
xué zhì
  • educational system;educational (school) system;school system;length of schooling;arrangements for schooling
学制 [xué zhì]
  • (1) [educational (或 school) system;arrangements for schooling]∶国家对学校的组织、课程、学习年限的规定

  • (2) [length of schooling]∶学习年限

  • 缩短学制

学制[xué zhì]
  1. f(x)的条件。建立弹性学制的基础和条件

    F ( x ), is given . Foundation and Conditions of Establishing Flexible Educational System

  2. 建立弹性学制的基础和条件

    Foundation and Conditions of Establishing Flexible Educational System

  3. 大学学制那时缩短到三年。

    The college course was then cut to three years .

  4. 我国正处于高速发展的信息数字化时代,这一学制已偏离轨道,并且对学生和家长而言都是一种负担。

    It 's a burden for both students and parents and is out of step with the fast-moving digital age .

  5. 这些学制较短的MBA项目的价值逐渐得到了证明。

    These shorter programmes are increasingly proving their worth .

  6. 这种全新的欧洲式MBA课程与美国的不同,其学制为一年。

    This new European model MBA differed from the US variant by being one year in duration .

  7. 这引来如下问题:谁来决定mba的学制长短,是学校还是市场?

    Which begs this question : who decides how long an MBA should take the schools or the market ?

  8. 教育背景2003年进入XX大学学习金融学专业,学制四年。

    XX University in2003 to enter educational background in finance professional , with a duration of four years .

  9. 2012年8月,第一批68名学员开始攻读经过修订后的mba课程,目前课程学制仅有12个月。

    August 2012 saw the first intake of 68 students on the revamped MBA programme , now just 12 months in length .

  10. PBL教学模式在长学制药理学教学中的应用将培养及提高学生的综合素质,形成学习的良性循环;

    Application of PBL will cultivate and increase the general capabilities of students and induce a positive feedback for learning .

  11. 我们清楚地知道的是,新项目中的大部分比美国的2年制标准MBA项目的学制要短,很多都是1年制的课程安排。

    What is clear is that the majority of new programmes are usually shorter than the two-year gold standard MBA taught in the US , with many offering one-year programmes .

  12. 为了让一年制的学生能有夏季实习机会,迈阿密大学工商管理学院(UniversityofMiamiSchoolofBusinessAdministration)将其短学制MBA项目的周期由传统学年换成了自然年,在夏季的几个月休息。

    To give its one-years a shot at summer opportunities , the University of Miami School of Business Administration conducts its briefer M.B.A. on a calendar cycle , breaking for the summer months , rather than a traditional academic year .

  13. 多年来,欧洲的商学院一直青睐较短学制的MBA,近来,为了吸引注重成本的学生,美国和其他一些地方的学校也开始对一年制的学位感兴趣。

    While business schools in Europe for years have favored a shorter M.B.A. , institutions stateside and elsewhere have lately been warming to one-year degrees as they seek to appeal to cost-conscious students .

  14. Berufsschulen是德国针对青年人就业的职业学校,学制为两到三年。

    The Berufsschulen are two-and-three-year German vocational schools that prepare young people for a profession .

  15. 学分制条件下实施导助学制的思考

    Consideration on tutoring and assisting study system under the credit system

  16. 博士生学费与博士学制变革

    Tuition Fees for Doctoral Candidates and Evolution of Doctoral Education System

  17. 长学制医学教育改革的实践与探索

    The Practice and Exploration of Education Reforms in Longer-Duration Medical Programs

  18. 通常学制为3到4年。

    The usual duration of studies is three to four years .

  19. 现在,中国也在逐步引进这种学制。

    Now China is introducing the system to its own students .

  20. 论中职与高职学制的有效衔接

    On the Effective Connection between Secondary and Higher Vocational School System

  21. 法国当代高等艺术教育学制与学位研究

    On the System of the Contemporary Art Education in French Universities

  22. 课程体系比较分析与高等医学院校学制改革

    Reforming Medical Education System with Courses Catalogue Analysis in Clinical Medicine

  23. 试论弹性学制下学生工作的变革

    Qn the Changes of Students ' Work in Flexible School System

  24. 谈我国研究生教育的学制改革与培养机制问题

    Analysis on Reforming Schooling Length of Postgraduate and the Training Mechanism

  25. 中日近代农业教育学制的比较

    A Comparison about Agricultural Educational System between China and Japan

  26. 中韩两国近现代学制形成的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Modern School Systems of Korea and China

  27. 我国近代学制发展嬗变及启示

    The Change and Inspirations of Schooling System in Modern China

  28. 发展职业型硕士,以一年学制为宜。

    Develop professional master degree and practice one year length .

  29. 其学制安排合理,课程设置富有特色;

    The length of schooling is reasonable and curricular arrangement is characteristic .

  30. 改革高职学籍制度实行弹性学制

    Reform of Higher Vocational School Roll and Implementation of Flexible Educational System