
xī cān
  • Western-style food;European food
西餐 [xī cān]
  • [Western-style food] 欧美西方人烹调制作的或按西式烹调法制作的饮食。进餐方式一般也按西方人的习惯

西餐[xī cān]
  1. 所以西餐吃的不是味道,是环境。

    So Western-style food is Eat the scenery but not Eat taste .

  2. 因此,吃中餐比吃西餐更能让人愉悦。

    So to eat Chinese food is happier than to eat Western-style food .

  3. 做中餐比做西餐费事。

    To prepare a Chinese meal is more work than to prepare a Western one .

  4. 请画出西餐banquet流程图。

    Please illustrate the procedure of western restaurant banquet .

  5. 对于那些钟爱西餐的人来说,沿着克拉码头(clarkequay)和驳船码头(boatquay)有一些时髦、奇特的餐馆,提供了诸多选择。

    For those craving Western food , there are snazzy and quaint restaurants along Clark and Boat Quay , offering plenty of choices .

  6. 长廊式调压室流态CFD分析及吸气旋涡消除措施研究在超大的中式长廊里用西餐别具风味。

    Flow Characteristics of long corridor-shaped surge tank and elimination of the air-entraining vertical vortices : CFD simulation and analysis Having western-style food in the super-big Chinese-style corridor is a unique experience .

  7. 这种食物被称为“豉油西餐”(soy-sauceWestern),其中一种是烤猪排骨点缀在番茄酱甜意面上,散发着油炸过的独特味道。

    This food , called " soy - ­ sauce Western , " included things like baked pork chops on ketchup - ­­ sweet spaghetti with the distinct taste of the wok 's fire and oil .

  8. 热爱食品创意,有丰富的西餐烹饪技巧和呈现技巧。

    Rich experience on western food cooking and good presentation skills .

  9. 您想吃西餐呢还是中餐?

    Which do you prefer , Western food or Chinese food ?

  10. 吃西餐还是中餐?

    Do you want to eat a Western or Chinese meal ?

  11. 你喜欢吃中餐还是喜欢吃西餐?

    Which kind of food do you prefer Chinese or Western ?

  12. 我不妨习惯一下这类西餐。

    I might as well get used to this western food .

  13. 我非常喜欢吃西餐,尤其是法式牛排。

    I like western food very much , especially French steak .

  14. 中国必须要在西餐上赶新趋势。

    China needs to catch up with new trends in western cuisine .

  15. 怡文在南京的酒店里品尝西餐。

    Yi Wen has tried western food in a hotel in nanjing .

  16. 请问您有两小我私西餐英语词汇家的桌子吗?

    Have you got a table for two , please ?

  17. 这家餐馆供应中餐和西餐。

    The restaurant serves both Chinese food and Western food .

  18. 小伟:那你更喜欢中餐还是西餐?

    Xiao Wei : Do you prefer Chinese food or Western food ?

  19. 中西餐文化对比,培养跨文化意识;

    Contrast Chinese and western table manners , develop intercultural communication consciousness ;

  20. 西餐夜宴的人均消费为每位888元人民币。

    Banquet food for each per capita consumption of888 yuan .

  21. 你喜欢中式菜还是西餐?

    Which do you like better , Chinese food or Western food ?

  22. 这里的菜是西餐和日本菜的组合。

    What they provide is a fusion of Japanese and western food .

  23. 但是你难道不能试着适应吃西餐吗?

    But can 't you try to get used to Western food ?

  24. 我觉得我们家不太喜欢吃西餐。

    I don 't think my family likes'western'food that much .

  25. 通常的西餐是汤、肉、蔬菜和甜食或水果。

    The usual menu consists of soup , meat , vegetables and dessert .

  26. 当你吃西餐,做到像西方人那样。

    And when you eat Western food , do as the Westerners do .

  27. 你想吃什么菜&中餐还是西餐?

    What would you rather to have & chinese food or western food ?

  28. 我在美国的时候学会了做西餐。

    I learned to cook western food when I was in the States .

  29. 我们供应中餐和西餐。

    We cater to both Chinese and Western tastes .

  30. 你习惯吃西餐了吗?

    Are you used to eating western food yet ?