
  • 网络Parvati;Parvathi
  1. 传说中,湿婆神西瓦最先把瑜伽的知识教授给他的妻子帕尔瓦蒂,从那以后瑜伽开始在人间流传。

    Legend has it that knowledge of yoga was first passed by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati and from there into the lives of men .

  2. 传说当时帕尔瓦蒂正值孕期,了解她的丈夫通晓瑜伽,因此帕尔瓦蒂要求希瓦传授自己瑜伽知识,这便是第一次的瑜伽传播。

    The myth is Mata Parvati was pregnant that time and he knew that Lord Siva know so much about yoga , so she requested him to teach yoga and then yoga first time came to know .

  3. 之后帕尔瓦蒂将马杜拉变成了青蛙。但12年后在一口井中,她又恢复人形,并生下了因陀罗。

    Parvathi turns Madhura into a frog , but after 12 years in a well she regains human form and gives birth to Indrajit .

  4. 印度教中的造物主席尔瓦令人类女孩马杜拉受孕。在他的妻子帕尔瓦蒂离开时,马杜拉基于对席尔瓦的崇拜使两人处在一起。

    The Hindu god Shiva has sex with the human woman Madhura , who has come to worship him while his wife Parvathi is away .