
xué wen
  • learning;knowledge;scholarship;erudition
学问 [xué wèn]
  • (1) [learning;knowledge;scholarship]

  • (2) 系统知识

  • (3) 泛指知识

学问[xué wen]
  1. 他夸耀自己有学问。

    He made a display of his learning .

  2. 他总是夸耀自己的学问。

    He is boastful of his learning .

  3. 他们带着自己的种种学问来到这里,对人生却一无所知。

    They come here with their ologies knowing nothing about life .

  4. 他是一位严谨的学者,一个真正的学问家。

    He is a serious scholar , a genuinely learned man .

  5. 他混迹于有魅力、有学问或有名气的人当中。

    He surrounds himself with attractive , intelligent , or well-known people

  6. 他的学问显然博大精深。

    His erudition was apparently endless .

  7. 逗人发笑是一门学问。

    Making people laugh is an art .

  8. 他贫于金钱,但富于学问。

    He is poor in money , but rich in knowledge .

  9. 这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。

    The book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry .

  10. 这位作家渊博的学问来自长年累月的钻研。

    The profound erudition of the writer came from long years of study .

  11. 他以有学问而出名。

    He is famous for his learning .

  12. 世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。

    A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge ; an understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning .

  13. 做学问要老老实实,不能有半点儿虚假。

    Academic work must be honest , without any sophistry .

  14. 这里头大有学问。

    There 's a great deal of knowledge and expertise in it .

  15. 她把才智与学问融合在写作中。

    She marries wit with scholarship in her writing .

  16. 他是做学问的人,不会做买卖。

    He 's a scholar and not a businessman .

  17. 产业经济学是揭示产业经济发展规律的一门学问。

    Industry economics is a science to reveal the rule of industry economic development .

  18. 生物工程是一门新兴的学问。

    Bioengineering is an emergent branch of learning .

  19. 他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑。

    He argues with learning and logic .

  20. 学问是没有穷尽的。

    There is no limit to learning .

  21. 世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。(《红楼梦》)

    A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge , | worldly wisdom is true learning .

  22. 他很博学,但既不妄自尊大也不卖弄学问。

    He is learned , but neither stuffy nor pedantic .

  23. 在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。

    In this little village , he passed for a learned man .

  24. 他变得有点喜欢卖弄学问。

    He fell into a kind of pedantry .

  25. 等待是一门学问。

    Waiting is a skill that is learned .

  26. 成语“不学无术”,指没有学问,没有本领。

    The set phrase " having neither knowledge nor skill " is later used to refer to being ignorant and incompetent10 .

  27. 如果他或她花了数万美元、数百小时让自己接受培训,最终才能给出这样有学问的答案,他们为什么要免费把它告诉你呢?

    If he or she has invested2 tens of thousands of dollars , and hundreds of hours of training time to get to the point that he or she can give an educated answer . Why should they just give it away for free ?

  28. 对于事件驱动的反应性开发,构建Web站点是一门学问。

    Building a Web site is a study in event-driven , reactive development .

  29. 以上种种,均说明了首次公开募股的报价是一门微妙的学问,“与其说是科学,不如说是艺术”,美国IPO研究机构复兴资本(RenaissanceCapital)公司的保罗•巴德如此说道。

    All this shows why setting an offering price for shares in an IPO is so tricky . " It 's more an art than a science , " says Paul Bard of Renaissance Capital , an IPO research firm in America .

  30. Adobe公司曾帮助我解决PremierePro的问题,这使我对程序崩溃这门学问有了进一步的了解。PremierePro是个功能超乎想象的视频编辑软件,然而它崩溃的次数也超乎我的预料。

    Adobe allowed me to better understand bug-ology by helping me with problems with Premiere Pro , an amazingly powerful piece of video-editing software that , alas , seems to crash more than I had anticipated .