
xiàn dài hàn yǔ
  • modern Chinese, modern Chinese language, contemporary Chinese language
  1. 副词“更”在古代汉语和现代汉语中的使用频率很高。

    In both ancient and modern Chinese languages , the adverb " geng " is very often used .

  2. 说X就X格式是现代汉语口语中一种常用的表达方式。

    Shuo X jiu X form is a favorite expression in modern Chinese .

  3. 从义乌方言看现代汉语的V·de结构及de的性质

    Observing the structure of v.de and the nature of de in Mandarin Chinese in Terms of Yiwu Dialect

  4. 文章主要围绕以下几个方面展开讨论:一、现代汉语V上结构中上的意义的共时分析。

    There are three parts in this paper : The first , analyze of meaning of V-Shang structure in modern Chinese .

  5. 现代汉语VP起来的语法语义分析

    The Grammatical and Semantic Analysis of " VP qilai " in Modern Chinese

  6. 现代汉语NV式状中偏正短语能够占据谓语的位置,其中的V仍保留动词特征,整个短语是谓词性的。

    In modern Chinese , NV phrase with N as adverbial can function as predicate .

  7. 现代汉语中的无X不Y是一个常见结构,前人较早对其进行了研究也取得了较为丰富的成果。

    The pattern of " wu X bu Y " is very common in modern Chinese ; predecessors have studied it and been doing much study .

  8. 现代汉语动宾式(VO式)离合词研究

    The Study on Verb-Object Lihe Words in Modern Chinese

  9. 现代汉语中的非预设性NP的VP宾语句

    On the Non-Presupposition of ' NP de VP ' Pattern in the Position of Object in the Modern Chinese

  10. 现代汉语中连A带B格式的出现频率很高,该格式构成复杂、形式简练、表义丰富,在语言长期发展过程中不断得到充实和创新。

    In modern Chinese , the form of " lian A dai B " appears with great frequency , complex constitution , succinct form and rich semantic representation . It has been enriched and innovated in the process of language development .

  11. 法律概念中的表演者这一术语来源于英文performer,在现代汉语中与该词相对应的是演员一词。

    The term of actor in legal concept originates from the English term of performer , to which the term of actor in modern Chinese is corresponding .

  12. 试论现代汉语AABB式组合的读音

    Pronunciation of AABB Combination in Modern Chinese

  13. 越A越B格式在现代汉语中使用频率非常高,已经成为约定俗成的固定的语言结构,而且在实际的语言使用中,形式变化多样,因此研究该格式有着较大的价值。

    The sentence pattern ' yue A yue B ' enjoys a high frequency in Modern Chinese Language and has been established by its usage as a steadfast language structure , which owns various forms in practical use . Thus , the research on this structure possesses a considerable value .

  14. 本文试图通过对V1+V2动宾结构内部关系的分析和外部功能的研究,推动现代汉语动词连用的研究向具体化、深入化发展。

    In hopes of promoting and enriching the study on this successive using of verbs , the present thesis makes an attempt to carry out an exploration on the external function and the internal relation of this Vi + V : verb-object structure in question .

  15. 本文从Parsons的事件语义学出发对现代汉语中NP+在+处所+VP句式进行分析。

    This paper , based on Parsons ' event semantics , focuses on the analysis of the construction of " NP + zai + Locative + VP " in Chinese .

  16. 在现代汉语中,有一种由名词时、时候放在各类谓词性成分之后构成VP时、VP的时候的句法结构,在句中充当状语,一般语法著作都认为其语义性质是表时间。

    The When + VP structure in modern Chinese language , formed by using nouns " shi " or " shihou " after the predicate , often serves as an adverbial and is generally considered as denoting time .

  17. 现代汉语虚词模糊划分的隶属度量表

    Scales for the Degree of Membership of Function Words in Mandarin

  18. 现代汉语并列式双音词的优化构成

    The Optimized Construction of the Parallel Disyllabic Words in Modern Chinese

  19. 现代汉语与中国美学史写作

    Modern Chinese and the Writing of the Aesthetic History of China

  20. 现代汉语中的情节理论研究及其意义

    The study of plot theory in modern context and its significance

  21. 本文的主要内容及创新点如下:1.对现代汉语程度范畴进行了全面研究。

    This dissertation makes a comprehensive study on Chinese degree category .

  22. 现代汉语分词系统中专名识别的实用策略

    The Recognition Strategy of Proper Name in Modern Chinese Word Segmentation

  23. 现代汉语回声拷贝结构分析

    An Analysis of the Echoing - copying Structure in Contemporary Chinese

  24. 现代汉语流行语翻译研究

    The Study of Translation of Popular Modern-Chinese Sayings into English

  25. 现代汉语紧缩结构分析

    An Analysis of the Compact Complex Structure in Modern Chinese

  26. 高等师范院校现代汉语课程改革刍议

    On the Reform of the Course of Modern Chinese for Teachers College

  27. 现代汉语存现句研究

    On Existence Constructions in Chinese On Concession in Chinese Sentences

  28. 现代汉语两类双及物动结式的配位方式

    The valence of two kinds of Chinese ditransitive V-R compounds

  29. 现代汉语颜色词运用研究

    A Study on the Application of Rhetoric of Modern Chinese Color Words

  30. 现代汉语多重定语结构层次考察

    Research on the structure and level of multi-level modifiers in modern Chinese