
  • 网络History of Human Evolution;Evolver;A Species Odyssey
  1. Richards所说,翻译是人类进化史上最复杂的活动。

    Richards says , translation is probably the most complicated activity in the evolution of mankind history .

  2. 目的:研究中国不同民族Y染色体DNA多态性,追溯人类进化史上的父系祖先,为人类基因组和法医学鉴定积累数据。

    Objective : The study of Chinese Y chromosome DNA polymorphism is used to trace paternal lineage of human origins and evolution . The data in this study may be useful in human population genetics and forensic applications .

  3. 是人类进化史上“缺失的一环”中白痴祖先的后代。

    and scion of an ancestral procession of idiots stretching back to the Missing Link .

  4. 拥有丰富人类进化史的非洲有最大的遗传基因差异。

    Africa , with its rich human evolutionary history , holds the greatest genetic diversity .

  5. 语言的起源和发展是人类进化史上的闪光点。

    The origin and development of language is an important landmark in the history of human evolution .

  6. 在最初的几集中,泰森就解释了宇宙大爆炸理论,介绍了人类进化史。

    The first few episodes of the show saw Tyson explain the Big Bang Theory and human evolution .

  7. 但一些新的证据已经加入人类进化史中,而这总是受到欢迎的。

    But some new evidence has been added to the ascent of man , and that is always welcome .

  8. 金博士的这番理论在人类进化史之上:人类一直都倾向拥有多个伴侣。

    His theory is based on the assertion that through evolutionary history , men have always been " mildly polygamous " .

  9. 金博士的这番理论建立在人类进化史之上:人类一直以来都倾向拥有多个伴侣。

    His theory is based on the assertion that through evolutionary history , men have always been " mildly polygamous . "

  10. 在人类进化史上,铁器的出现促使生产力飞跃发展。

    In the history of human evolution , the emergence of ironwares promoted the development of productive forces by leaps and bounds .

  11. 而现在,人们在非洲又找到了另一个人种存在的证据,该人种在人类进化史上出现的时间更早,距今约不到200万年。

    And now there is evidence that similar diversity existed earlier in human history , a little under 2m years ago , in Africa .

  12. 在人类进化史上,最早在美国进行殖民活动的时间、路线和人口来源是一个最有争议的话题。

    The timing , route and point of origin of the first colonization of the Americas remains a most contentious topic in human evolution .

  13. 在漫长的人类进化史和社会发展史中,迟至19世纪末、20世纪初,才出现管理概念。

    In the history of human evolution and society development , late to the end of19th century and the beginning of20th century , management arose .

  14. 祖国宝岛台湾历史的发展,相对於数十万年的人类进化史而言,真正有文字记载的仅有四百多年,是短暂而微渺的。

    The development of Taiwanese history opposite to hundred of thousands human evolution history , the recorded history has only four hundred years , It was short and tiny .

  15. 不管从哪种角度,都能明显看出,在人类进化史上,欧洲(乃至世界)艺术的性象征维度历史非常久远。

    Whichever way one views these representations , it is clear that the sexually symbolic dimension in European ( and indeed worldwide ) art has a long ancestry in the evolution of our species .

  16. 但你可能患有的恐怖症,似乎与你的个人经历无关,而与人类进化史有着很大的关系。

    But what seems likely is the sort of phobias you 're likely to have does not have much to do with your personal history but rather it has a lot to do with your evolutionary history .

  17. 它们的出现将人们的目光聚焦到人类进化史中一段鲜为人知但十分重要的阶段,即从古猿又称更新纪灵长动物,进化到人类的过程,其中包括现代人类。

    The remains shed light on a little-understood but critical period in human evolution -- the transition from the more ape-like creatures known as australopithecines to the genus Homo , of which modern humans are a member .

  18. 语言是见证人类思维进化史的活化石。

    Language is the living fossil of human evolution .

  19. 有关智人的最奇怪的事情之一就是他们在人类的进化史上十分孤独。

    ONE of the oddest things about Homo sapiens is that he is alone .

  20. 根据像罗伯特·恰尔蒂尼这样的社会心理学家的说法,我们对稀罕货的本能占有欲直接反映了人类的进化史。

    According to social psychologists like Robert Cialdini , our instinctive interest in acquiring things that are rare reflects our evolutionary history .

  21. 史蒂文.朋克说过音乐是“听觉享受”,在人类的进化史上没有什么特别突出的地方。

    Steven Pinker has said that music is " auditory cheesecake , " with no particular advantage in the evolution of our species .

  22. 这种倾向不仅仅是人类自然进化史上的一部分,还会造成女性为未来健康状况的担忧。

    While this trend could just be part of our species ' natural evolution , it may also raise some health concerns for women later in life .

  23. 人类是生物进化史上的顶峰,是最高级的动物,这是就人类的整体功能而言的。

    In general , in the evolutional history of life , Human being is the most developed animal .

  24. 人类漫长的进化史使人类积累了生活经验,同时也一点一滴的创造着人类的文化。

    Humankind has accumulated experience of life in the long history . And also create culture bit by bit .

  25. 当一个九个月大的孩子说出第一个字,这个巨大进步足以代表人类数百万年的进化史。

    When a child says her first word at the age of nine months , he has mastered a developmental advance that represents millions of evolutionary years in the making .

  26. 人类基因组多样性研究在人类发生学、人类进化史以及诊断、预防和治疗疾病方面具有重要意义;

    The research of Human Genome Diversity has great significance in Genetic Anthropology and human evolutional history , as well as diagnosing , preventing , curing disease .

  27. 研究人员在这个基因组中不但发现了这个神秘古人类的线索,而且也发现了我们人类自己的进化史的线索。

    Within this genome , researchers have found clues into not only this group of mysterious hominins , but also our own evolutionary past .

  28. 这种将人类的道德关怀扩展到自然的理论主张,实质上是追问人的本质的哲学人类学传统在当代的复兴,是人类道德进化史中的第三次超越。

    The opinion of moral expansion of human beings into nature is the modern renaissance of philosophical anthropology which research into the essence of human beings . It is the third transcension of human morality .