
hēi tiān
  • night
黑天 [hēi tiān]
  • [night] 黑夜;天色黑

  • 黑天时我们才到家

  1. 孩子们不到黑天不回家。

    The children won 't come home until it is dark .

  2. 他说“给我黑天的加分”

    He called it " giving me the benefit of the dark . "

  3. 亲爱的咱们得搞清楚到底谁是黑天�

    You guys , we need to find out who the black swan is .

  4. 我知道在假面舞会上你扮演的是黑天�

    I know that you were dressed as the black swan at the masquerade ball .

  5. 夜黑天里,没人看见他;他本来无须乎立刻这样办;

    As there was no one to see him in the pitch darkness , he didn 't have to act right away ;

  6. 你要不怕在这黑天里爬梯子,就给我往上抱稻草吧。盖伯瑞尔说。

    ' You can bring the straw up to me in armfuls , if you aren 't afraid to climb the ladder in the dark ,' said Gabriel .

  7. 此它利用激光辅助照明装置克服了传统的微光夜视仪在全黑天或光照度不足条件下无法工作等不足。

    It overcomes shortages of the traditional LLL night vision which can 't work in the completely dark environment or the condition that the light is not enough .