护纳入到WTO中,诞生了TRIPS协议,从而使WTO争端解决机制适用于源于TRIPS协议的知识产权争端。

    After Uruguay Round , TRIPS emerges and intellectual property is protected in the WTO , which makes WTO dispute settlement mechanism apply to intellectual property dispute under TRIPS .

  21. 乌拉圭回合以来,SPS已经成为影响我国农畜产品贸易的主要障碍。

    SPS has become the main barrier of China 's international trade on agricultural and livestock products after Uruguay round negotiation .

  22. 上一份大型多边贸易协定——乌拉圭回合(UruguayRound)谈判最终创建了WTO——距今已有20多年了。

    The last great multilateral trade agreement - the culmination of the Uruguay Round that led to the creation of the WTO - is more than 20 years old .

  23. 欧共体作为事实成员广泛参与了GATT的实践活动,并在乌拉圭回合谈判中发挥了重要作用。

    EC participated extensively in GATT activities as a member de fato and played a major role in concluding the Uruguay Round negotiations .

  24. 乌拉圭回合产生的《农业协议》确立了以市场准入、出口补贴、国内支持三大支柱为核心的贸易规则,将农产品贸易纳入了WTO的法律框架之内。

    The Agricultural Agreement of WTO established in Uruguay Round that set up a trade regulation focused on market access , export subsidy and domestic support . It makes agricultural products trade involved in WTO legal frame .

  25. 由于随乌拉圭回合的谈判结束和WTO的成立,关税壁垒受到大幅削减,非关税壁垒逐渐成为贸易保护主义的主要措施,而尤以技术性贸易壁垒为甚。

    As with the " Uruguay Round " of WTO negotiations end and the establishment of tariff barriers substantially reduced , non-tariff barriers gradually become the main measures of trade protectionism , especially technical barriers to trade .

  26. 乌拉圭回合之后,世界贸易组织制定了《关于实施动植物卫生检疫措施的协议》(SPS协议)。

    Since the Uruguay Round , the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ( the SPS Agreement ) has come into effect .

  27. 负责福克兰群岛政策的外交国务大臣杰里米布朗(jeremybrowne,theforeignofficeminister)不觉得诸如巴西或乌拉圭一类国家会对地区性封锁该群岛经济有多大兴趣。

    Jeremy Browne , the Foreign Office Minister responsible for Falklands policy , doubts that , say , Brazil or Uruguay has much interest in a regional economic blockade of the islands .

  28. GATT乌拉圭回合谈判也曾将反规避问题纳入了议程,并在邓克尔草案中提出了完整的反规避内容,但由于美国的反对而最终被删除。

    Anti-circumvention has ever been brought to the negotiation agenda in the Uruguay Round of GATT , but it was erased because the opposition of USA.

  29. 巴西和墨西哥领跑A组。用新式打法击败卫冕冠军西班牙后,智利得以出线B组。哥伦比亚领衔C组。乌拉圭使英格兰从D组淘汰,并为自己同哥斯达黎加一同晋级创造了机会。

    Brazil and Mexicolead Group A. Having so stylishly seen off the defending champions , Chile are already through in Group B. Columbia lead Group C. Uruguay have eliminated England from Group D and now have the chance to progress with Costa Rica .

  30. 其次,针对乌拉圭回合达成的若干协议,分别论述了GATS、TRIPS、TRIMS协议对国民待遇制度适用范围的发展。

    Secondly , some new agreements of Uruguay Round have expanded the scope of national treatment , such as GATS , TRIPS , and TRIMS .