
guó zǐ jiàn
  • Guozijian;Directorate of Imperial Academy;the Imperial College, the highest educational administration in feudal China;the Imperial College,the highest educational administration in feudal China
国子监 [guó zǐ jiàn]
  • [the Imperial College,the highest educational administration in feudal China] 中国封建时代最高的教育管理机构,有的朝代兼为最高学府

国子监[guó zǐ jiàn]
  1. 南京出土明《国子监生赵君墓志铭》

    Ming Period " Epitaph of the Imperial Academy Student Zhao Jun " Unearthed from Nanjing ;

  2. 所以,要了解这条街,就得先知道国子监和孔庙。

    To deepen understanding of this street , you should know Guozijian and Confucius Temple first .

  3. 北宋初中期国子监书学人物考

    A Study of Personages of the Imperial College in Middle and Early Period of North Song

  4. 唐代国子监在对外文化教育方面的作用

    On the Effect of the Imperial College of Tang Dynasty on Sino-foreign Culture and Education Export

  5. 论宋代国子监教育传播的新特征和传播职能的转变

    On the New Functions of Educational Dissemination and Transformation of Dissemination of Imperial College in Song Dynasty

  6. 从这三个方面入手,力求完整的还原宋代国子监的原貌。

    From these three aspects , and strive to complete reduction of Imperial College in Song Dynasty .

  7. 五代国子监的演变及其文化职能的突出,表明国子监在五代主要扮演文化的角色;

    The evolvement of Imperial Academy and its outstanding cultural-function indicate that it mainly played a cultural role .

  8. 作为国子监教育活动主要实施者的学官,自然受到朱元璋特别关注。

    As the main administer of the education movement in the Imperial College , the educational officers were noticed especially by Zhuyuanzhang .

  9. 这一性质也就决定了回回国子监的发展命运始终伴随着元廷的政治斗争而浮沉。

    The development destiny of the Imperial College of Huihui has been up and down always go with political struggle in Yuan imperial court .

  10. 第一章,分析国子监实习历事制度产生的历史背景,阐述其建立、发展及衰败的嬗变历程。

    The second part is to analyses the background of the Practicing Regulation 's emerging , clarifies the course of its establishment , development and decline .

  11. 民俗文化丰富多彩:国子监古文化街、白云观庙会等是民俗活动的重要地区。

    It is full of rich and colorful folk culture , such as Guozijian Ancient Culture Street , Baiyun temple are the important areas of folk activities .

  12. 宋代国子监不仅是最高学府,也是中央教育管理机构,同时还是官方出版机构。

    Imperial College in Song Dynasty is not only the highest institution of higher learning , and also the Central Education Authority , is also the official publisher .

  13. 教养化育与科举主导,是元代国子监职官在探索办学模式上体现的两种取向,它集中反映了元代理学家试图协调与统合人格理想与道统政治二者之间的关系。

    The moral cultivation and imperial examination are the two orientations under the directorates in Yuan , which embodies the coordination of the idealized education and rule of moral .

  14. 陈龙正是晚明时期地方社会一位十分重要的人物,曾师于高攀龙,授中书舍人,任南京国子监丞。

    Chen Longzheng was an important person in local society of later Ming Dynasty , he was once a student of Gao Panlong and was an official of Nanjing Imperial College .

  15. 元代科举的复行,将理学家的外在强制型人格养成模式纳入政治体制之中,标志着元代理学家将书院精神移植到国子监尝试的终结。

    Hence , the imperial examination in the Yuan combines the outward personality with the system of politics , marking the shift from the academic model to the directorate mode of the education .

  16. 教学管理是国子监教育管理的核心与内容,教学制度的合理与否,直接影响到国子监教育目标的实现。

    Teaching Administration was the core and content of the Educational Administration of the Imperial College , which whether or not the educational system was reasonable direct influenced on the accomplishment of educational targets .

  17. 后来出门看才发现国子监的牌楼竟然被撞断了,一辆黄色挖土车停在路边,司机被警察带走了。

    Then she went outside and saw that the Guozijian archway had unexpectedly been broken , a yellow excavator was stopped on the side of the road , and the driver was taken away by police .

  18. 北京大学的前身是创办于1898年的京师大学堂,用以取代一千多年来中国古代的最高学府——国子监。

    Established in 1898 as the Imperial University of Peking during a period of reform , the school was created as a replacement for the Guozijian , the top institute of learning in ancient China for more than a thousand years .

  19. 正文主要分五个部分:第一部分,宋代太学的管理机构。宋代太学已经有了非常明确的管理机构&国子监,并有与之相配合的一系列相关保障机构来确保其正常运作。

    This mainly consists of five parts : The first part is Administration of the Song Dynasty Imperial College . Song Dynasty Imperial College already has a very clear regulatory agencies - Imperial Academy , and a series of related ancillary security agencies to ensure their normal operation .

  20. 如今的国子监文庙虽然失去了从前的教育功能,但是在越南人民心目中地位依然崇高和神圣,是越南人民引以为傲的重要文化遗产。

    Today , although the Confucian Temple of the Imperial College is no longer as a college , but in the minds of the Vietnamese people , it is still lofty and sacred , and they consider it as an important cultural heritage which makes them very proud of .