
  • 网络Black stork;ciconia nigra
  1. 黑鹳F2的人工孵化及育雏的研究

    Artificial Incubation and Nestling Raising of Black Stork F_2

  2. 白鹳和黑鹳的卵壳中均检出超量重金属污染物铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、锶(Sr)、砷(As)、汞(Hg),说明母体也受到了一定程度的污染;

    Heavy metal pollutant such as Pb , Cd , Sr , As and Hg were examined out in eggshells of both white stork and black stork , which indicates that the mother bodies have been polluted .

  3. 河北平山湿地水鸟群落结构及黑鹳(Ciconianigra)的觅食生境选择

    Features of Waterfowls Community and the Foraging Habitat Selection of Black Stork ( Ciconia Nigra ) in Pingshan Wetlands , Hebei Province

  4. 本文对河北平山湿地水鸟群落特征进行了分析探讨,同时采用多元统计分析方法,研究了在湿地内栖息的重要物种黑鹳(Ciconianigra)的觅食生境选择。

    In the paper , we discussed the community characteristics of waterfowls in Pingshan wetlands , Hebei Province on the basis of survey from March 2003 to June 2005 . Meanwhile , we also analyzed the foraging habitat selection of Black stork ( Ciconia nigra ) by using multivariate statistics .

  5. 塔里木盆地黑鹳的分布与繁殖

    On the Distribution and Reproduction of Black Stork in Tarim Basin

  6. 山西省黑鹳的数量分布

    The numerical distribution of the black stork in Shanxi Province

  7. 新疆南部地区黑鹳种群密度及其繁殖

    The population density and breeding of black stork ( ciconia nigra ) in southern Xinjiang

  8. 人工饲养白鹳、黑鹳卵壳成分分析及超微结构观察

    Elemental Composition and Ultrastructure of Eggshells of White Storks and Black Storks on Condition of Artificial Rearing

  9. 黑鹳的觅食行为有2种:一是伫立观察后突然啄食;二是一边行走一边啄寻。

    Black Stork has 2 foraging behaviors , standing and watching , then pecking it . Another kind foraging is walking and pecking .

  10. 休息则在沼泽畔的草甸中,表明沼泽和草地是黑鹳越冬期的重要生境。

    Resting happened at meadow which on side the marsh , it proved that the marsh and meadow were important habitat for wintering of Black Stork .