- 名history of western political thoughts

Hobhouse was not the most brilliant thinker in the history of English political thoughts , but his social harmony thoughts played a great role in the history of Western political thoughts .
It is the most important contribution of Bodin in the political thought .
On the History of Western Political Thought of Teaching Methods and Its Application
Augustine of Hippo is very important in the history of Western political thought .
Rousseau and Locke are two outstanding figures in the field of western social contract theory .
Since the ancient Greece , the natural law theory was always a characteristic content in the history of west political thought .
History of political thought in the West , many thinkers on the " harmony ", " harmonious society " carried out in-depth exploration and research .
This article tries to evaluate Boetie ' place in the history of western political thought objectively by systematic studying his theory of against the tyrant .
Platos work Republic is a great work in the history of western political thought , which has been an immense influence on the development of western political ideas .
In the history of political thought , Bodin is the first to give the conception of state and through his explanation of his theory of sovereignty , he gets the modern abstract conception of state .
Mill , John Stuart , is a famous English political ideologist of liberalism in the 19th century , possessing a vital position in the western political and ideological history , for his bridging role from classic liberalism to neo-liberalism .
Cicero established his high status in the history of legal thought because of his systematical thought on rationalistic natural law .
Hobbes is one of the most important political thinkers in the history of the modern Western political thoughts , who inherited the realism in political study introduced by Machiavelli , and probed comprehensively the relationship of individual and state based on his theory of natural law and social contract .
Aristotle 's thought of law and ruling by law is taking a very important role in the political and legal history of eastern and western thought .
In the modern western bourgeois political and ideological history , Grau Huges , Hobbes , Locke and Rousseau , is a typical representative of the social contract theory .