
  • 网络Pasha;Ahmed Shuja Pasha;pacha
  1. 基亚尼将军和ISI局长帕夏将军被议会找去质询,这是之前从未发生过的事。

    General Kayani and General Ahmad Shuja Pasha , the head of ISI , were called to testify in parliament , something that had never happened .

  2. 由于面临美国特种部队发动突袭将本拉登击毙的尖锐问题,巴基斯坦三军情报局局长艾哈迈德•舒亚•帕夏(AhmedShujaPasha)有意辞职。

    Pakistan 's intelligence chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha has offered to resign after facing tough questioning about the US Special Forces raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden .

  3. 这条项链是赠给印度帕夏拉王公布品达辛(BhupinderSingh)的礼物,它是由5条白金项链排列而成,镶嵌的钻石多达2930颗。

    This gift to the Maharaja Sir Bhupinder Singh had five rows of platinum chains adorned with 2930 diamonds .

  4. 在向议会发表的讲话中,吉拉尼表示,他已要求三军情报局(isi)局长艾哈迈德舒亚帕夏(ahmedshujapasha)将军和其它军方领导人向议会上下两院简要汇报情况。

    In an address to parliament , Mr Gilani said he had ordered general Ahmed Shuja Pasha , head of the inter services intelligence agency , and other military leaders to brief both houses of Parliament .

  5. 星期二,基亚尼任命帕夏将军为三军情报局局长。

    On Tuesday , General Kayani named General Ahmed Shujaa Pasha as the new ISI chief .

  6. 帕夏拉项链稀有华美,由卡地亚于1928年设计。

    The Patiala Necklace was an item of rare beauty , designed by the house of Cartier in 1928 .

  7. 帕夏曾担任军事行动主任,监督在部落地区的军事行动。

    In his former post as Director of Military Operations , General Pasha oversaw army operations in the tribal areas .

  8. 美国有关官员私下表示,他们对帕夏上台后将对激进分子采取更强硬行动表示怀疑。

    Privately , U.S. officials say they are skeptical about whether the appointment will translate into tougher action against the militants .

  9. 新德里尼赫鲁大学的非洲问题专家帕夏说,非洲正在成为新的全球石油中心。

    An African expert at New Delhi 's Jawaharlal Nehru University , A.K.Pasha , says Africa is emerging as the new global oil hub .

  10. 这时,一位尊贵的帕夏在学校门外停下,象任何好穆斯林一样,出于虔诚而走下轿子,给了一位乞丐一些施舍。

    At that moment a great Pasha halted before the gates of the seminary , in his piety alighting from his palanquin to give alms to a beggar , as all good Moslems do .

  11. 只是有一件不如意,就是没有人能解除她的帕夏父亲所施的魔法,所以这城堡谁也进不去,谁也出不来。

    But she has but one sorrow , and that is that none can dissolve the spells woven by her father the pasha , so that no one may either gain admittance to the castle or leave it .