
kāi xué diǎn lǐ
  • school-opening ceremony
  1. 去年九月正是在这里我们为2008级HND学生举行了开学典礼。

    Last September we welcomed our candidates of2008 right here in this hall .

  2. 秘鲁美食行业蓬勃发展,身为领军人物的秘鲁大厨加斯顿•阿克瑞奥(GastónAcurio)曾在2006年受邀参加利马一所顶级大学的开学典礼,当时很多学者对此颇有微词。

    When Gast ó n Acurio , the Peruvian chef who has been leading his country 's culinary boom , was invited to open the academic year at Lima 's top university in 2006 , many academics grumbled .

  3. 在庄严的国歌声中,开学典礼正式拉开了帷幕。

    The opening ceremony started with the national anthem of China .

  4. 级新生开学典礼正式开始。

    At3 o'clock in the afternoon , the opening ceremony started .

  5. 有关课程的细节将于开学典礼公布。

    Details of the program will be announced at the inauguration ceremony .

  6. 湖南大学多媒体学院举行开学典礼

    Opening Ceremony Of Multimedia Institute , Hu Nan University Held

  7. 国王和王后陛下昨天主持了新建学校的开学典礼。

    Their Majesties the king and Queen opened the new school yesterday .

  8. 我必须准备开学典礼上的讲话。

    And I have to prepare a speech for the opening ceremony .

  9. 隆重的开学典礼让孩子们明确了方向;

    The openning-ceremony finds a way for the kids ;

  10. 开学典礼上,整个学校礼堂一片啜泣。

    School begins ceremony up , one in the whole school hall sobs .

  11. 学员们和到场嘉宾在开学典礼上合影。

    Students and guests at the opening ceremony .

  12. 这所新学校上周举行了开学典礼。

    The new school was inaugurated last week .

  13. 我们的校长在开学典礼上唠唠叨叨地讲了至少两个小时。2.:突然

    eg. Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at the opening ceremony .

  14. 像是那些开学典礼或者毕业典礼的演讲

    You know the kind of thing a commencement address is , and graduation ceremonies ,

  15. 开学典礼是哪天?

    When was the opening ceremony ?

  16. 在莫斯科一学校的开学典礼上,一名小学生以打呵欠来迎接新的学年。

    A pupil yawns during the ceremony of the beginning of the new school year in Moscow .

  17. 届的国际商院学生新生开学典礼在诚信三层国际会议厅隆重举行。

    The opening ceremony for new arriving international students from business school was hold on the morning , sep.8th .

  18. 所以,我将用奥林匹克的口号:更高,更快,更强来结束今天的开学典礼。

    So , I will end up this ceremony with this Olympic logo : higher , faster , stronger .

  19. 我校全体师生又在下午第三节开了一个新学期的开学典礼。

    All of our school teachers and students hold a new semester opening ceremony in the last lesson of today .

  20. 盖茨是哈佛1977届的学生;届时,开学典礼周上他将庆祝自己毕业30周年。

    Gates is a member of the Harvard College Class of1977 , which will celebrate its30th reunion during Commencement Week .

  21. 明天,我们要去学校参加开学典礼,这之前需要把刚发的新书包好。

    Tomorrow we will go back to school to attend the new school year ceremony , we need to cover all the new books before that .

  22. 中央党校常务副校长汪家(廖去广加金旁)也在开学典礼上讲话。

    Jialiao wang , standing vice president of the Party School of the central committee , also delivered a speech at the school 's opening ceremony .

  23. 现在,我宣布:御花苑外国语学校2008-2009学年度第一学期开学典礼暨争做“御外阳光少年”启动仪式现在开始。

    Now , I will declare the Opening Ceremony of the First Semester of2008-2009 of VRFLS & Starting Ceremony of Striving for " Sunshine Youngster " now begins .

  24. 当学生办完报到手续、行李搬至宿舍之后,就在体育馆举行了新生开学典礼。学生坐在露天看台的一侧,而父母们则坐在另一侧。

    After computer printers and duffle bags had been carried to dorm rooms , everyone gathered in the gymnasium , students on one side of the bleachers , parents on the other .

  25. 与时俱进,建设高素质的干部队伍&在一校两院2002年春季开学典礼上的讲话

    To organize a high-quality cadre team with the times Speech on 2002 's Spring Term Beginning Ceremony of ── Speech on 2002 's Spring Term Beginning Ceremony of One School Two Institutes

  26. 位于该省省会昆明市的云南财经大学,于9月1日举行了开学典礼,体育部主任朱海营宣布了这些对4000余名大一学生的新要求。

    The Yunnan University of Finance and Economic in the provincial capital Kunming held its opening ceremony on Sept. 1 when Sports Director Zhu Haiying announced the new requirements to over 4000 first-year students .

  27. 教师代表讲话和校长讲话,这学期的演讲和以前开学典礼的演讲不通,是说几件事或一个故事,最后说出这几件事告诉我们的道理。

    Teacher talk and talk , the representative of this semester before commencement speech and the speech , is that a few things or a story to tell , finally the few things tell us .

  28. 几日后北大举行开学典礼,这位年轻的学子惊讶地发现,主席台上就座的北大副校长季羡林,正是那一天替自己看行李的老人。

    After several days , the school was holding the opening ceremony and the student astonishingly found that the vice-president of Peking University , Ji Xianlin , was exactly the old man who helped him take care of his luggage !

  29. 外籍教师须参加学校组织的重大群众活动。如:开学、毕业典礼,运动会、劳动及文艺活动等。

    Foreign teachers shall participate in important activities organized by the school , such as school opening ceremony , graduation ceremony , sports meeting , labor work and recreational activities .

  30. 今天,是开学的第一天,今天,要举行开学典礼,还要进行军训。

    Today is the first day of school , today , the opening ceremony will be held , military training .