
  • 网络Sinai;the Sinai Peninsula
  1. 1948年的战争结束后,上世纪50年代初,他曾与跨境突袭者作战。在1956年与埃及争夺西奈半岛的战争中,他指挥了夺取战略要地米特拉山口(MitlaPass)的战斗。

    After the 1948 war , he battled cross-border raiders in the early 1950s . He led the capture of the strategic Mitla Pass in the 1956 Sinai war with Egypt .

  2. 以色列与埃及维持和平局面已经持续了三十年,此间西奈半岛解除武装防备。

    Thirty years of peace with Egypt have rested , above all , on a demilitarised Sinai .

  3. 中国中央电视台(cctv)昨日援引开罗中国大使馆的消息报道称,一家建筑公司雇用的20多名中国人被西奈半岛的一个当地人团体绑架。

    China Central Television , the national broadcaster , yesterday quoted the Chinese Embassy in Cairo as saying more than 20 Chinese employed by a construction company had been taken hostage by a group of locals in the Sinai region .

  4. 位于埃及东北部西奈半岛上的一个沙漠。

    A desert on the Sinai Peninsula in northeastern Egypt .

  5. 埃及今天的暴力事件发生在西奈半岛。

    Today 's violence in Egypt took place in the Sinai Peninsula .

  6. 西奈半岛大部分地区地势低洼,伊斯兰暴力活动不断增加。

    Sinai is a largely low-lying Peninsular where Islamic insurgence is growing .

  7. 这是最富裕的在西奈半岛。

    This is the most prosperous in Sinai .

  8. 红海伸向东北方的海湾;在西奈半岛和阿拉伯半岛之间。

    A northeastern arm of the Red Sea ; between the Sinai Peninsula ( Egypt ) and Saudi Arabia .

  9. 埃及西奈半岛发生血腥袭击,至少造成27人死亡,另有数十人受伤。

    In Egypt , at least 27 people were killed ; dozens more were injured in a bloody attack in Sinai Peninsula .

  10. 问:昨晚,埃及西奈半岛北部发生恐怖袭击事件,造成数十人死亡,上百人受伤。

    Q : Last night , the northern part of Egypts Sinai Peninsula was hit by terrorist attacks , leaving dozens dead and hundreds injured .

  11. 在另外一起事件中,在埃及西奈半岛地区被扣为人质的25名中国建筑工人2月1日被释放。

    In a separate incident , 25 Chinese construction workers in the Sinai region of Egypt were released yesterday after being held hostage by assailants .

  12. 它以贸易中心繁荣,且早期的命名显示闪族的牧人应该时常穿越西奈半岛的沙漠来伴访这地方。

    It thrived as a trade centre , and early names suggest that semitic herdsmen must have frequently crossed the Sinai desert to visit the region .

  13. 埃及官员称,哈马斯还命令加沙地带的部队在西奈半岛上发射导弹,攻击约旦边境旅游胜地艾拉特。

    Egyptian officials say Hamas has also let a group from Gaza use Sinai to launch rockets on Eilat , an Israeli resort on the border with Jordan .

  14. 2011年以来,因为西奈半岛的激进团体反复攻击来自埃及的一条主输气管,约旦与以色列一样,面临着天然气供应不时中断的局面。

    Since 2011 , Jordan , like Israel , has had its gas supply disrupted , as militants in Sinai repeatedly attack a major gas pipeline from Egypt .

  15. 学者们一直认为,早期人类从下撒哈拉的非洲进入欧亚大陆,迁徙路线要么是沿尼罗河并穿越西奈半岛,要么是越过红海。

    Scholars have long assumed that early humans expanded beyond sub-Saharan Africa into Eurasia by migrating either along the Nile River and across the Sinai or across the Red Sea .

  16. 在隔离墙被破坏之前,以色列轰炸了加沙地带的40个地道。这些地道是控制那个地区的伊斯兰激进组织哈马斯用来从埃及西奈半岛偷运武器和物资的。

    The breach followed Israel 's bombing of 40 tunnels in Gaza used by the ruling Islamic militant group Hamas to smuggle weapons and supplies across Egypt 's Sinai Peninsula .

  17. 阿巴斯应该怎样效仿萨达特,才能使纳塔尼亚胡能够做出贝京式的回应?贝京曾将整个西奈半岛让予埃及。

    What does Mr Abbas need to do to emulate Sadat so that he , Mr Netanyahu , can respond like Begin , who ceded the whole of occupied Sinai to Egypt ?

  18. 以色列却认为,西奈半岛归还埃及后,它已完成履行联合国决议的要求,现在只需要以“和平换和平”。

    " Israel is of the view that the return of the Sinai Peninsula after Egypt , which has been completed to fulfill the requirements of United Nations resolutions , is now just " peace for peace .

  19. 犬科一种荒漠狐,学名Fennecuszerda。分布于北非、西奈(半岛)及阿拉伯半岛。

    Desert-dwelling fox ( Fennecus zerda ) found in northern Africa and the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas .

  20. 格列高利(西奈的)西门(克利奥奈的)西奈半岛南部一座山峰,海拔英尺;被认为是摩西接受上帝十诫的地方。

    A mountain peak in the southern Sinai Peninsula ( 7,500 feet high ); it is believed to be the peak on which Moses received the Ten Commandments .