
  • 网络DURGA;Kali-Durga
  1. 杜尔迦女神,女性创造力量的象征或者叫女性力量。

    Durga , the epitome of creative feminine energy , or shakti .

  2. 杜尔迦女神,无畏的神母,由印度诸神所创造。

    Durga , the mother goddess , the fearless one , created by the pantheon of Hindu gods .

  3. 杜尔迦女神,辉煌、雍容、美丽,她的十八支手臂随时准备战斗,她乘坐神狮进入战场去毁灭水牛阿修罗。

    Durga , resplendent , bedecked , beautiful , her 18 arms ready for warfare , as she rode astride her lion into the battlefield to destroy Mahishasur .