
rén mínɡ
  • name of a person;woof
  1. 我从一个非常简单的regexp开始:假定您必须要解析的文本只是人名。

    I start with a very simple regexp : Imagine that the text you have to parse is just the name of a person .

  2. 第一个列是人可读的实体标识符,在这个例子中是人名。

    The first column is a human-readable identifier for an entity , in this case the name of a person .

  3. 杰克逊是常见的英语人名。

    Jackson is a common English name .

  4. 布尔曼总是记不住人名。

    Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names .

  5. 你可以利用因特网的目录服务搜索人名。

    You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet .

  6. 许多家长常挑选美国各州和首府的名字作人名。

    Many parents are picking the names of US states and capital cities .

  7. 人名下拉框有一个显示可以清除的“Allpeople”列表,以及一个可以选择单个人名的列表。

    The people dropbox has a list showing Clear , 'All people , 'and a list of individual names for selection .

  8. 例句人名Susan经常被缩写为Sue。

    The name Susan is often abbreviated to Sue .

  9. 基于变帧率训练的HMM汉语人名识别

    Mandarin Name Recognition Based on Variable Frame Rate HMM Training

  10. 英语生僻地名、人名对EFL学生阅读的影响

    Empirical Study on the Effect of Uncommon English Name and Place-Name on EFL Learners ' Reading Comprehension

  11. 最后针对Web上的某一中文人名网页集进行信息提取实验,实验证明信息提取模块的处理效果较好,能够从网页文本中提取出比较准确的信息。

    At last the paper experimented on Web pages about somebody , and the experimental results proved that the information extraction model can extract right information relatively and satisfied the requirements .

  12. DisplayName用户可以看到的人名该数据对三款产品都很有用,它能够显示用户友好型人名。

    Display Name A user-readable display of a person 's name This data is useful in all three products to help display a user-friendly version of the person 's name .

  13. Namedropping指在谈话、故事、歌曲、网络身份或者其它交流中提及重要人物或机构的行为,暂译为拽人名。

    Name dropping is the practice of mentioning important people or institutions within a conversation , story , song , online identity , or other communication .

  14. 匹配的人名被绑定到name变量,而graphuri变量绑定到与模式匹配的图的URI上。

    The matched person 's name is bound to the name variable , and the graph_uri variable binds to the URI of the graph that matched the pattern .

  15. 当然,PHP要解决的冲突的名称并不是人名,而是类、函数和常量的名称。

    Of course , the names on which PHP resolves collision are not the names of people but rather the names of classes , functions , and constants .

  16. 本文以甘肃省自然科学基金面向行业主题层次聚类搜索引擎的实现的研发为背景,实现了面向人名的聚类搜索引擎,重点研究了聚类搜索引擎的WEB文本分类聚类技术。

    , Based on " ' Gansu Province natural sciences fund ' face profession application search engine ' " , we have developed a Chinese name-oriented search engine and studied the technology of classifying and clustering of the WEB text search engine .

  17. 不同的组件从源数据库中读取文档、分析文档来寻找提到的人名以及将结果保存到一个新数据库(ExtractedInformationDatabase,EIDB)中。

    Different components read documents from the source database , analyze the text to find mentions of names , and store the results in a new database , the Extracted Information Database or EIDB .

  18. 本文提出了一种支持向量机(SVM)和概率统计模型相结合的中国人名自动识别方法。

    This paper describes a hybrid model and the corresponding algorithm combining support vector machines ( SVM ) with statistical methods to improve the performance of SVM for the task of Chinese person names recognition .

  19. 许多人名反应在有机化学中占有极其重要的地位,包括Wittig反应和Diels-Alder反应。

    In organic chemistry there are many name reactions . Wittig reaction and Diels-Alder reaction are very important reactions in organic synthesis .

  20. 目前,不少文章对应用于社区论坛、电子购物和网络游戏的网名,应用于QQ、MSN等上的昵称都有过研究和探讨,对中国人名的研究更是数不胜数。

    At present , a lot of dissertations study and discuss the network names in community forum , electronic shopping , network games , QQ and MSN .

  21. 要我说,如果你真的要给出一箩筐人名,至少要参考TomHanks的感言,也说说四年级的英语老师。

    I say if you 're going to give us a laundry list of names , at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way , as Tom Hanks once did .

  22. 人名放在单引号中,后面是“(qv)”;很容易用正则表达式寻找这种格式。

    A name in single quotes , followed by "( qv )", is easily spotted by a regular expression .

  23. 有了艺人标识符后,因为想要显示给用户的是易于用户读懂的人名,而非这个URI标识符,所以此查询还会请求获得与该艺人标识符相关的rdfs:label。

    Once you have the artist identifier , you 'll want to show users the human-readable name than the URI identifier , so the query asks for the rdfs : label that goes with that artist identifier .

  24. 来自IMDB的文档示例,说明了源数据中人名使用的特殊格式。

    An example of a trivia document from the IMDB , illustrating the special format used for names in the source data .

  25. 在处理完最后一个文档之后,EIDB中的MENTIONS和DOCENT表保存着找到的所有人名提及的信息。

    After the last document has been processed , the MENTIONS and DOCENT tables in the EIDB hold information about all the name mentions that were found .

  26. 本文中描述的文本挖掘应用程序称为Preston,它对文档进行分析,寻找提到的人名,并使用文本挖掘寻找常常同时提到的人。

    The text mining application described in this article , Preston , analyzes documents to find mentions of peoples'names , and uses data mining to find groups of people who are often mentioned together .

  27. 论文介绍在HENU汉语自动分词系统中对中文人名的自动识别算法。

    This paper presents the technique about Chinese names recognition in HENU automatic Chinese segmenting system .

  28. 在对大规模真实语料库的封闭测试中,人名、地名和机构识别的F-1值分别达到92.55%、94.53%、86.51%。

    In the test on large realistic corpus , its F-1 measure of person name , location name and organization name was 92.55 % , 94.53 % and 86.51 % .

  29. 文中介绍了计算所汉语词法分析系统ICTCLAS,集成人名识别算法之后,词法分析的准确率提高了1.41%,同时人名识别的综合指标F1值达到了95.40%。

    After combined with the algorithm for personal name recognition , authors ' Chinese lexical analysis system ICTCLAS improves 1.41 % in performance while the agglomerative evaluation argument F 1 value of person recognition achieve 95.40 % .

  30. 中文人名识别是中文命名实体识别(NER)的一个重点工作,广泛应用于信息检索、信息抽取、机器翻译等领域。

    Chinese Personal Name Recognition ( CPNR ) plays an important role in Named Entity Recognition ( NER ) task ; it is usually used in information retrieval , information extraction and machine translation and so on .