
  • 网络European powers
  1. 非洲曾一度被欧洲列强所瓜分。

    Africa was often parceled out among the European powers .

  2. 欧洲列强不再统治大块海外领土了。

    European powers no longer rule over great overseas dominions .

  3. 美国南北战争与欧洲列强

    American Civil War and European Countries

  4. 他们的海军不强大,甚至不如欧洲列强,它肯定更不如美帝海军。

    Their Navy is not on par even with the European powers , it certainly cannot stand up to the USN .

  5. 非洲曾一度被欧洲列强所瓜分。在欧洲,电车一直被用作短程载送货车。

    Africa was often parceled out among the European Powers . In Europe electric vehicles have been used as short-range delivery vans .

  6. 在土耳其帝国日薄西山的过程中,欧洲列强开始了争夺帝国遗产的斗争。

    In course of the Turkish empire declining rapidly , the great powers of Europe started to scramble for the empire 's heritage .

  7. 欧洲列强在美洲的殖民争夺造成委&圭两国间从一开始就没有明确的边界。

    The rivalry among the European powers in Latin America caused the indefinite boundary line between Venezuela and British Guiana from the very beginning .

  8. 因此英俄两国在中亚的争夺是欧洲列强争夺世界霸权和争夺殖民地的必然结果。

    So , The conflict between Britain and Russia in Central Asia was the inevitable outcome of European big powers contended world hegemony and colony .

  9. 虽然靠近罗马城的地理优势,使得西西里这个岛屿的历史精彩纷呈,但现在她却像一只羽毛初长的雏鸟处于欧洲列强的环绕之中。

    Although Sicily 's proximity to Rome has given the island a rich history , it now stands as a true fledgling among the European powers .

  10. 然而,《大外交》却相当常规而优雅地阐述了19世纪的外交政策、欧洲列强的大公们的治国艺术。

    Instead , Diplomacy turned out to be a fairly conventional but elegant narrative of 19th-century foreign policy ; the statecraft of the grandees of European power .

  11. 在欧洲列强百唱不厌的非洲恋歌大合唱中,法国作家加缪的创作乃是一个极其重要的声部。

    During the chorus of Love Songs of African which European powers sang hundreds of times , the French writer Albert Camus ' creations stand a very important voice .

  12. 本文探讨英国格兰斯敦政府对于一八七八年欧洲列强所订柏林条约的态度及推行政策,由此阐明自由主义与帝国主义理念之调和与冲突。

    This research expounds the Liberal Party 's attitude and policy towards the Treaty of Berlin , thereby revealing the conflict and reconciliation between classical liberalism and modem imperialism .

  13. 同样,巴尔干化也渗透着欧洲列强的利益,反映了欧洲大国对巴尔干事务的干预,它是欧洲大国围绕如何瓜分奥斯曼帝国在巴尔干的领地而展开角逐的产物。

    Balkanization is also a result of the fights among European powers to partition Ottoman 's European territory , and which reflects the intervention of European powers in the region .

  14. 因此,本杰明•富兰克林、约翰•杰伊和约翰•亚当斯能够利用欧洲列强纷争在既未动一枪一卒也没有移居一人的情况下获得这一大片领土。

    So Benjamin Franklin , John Jay and John Adams were able to exploit the rivalry of the European powers to acquire this huge territory without either conquest or migration .

  15. 实际上,欧洲列强,特别是英俄两国在近东的经济冲突,是克里米亚战争的经济根源或根本原因。

    As a matter of fact , the economic conflict among European powers , especially that between Great Britain and russia , was the economic source or the cardinal cause of the Crimean war .

  16. 到20世纪初,美国已经初步具备了与欧洲列强直接对抗的实力后,美国对欧洲战争继续实行中立则成为保持行动自由,实现美国经济扩张、谋求世界霸权的手段。

    Until the beginning of 20th century , the United States continues to take neutral is to keep freedom of action , to achieve the American economic expansion , and become the world hegemony .

  17. 内战中,美国面临着英法等国的干预,以及法国入侵墨西哥等外交问题,这些问题的实质是欧洲列强向美国门罗主义提出的挑战。

    As Civil War , America is facing intervention of Britain and France and the French invasion into Mexico , both of which carries the nature that the Monroe Doctrine is challenged by European countries .

  18. 然而,欧洲主要列强的国防开支难以证明他们是和平鸽。

    Yet the defense spending of major European powers hardly proves them to be doves .

  19. 日本是孤立的,人口稠密的岛屿链。因此欧洲殖民列强很难侵略日本,这就是为什么西方国家宁愿吸收日本成为他们中的一员。

    Japan is isolated and heavily populated chain of islands so it was difficult for European colonial powers to invade , that 's why Western countries preferred to co-opt it into their designs .

  20. 英国均势外交政策的含义是英国为了维护霸主地位,依靠自己的经济和军事实力,使欧洲大陆的列强彼此牵制和相互争夺,防止一国称霸欧洲。

    Balance of power diplomacy in Britain means that Britain , based on its economic and military strength , drives fighting and containment among European powers to keep its hegemony and to prevent Europe from being dominated by one nation .

  21. 君士坦丁堡濒临博斯普鲁斯海峡,将地中海和黑海分开,并把欧洲和亚洲隔开。后来的欧洲列强成为世界主导力量,与君士坦丁堡(当然也有其他因素)是分不开的。

    Situated on the strait of Bosphorus , which seperates the Mediterranean from the Black Sea and Europe from Asia , Constantinople helped , among other things , turn future European empires into world dominating forces .

  22. 由于泰国政府加强了对欧洲顾问的管理,欧洲顾问并未成为欧洲列强控制泰国的政治工具,却对泰国近代建设起了积极作用。

    Because Thai government strengthened the control to European advisors , instead of controlling the country , they promoted the development of Thailand .