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  • Open University
  1. 1973年,第一批开放大学的毕业生获得了学位。

    In 1973 , the first Open University graduates received their degrees .

  2. 英国的开放大学(OpenUniversity)在2008年6月发布了300多个讲座,作为iTunesUniversity的课程,并计划添加更多讲座。

    The UK-based Open University released more than 300 lectures as iTunes University courses in June 2008 and plans to add more .

  3. 目前,在英国开放大学,许多课程已利用Internet作为某个教学环节的传输工具,但是,完全的网络课程还只占很少的比例。

    In the Open University in Britain , many courses have been using internet as the transmission tool in certain segment of the courses . But the complete internet courses only take up a small proportion .

  4. 虽然在此期间,另一知名远程mba品牌、开放大学商学院(openuniversitybusinessschool)的学生数量降幅更大,但英国曼切斯特和利物浦等大学则实现了迅猛增长。

    Though the Open University Business School , the other established distance-learning MBA brand , has seen an even greater decline in numbers over that period , universities such as Manchester and Liverpool in the UK are growing fast .

  5. 2003年5月30日,学院首批共5名学生赴澳大利亚昆士兰开放大学(OLI)留学深造。

    The first batch of5 students in OLI program , leaving for Australia , May30,2003 .

  6. 开放大学负责教学的执行副校长丹尼斯•柯克帕特里克(DeniseKirkpatrick)在推出这些讲座时表示:我们在免费开放教学资源的同时,也向潜在的学生打开了一扇窗。

    Denise Kirkpatrick , the Open University 's pro vice-chancellor for learning and teaching , said at the launch : We can open up free access to educational resources as well as a window for our potential students .

  7. 关注英国开放大学的学习支持服务

    Learning support services of the Open University in the United Kingdom

  8. 网络文化与远程开放大学德育工作的变革

    Cyber Culture and Innovations of Moral Education in Open Distance Universities

  9. 两岸三地开放大学:课程质量保证之比较研究

    Open University in Mainland-Taiwan-Hong Kong : Comparison on Course Quality Guarantee

  10. 大学的诞生&英国开放大学筹建史话

    The Genesis of the British Open University : A Narrative History

  11. 包括开放大学在内,英国共有90所大学。

    There are some 90 universities , including the Open University .

  12. 日本开放大学教师管理借鉴研究

    Benefit from Teacher Management by the University of the Air Japan

  13. 英国开放大学发展研究

    On the Development of the Open University of the United Kingdom

  14. 英国开放大学质量保证体制的研究

    Study on the Quality Guarantee System of British Open Universities

  15. 直面大众生活:开放大学的德育走向

    Public-Oriented : the trend of Moral Education in Modern University

  16. 创新与合作:来自开放大学的观点

    Innovation and Collaboration : A View from the Open University

  17. 开放大学的网上教学:亚洲地区七国九地的调查报告

    A Survey of Online Teaching in Asia 's Open Universities

  18. 试论开放大学的内涵发展与能力构建

    Research on the Connotation Development and Ability to Build Of Open University

  19. 开放大学学习支持系统的比较研究

    Comparative Research of the Student-support System in the Open Universities

  20. 以开放大学为代表的英国远程教育在课程体系建设上积累了成功的经验。

    The Open University could represent the characteristics of U.K Distance Education .

  21. 开放大学与现代远程教育之关系再认识&兼谈中国广播电视大学的名称问题

    A Re-Examination of the Relationship between Open Universities and Modern Distance Education

  22. 我想他现在是开放大学的名誉校长。

    I think he 's the chancellor of the Open University now .

  23. 构建有中国特色的开放大学

    On the Establishment of An Open University with Chinese Characteristics

  24. 英国开放大学的办学特色和启示

    Education Characteristics of British Open University and Its Enlightenment

  25. 进入21世纪,英国开放大学制定了2002-2012年战略计划。

    British open universities has made 2002-2012 strategic plan after entering 21st century .

  26. 你还是大学生是开放大学

    Oh , you at college ? Open University .

  27. 为建设国内一流现代远距离开放大学而奋斗

    Strive for a Nationwide First-Class Modern Distance Open University

  28. 论远距离开放大学学生的自主学习

    On Students ' Autonomous Learning in Open Distance University

  29. 远程开放大学校园文化建设的探索与实践

    On the Campus Culture in Modern Distance Education University

  30. 英国开放大学经费结构与财务机制分析

    An Analysis of the Financial Structure of Open University of the United Kingdom