
xī xué dōnɡ jiān
  • Western learning spreads to the East
  1. 西学东渐与中国近代高等教育培养目标近代化

    Western Learning and Modernization of Higher Education Object in Modern China

  2. 中国市政是城市大发展的产物,西学东渐促进了中国近代市政理论的形成。

    Administration knowledge of China is the product of city development .

  3. 公共事业民营化:西学东渐的思考

    Public Utilities Privatization : Thinking of " Western Learning "

  4. 再次,近代以来,西学东渐,中西文化的交流和碰撞,改变了传统的言情模式。

    The eastern and western culture conflicts that changed traditional love modes .

  5. 现代主义作为西学东渐历史的一部分,对中国整个二十世纪艺术史的影响无疑是巨大的。

    Modernism has great influence on Chinese art in the twentieth century .

  6. 20世纪中国诗学建构是在西学东渐的情势下进行的。

    The 20th Century Chinese poetics was established in face of westernization .

  7. 西学东渐,西方丰厚的公民理论和实践为中国公民意识的构建提供了可资借鉴的理论资源和经验。

    Western prolific civic theories and practices provide enlightening sources and experience .

  8. 西学东渐与文学的变革;

    Influence from Western studies and transformation in literature ;

  9. 西学东渐大潮中的反向文化传播

    Reversed Cultural Dissemination against Mainstream from West to China

  10. 西学东渐;近代图书馆学;新图书馆运动;

    Dissemination of west learning ; Modern library science ; The new library movement ;

  11. 西学东渐对中国近代学校教育内容的影响

    The Influence of Western Culture 's Spreading on China 's Modern School Education System

  12. 随着西学东渐的深入,这一问题也使中国的哲学家感到困惑,他们做出了各种尝试性的探索和形而上学建构。

    With the western philosophy spreading in China , this question also puzzles Chinese philosophers .

  13. 明末历局与西学东渐

    The Calendar Bureau and the Introduction of Western Science in the End of Ming Dynasty

  14. 随着西学东渐,西方的科学思维方式和文字学理论越来越多的被吸收和借鉴。

    Western theories of scientific ways of thinking and writing and drawing more and more absorbed .

  15. 从京师同文馆之创设看西学东渐在中国

    See learning from the West Culture in China by the foundation of the Capital Foreign Languages Institute

  16. 对西学东渐中居住权丧失的原因进行分析后认为,日本民国民法典没有规定居住权是因为当时缺少居住权功能发挥的社会环境。

    The reason that there is no habito in Japan civil code is lack of society surroundings .

  17. 西学东渐与中国美育传统形态的现代转换

    West Learning Spreading to the East and Modern Conversion with the Chinese Traditional Form of Aesthetic Education

  18. 西学东渐与晚清小说读者的变化

    The Gradual Spread to China of Western Culture and the Change of Novel Readers in Late Qing Dynasty

  19. 在这个过程中,传统绘画方式与西学东渐的西方绘画方式多有融合。

    In this process , the traditional paintings of the east " and " western painting many ways .

  20. 中国水彩画是随着近代的西学东渐从西方引入中国的。

    With the entrance of the western culture , watercolour painting was introduced to China from the west .

  21. 上世纪西学东渐的潮流对现代中国画有着深远和广泛的影响。

    The introduction of Western learning into China has a profound and pervasive influence on Chinese modern paintings .

  22. 他在西学东渐的同时,也将中国文化传入西方。

    He introduces the Chinese culture to the west too while studying the east gradually in the west .

  23. 近代以来,西学东渐,油画作为外来画种为中国人所接受。

    In modern times , Western Learning , oil paintings of alien species as the Chinese people to accept .

  24. 西学东渐是近代中国与西方世界交流的总体趋势。

    Eastward Spread of Western Culture is the general trend of the communication between modern China and western world .

  25. 纵观整个西学东渐的历史,可以说,鸦片战争是一个转折点。

    Throughout eastward spread of western culture , we could say , the Opium War was a turning point .

  26. 从知识史的视角看明清之际的西学东渐

    Viewing the Dissemination of Western leaning between the later Ming and Qing in the light of the knowledge history

  27. 分析方鸿渐的悲剧要结合当时的历史、文化背景&传统文化的衰落和西学东渐。

    The traditional culture has been on the wane , and the western learning has been coming to the east .

  28. 第二节主要论述新民学会对西学东渐进程中西方思想资源的萃取。

    Section ⅱ discusses the extraction of the Xinmin Institute of Western thought in the process of Western Learning resources .

  29. 近代科技编辑的诞生则与西学东渐的思潮相关。

    The appearance of modern sci-tech editing is related to the introduction of modern western science and technology to the east .

  30. 反应·对应·回应&现代儒家对西学东渐之态度

    Response , Correspondence and Reply : the Attitudes of Modern Confucians Towards " Dissemination of Western Learning to The Orient "