
xī fānɡ zhènɡ zhì sī xiǎnɡ shǐ
  • history of western political thoughts
  1. 霍布豪斯在英国政治思想史上并非是最为耀眼的思想家,但他的社会和谐思想却在西方政治思想史上留下了深厚的一笔。

    Hobhouse was not the most brilliant thinker in the history of English political thoughts , but his social harmony thoughts played a great role in the history of Western political thoughts .

  2. 这是布丹在西方政治思想史上最重要的贡献。

    It is the most important contribution of Bodin in the political thought .

  3. 论西方政治思想史的教学方法及其应用

    On the History of Western Political Thought of Teaching Methods and Its Application

  4. 奥古斯丁在西方政治思想史上具有重要地位。

    Augustine of Hippo is very important in the history of Western political thought .

  5. 在西方政治思想史上,自然法理论与社会契约论有着悠久的传统。

    Rousseau and Locke are two outstanding figures in the field of western social contract theory .

  6. 自古希腊开始,自然法学说一直是西方政治思想史上独具特色的内容。

    Since the ancient Greece , the natural law theory was always a characteristic content in the history of west political thought .

  7. 在西方政治思想史上,诸多思想家对和谐、和谐社会进行的深入地探讨与研究。

    History of political thought in the West , many thinkers on the " harmony ", " harmonious society " carried out in-depth exploration and research .

  8. 本文通过系统分析鲍埃西的反暴君思想,对其在西方政治思想史上的地位作出客观评价。

    This article tries to evaluate Boetie ' place in the history of western political thought objectively by systematic studying his theory of against the tyrant .

  9. 柏拉图的《理想国》是西方政治思想史上的一本巨著,它对西方政治思想具有难以估量的影响。

    Platos work Republic is a great work in the history of western political thought , which has been an immense influence on the development of western political ideas .

  10. 在西方政治思想史上,布丹第一次提出了国家主权的概念,并且通过对国家主权的阐述,得出了具有现代意义的抽象的国家概念。

    In the history of political thought , Bodin is the first to give the conception of state and through his explanation of his theory of sovereignty , he gets the modern abstract conception of state .

  11. 密尔是19世纪英国著名的自由主义政治思想家,其自由主义政治思想成为由古典自由主义向新自由主义过渡的桥梁,在西方政治思想史上具有重要的地位。

    Mill , John Stuart , is a famous English political ideologist of liberalism in the 19th century , possessing a vital position in the western political and ideological history , for his bridging role from classic liberalism to neo-liberalism .

  12. 西塞罗因为对理性主义自然法的系统阐发而奠定了其在西方政治法律思想史上的地位。

    Cicero established his high status in the history of legal thought because of his systematical thought on rationalistic natural law .

  13. 霍布斯是西方近代政治思想史上著名的政治思想家,他继承了马基雅维利现实主义的政治研究方法,运用自然法与社会契约理论全面论述了人与国家的关系这一西方传统政治研究的主题。

    Hobbes is one of the most important political thinkers in the history of the modern Western political thoughts , who inherited the realism in political study introduced by Machiavelli , and probed comprehensively the relationship of individual and state based on his theory of natural law and social contract .

  14. 亚里士多德的法律和法治思想在中西方的政治、法律思想史上占有极重要的地位。

    Aristotle 's thought of law and ruling by law is taking a very important role in the political and legal history of eastern and western thought .

  15. 在近代西方资产阶级的政治思想史上,格劳修斯、霍布斯、洛克和卢梭等人都是阐述社会契约论的典型代表人物。

    In the modern western bourgeois political and ideological history , Grau Huges , Hobbes , Locke and Rousseau , is a typical representative of the social contract theory .