
  • appetizer;Antipasto
  1. 海鲜汤是一道很好的开胃菜。

    Seafood soup is a good appetizer .

  2. 你要开胃菜吗?

    Would you care for an appetizer ?

  3. 我去拿饮料和开胃菜。

    I 'll get the drinks and the appetizers3 .

  4. 供应LadyGaga沙拉作为开胃菜。

    Lady Gaga salads as starters .

  5. 麦克马纳斯将这个“黄瓜手”带到了一场葡萄酒和奶酪派对上充当开胃菜,他还带来了一个能够在灯光变暗时转动身体的爆米香(RiceKrispiesTreats)机器人。

    He brought his cucumber robot to a wine-and-cheese party as an appetizer , along with a robotic Rice Krispies Treats man that pivoted whenever the lights dimmed .

  6. 最后鸠山由纪夫(yukiohatoyama)只得到了10分钟的机会,而且还是在一场宴会期间,当时美国总统更感兴趣的可能是开胃菜和葡萄酒。

    In the end , Yukio Hatoyama had to settle for just 10 minutes , and even that during a banquet when the US president was presumably more interested in the appetisers and wine .

  7. 她的一位朋友边吃着开胃菜边分析了凯文•史派西(KevinSpacey)在Netflix电视台的《纸牌屋》中饰演的角色如何应用了戏剧家布莱希特的打破“第四面”的策略理论,彷佛从围着三面的舞台直接向观众说话。

    Over appetizers her friends have analyzed how Kevin Spacey 's character in Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' adapts the Brechtian strategy of breaking the ' fourth wall ' speaking to the audience directly as if from a three-walled stage .

  8. 获得积分和奖励。无论是在Foursquare还是SCVNGR,人们希望获得折扣、免费的开胃菜或者折价咖啡。

    Points and the hoped-for rewards : Whether it is rewards on SCVNGR or deals on Foursquare , people hope to get a discount : a free appetizer , a dollar off coffee .

  9. 当lemonia的侍者托着各种开胃菜(meze)碟子来到我们桌前的时候,我对面的女士中断了和我的谈话,开始直接与他聊天。

    As the waiter at lemonia arrived at our table with plates of meze , the woman opposite me dropped out of our conversation and started talking directly to him .

  10. 我没有选择开胃菜,只是点了一道蘑菇烩饭。

    I abandon thoughts of appetisers and order the mushroom risotto .

  11. 有,我才刚吃了一份,当开胃菜

    They do . I just had it as an appetizer .

  12. 可用于热带水果,坚果和开胃菜香韵的香精。

    Suggested Applications & Tropical fruit , nut and savory notes .

  13. 开胃菜我想吃现配的色拉。

    I 'd like to have a chef 's salad for starter .

  14. 我想我们不要开胃菜,直接点菜了。

    I think we 'll skip the aperitif and order straight away .

  15. 宾客正在享受开胃菜生。

    The guests are enjoying an appetizer of raw oysters .

  16. 我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。

    I ` d like appetizers and meat ( fish ) dish .

  17. 看来你们已经尝过开胃菜了。

    I see you 're already tucked into your appetizer .

  18. 你想不想选个开胃菜咱俩一起吃?

    Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share ?

  19. 这道经典的意式开胃菜非常好做。

    This classic Italian starter is very easy to make .

  20. 咱们做个水煮三文鱼给他们当开胃菜吧。

    Shall we give them poached salmon as a starter ?

  21. 适合搭配冷肉,鸭肉,野兔肉,或开胃菜。

    Serve with cold meat , duck or rabbit or appetite snack .

  22. 选用色拉作为开胃菜也有助于减少食物摄入量。

    Or order a salad as a starter to help reduce intake .

  23. 哦,这只是开胃菜伙计。

    Oh , this is just the appetizers , people .

  24. 我要一份黄瓜沙拉作开胃菜。

    I would like a cucumber salad for an appetizer .

  25. 那这几个人根本就只是个开胃菜。

    The bad times haven 't even started yet .

  26. 你想选择什么菜作为开胃菜?

    What do you want for starters , xiaoling ?

  27. 你觉得主厨会送咱们一份开胃菜吗?

    Do you think the chef will send an amuse-bouche to the table ?

  28. 您在喝饮料的时候需要一些开胃菜吗?

    Would you like any appetizers with your drinks ?

  29. 你会建议什么清淡的开胃菜?

    For a light appetizer what do you recommend ?

  30. 你们皇家开胃菜保持冷静,吃布丁!

    YE ROYAL APPETIZERS Keep calm and eat pudding !