
  • 网络European Bison;aurochs;bonasus;Bison bonasus
  1. 波兰比亚沃维耶扎国家公园的欧洲野牛。

    European bison ( Bison bonasus ) in the Bialowieza Forest National Park , Poland .

  2. 稀有的欧洲野牛的头比美洲野牛的小,但个儿略微高些。

    The rare European bison has a smaller head than the American bison and is slightly taller .

  3. 最近灭绝的大型长角的欧洲野牛;被认为是家养牛的祖先之一。

    Large recently extinct long-horned European wild ox ; considered one of the ancestors of domestic cattle .

  4. 不过,最后的人类可得记得把白俄罗斯的钢铁幕帘拆除,否则,这里的欧洲野牛将会随他们一同消亡。

    But unless the last humans remember to first remove Belarus'siron curtain , its bison may wither away with them .

  5. 第一次世界大战之后,动物园饲养的欧洲野牛被带到这片森林中,来补充这个几乎被饥饿的士兵全部吃光的物种。

    Once , following World War I , bison from zoos were brought here to replenish a species nearly extirpated by hungry soldiers .

  6. 突然间,草丛之中发出一声脆响,十几头欧洲野牛从享用嫩草的地方狂奔出来。

    Suddenly , there 's a crashing in the underbrush , and a dozen wisent Bison bonasus , European bison burst from where they 've been browsing on young shoots .

  7. 欧洲野牛欧洲一种动物(欧洲野牛野牛属),和野牛相似,但小于野牛;珍野牛这天山上有的是成群的野羊、草鹿、野牛和野骆驼。

    An animal ( B. bonasus ) of Europe , similar to but somewhat smaller than the bison ; a wisent . All sorts of animals are found in the Tianshan range & wild goats , wild oxen , wild camels and deer .

  8. 关于或有美洲或欧洲的野牛特点。

    Relating to or characteristic of bison .

  9. 牛;美洲或欧洲的野牛;绵羊;山羊;羚羊;鹿;麝香鹿;长颈鹿;骆驼。

    Cattle ; bison ; sheep ; goats ; antelopes ; deer ; chevrotains ; giraffes ; camels .

  10. 欧洲的野牛,其头比美洲野牛的小且高。

    European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison . The ranchers raised buffalo for their meat .