
xiàn shí shì jiè
  • real world;visible
  1. 政治家们似乎不接触现实世界。

    Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world .

  2. 时尚界并不在意现实世界的想法。

    The fashion world does not mind what the real world thinks .

  3. 教师应该让学生作好应对课堂以外的现实世界的准备。

    Teachers need to prepare their students to deal with real-world situations outside the classroom .

  4. 天马行空地幻想了一番之后,等待他的是平淡无奇的现实世界。

    Enough of fantasy , the workaday world awaited him .

  5. 当他们最终离开学校的时候,他们没掌握什么实际技能,难以应对现实世界。

    When they eventually leave the school they will be totally ill-equipped to deal with the real world

  6. 欢迎来到现实世界!

    Welcome to the real world !

  7. 然而他所强调的是现实世界影响理想主义观点的方式本身。

    What he was emphasizing , however , is the way reality can modify idealistic views .

  8. 然而,在现实世界,人们对手机愈发依赖,老师的这些策略往往以失败告终。

    In a world where people are increasingly dependent on their phones , though , such strategies often fail .

  9. 现实世界的不可预测性可能会使一个令人担心的软件问题浮出表面。

    The unpredictability of the real world may bring to the surface a troubling software problem .

  10. 但是他们似乎缺乏对现实世界中真实情况的了解。

    " There seems to be a lack of appreciation of what is actually going on in the real world . "

  11. 母亲的电话使我回到了现实世界。

    My mother 's call returned me to the real world .

  12. 当他选择其他类型的新闻时,他常会从一个充满威胁的现实世界抽身出来,再投入到一个梦幻世界中去。

    When he selects news of the other kind , he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world .

  13. 自动驾驶机器人汽车的可能性似乎常常被视作是未来主义者的梦想,离在现实世界中实现还有好几年的时间。

    The possibility of self-driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurist 's dream , years away from materializing in the real world .

  14. 一些研究人员认为,我们可以将机器密封在一种防火墙内,用它们来解答难题,但决不允许它们影响现实世界。

    Some researchers argue that we can seal the machines inside a kind of firewall , using them to answer difficult questions but never allowing them to affect the real world .

  15. 稍一疏忽,我们就可能面临一场以现实世界为棋盘的全球性的国际象棋比赛,对手是意志坚定、智慧超群但与我们目标相冲突的机器。

    If we are not careful , then , we could face a kind of global chess match against very determined , super intelligent machines whose objectives conflict with our own , with the real world as the chessboard .

  16. 当然,有时我也会想,如果我的学生知道他们的老师周末回家写谋杀和尸体的事,他们会怎么想。但我想我的父母可能帮了我一个忙:我的教学工作让我与现实世界保持联系。

    Of course , sometimes I wonder what my students would think if they knew that their teacher was going home on the weekend to write about murders and dead bodies , but I think my parents probably did me a favor : my teaching job keeps me in touch with the real world .

  17. 现实世界不是这样的!

    The real world does not look that way !

  18. 柏拉图式的爱情,在现实世界里到底可能吗?

    Can Platonic love really exist in real life ?

  19. 但是现实世界中最终谁更成功呢?

    But who ends up being more successful in the ‘ real world ’ ?

  20. 不过,人们也可能因为过度依赖即时交流方式而逐渐丧失在现实世界的沟通技能。

    But people may rely too much on instant communication and lose their real-life communication skills .

  21. 现实世界的变革比以往任何时候都需要策略、行动、组织、游行和投票。

    Change requires strategy , action , organizing , marching , and voting in the real world like never before .

  22. 作为年轻的非裔美国人,你们比一些人更早接触到了这个现实世界。

    As young African Americans , you ’ ve been exposed , earlier than some , to the world as it is .

  23. 在现实世界中,您可能会具有连接外部资源以检索Test对象的数据访问对象。

    In a real-world scenario , you would probably have a data access object that does connect to an external resource to retrieve Test objects .

  24. 在反映现实世界运作方式方面,XML确实比它之前的数据建模机制做得更好。

    XML simply does a much better job of reflecting the way the real world operates than the data-modeling mechanisms that preceded it .

  25. 同时采用了接近现实世界货币体系的量化方案,以便于今后商业化P2P应用系统部署的平稳过渡;

    Moreover , the monetary-like trust scheme may smooth the deployment of the future commercial P2P applications .

  26. 这可能不会在现实世界中产生很大的差别,因为大多数XML工具和过程都自动管理名称空间声明。

    This may not make much of a difference in the real world , since most XML tools and processes manage namespace declarations automatically .

  27. 检测Linux内核和系统级代码可能是一件很费时间的事情,并且在现实世界中会限制使用。

    Inspecting Linux kernel and system-level code is likely to be a time-intensive affair and of somewhat limited use in the real world .

  28. 但在现实世界中常常存在一些不完全的信息,特别是在数据交换过程中,经常会因为XML模式不同而产生不完全信息。

    But in the real world , there is always some incomplete information , especially in the data exchange process , which is caused by the difference of XML models .

  29. 有时这些PHP类表示现实世界中的相同对象,但它们的行为是完全不同的。

    Sometimes , those PHP classes represent the same objects in your physical domain , but the behavior of the class is entirely different .

  30. VR无论从其构成要素还是从其动因和效用的发挥来说都植根于现实世界,现实的物质世界是其真实本体。

    The component part of VR , its motivation and the full function all root deeply in the real world .