
  • 网络Utopianism;Confu-cian utopianism
  1. 而且他显然相信,上述观点与我的愚蠢的乌托邦主义是背道而驰的。

    And it obviously betrayed , he believed , my own silly utopianism .

  2. 西方城市规划中的技术乌托邦主义

    The Technocratic Utopianism in the Western Urban Planning

  3. 社会工程”这个词已被乌托邦主义者毫无理由地盗用了。

    The expression'social engineering'has been usurped by the Utopianist without a shadow of light . “

  4. 乌托邦主义的政治人士提出了很高的期望,但他们只会让人们失望。

    Utopian politicians raise high expectations that they can only disappoint .

  5. 大多数乌托邦主义者甚至不会费神去改善人民的生活。

    Most utopians don 't even strive to improve people 's lives .

  6. 乌托邦主义者鲜少能让人们的生活得到渐渐改善。

    Utopians rarely improve people 's lives a little .

  7. 但也不可否认,他的理论存在着的矛盾性和乌托邦主义色彩。

    On the other hand , there is paradox and Utopianism in his theory .

  8. 乌托邦主义:此大粪不臭。

    Utopianism : This shit does not stink .

  9. 从中世纪的炼金术士到现代的科幻乌托邦主义者和神秘主义者,千百年来人们孜孜不倦地追求着永生。

    The quest to live for ever has motivated medieval alchemists , modern techno-Utopians and mystics through the centuries .

  10. 中国近代社会变革时期的经济乌托邦主义&薛仙舟的合作经济思想刍议

    The Utopian Thought of Economics During The Social transformation & Comment on XUE Xian-zhou 's thought of the Cooperative economics

  11. 同时,从反乌托邦主义者对乌托邦批判的缺陷可以反证乌托邦观念的政治意义。

    And we can disproof the political meaning of Utopia through analyzing the defects of the criticism of the anti-Utopianism to Utopia .

  12. 世界上有务实的政治文化、也有乌托邦主义的政治文化,吊诡的是,更接近乌托邦的是务实者。

    There are pragmatic political cultures and utopian ones , and , oddly , it 's the pragmatists who get closer to utopia .

  13. 他们,特别是那位乌托邦主义者对我说,他们愿意为了自己的信仰而否认甚至牺牲自己和他们的朋友。

    They told me , especially the Utopian , that they were ready to deny or sacrifice themselves and their friends for what they believed .

  14. 科学乌托邦主义作为一种社会理想和社会思潮延续了几个世纪,对人类社会的观念和现实发挥巨大的变革作用。

    As a social ideal and a social ideological trend , scientific utopianism has last for several centuries and has displayed huge transformation power upon human society .

  15. 他的书是一个引人入胜的提醒:抛开网络乌托邦主义不谈,互联网和任何工业时代的伐木场或工厂一样,都是由实体和钢铁组成的。

    His book is an engaging reminder that , cyber-Utopianism aside , the internet is as much a thing of flesh and steel as any industrial-age lumber mill or factory .

  16. 在我看来,这种关于人性及命运的更老的观念似乎比任何形式的现代乌托邦主义更现实,更符合既成事实。

    To me , this older conception of man 's nature and destiny seems more realistic , more nearly in accord with the given facts , than any form of modern utopianism .

  17. 书中的乌托邦主义在很多方面,都是他,彻底醒悟的反说,也是他对,雅典城邦的实际体验。

    The utopianism of the book is , in many ways , the reverse side of the sense of profound disillusionment that he felt at the actual experience of the Athenian polis .

  18. 波普尔从批判理性主义和试错法出发,批评了乌托邦主义和完美主义的虚妄和危害,指出人们无法预测社会的长期发展规律,而应立足于逐步的社会改良工程。

    Starting from critical rationalism , Karl Popper pinpoints harmfulness of Utopianism and perfectionism , stresses that people cannot predict long-term law of development in a society , what they can do is piecemeal social engineering .

  19. 以狄德罗为首的百科全书派,以杜尔哥①为首的重农学派,以伏尔泰为首的哲学家,以卢梭为首的乌托邦主义者,这是四支神圣的大军。

    The encyclopedists , Diderot at their head ; the physiocrates , Turgot at their head ; the philosophers , Voltaire at their head ; the Utopians , Rousseau at their head , & these are four sacred legions .

  20. 现代性扩张的后果是把人类带入了一个风险社会,而走出风险社会的乌托邦现实主义导向性策略是消除贫困、恢复环境、反对专权以及减少社会生活中的武力与暴力。

    Utopian realistic strategy of getting rid of the risky society is to eliminate poverty , restore the environment , oppose autocracy and reduce armed force and violence of the social life .

  21. 所以生产方式之间的关系,是历史层次分析的重点,第三层次也可以看做是,乌托邦式怀旧主义的浪漫。

    So the tension among modes of production , which is the focus of analysis at the historical level , the third historical level , can also be understood in terms of the romance of utopian nostalgia .

  22. 在现代读者听来,这种命令也许像是乌托邦式的空想主义。

    Such injunctions may strike the modern reader as utopian .

  23. 佩珀认为,要摆脱乌托邦,现代环境主义应拉近与马克思主义的距离,运用马克思主义的方法分析资本主义世界的生态问题,将社会主义的原则注入环境原则。

    If they want to get rid of the Utopian , they must get closer to Marxism , and apply Marxism to expatiate the ecological problem of capitalism , integrate the socialist principles with environment principles .

  24. 令人怀疑的乌托邦未来;乌托邦的理想主义者;认识到他希望的乌托邦本质。

    The dim utopian future ; utopian idealists ; recognized the utopian nature of his hopes .