
nán bù fēi zhōu
  • southern Africa
  1. 各国的开发银行,比如巴西开发银行、中国开发银行,以及南部非洲开发银行(DevelopmentBankofSouthernAfrica),在社会影响和环境保护方面的透明度,一直都极其糟糕,亚历山大说。

    National development banks such as the Brazilian Development Bank , China Development Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa have abysmal records in terms of transparency and in terms of social and environmental safeguards , Ms. Alexander said .

  2. 各国的开发银行,比如巴西开发银行、中国开发银行,以及南部非洲开发银行(DevelopmentBankofSouthernAfrica),“在社会影响和环境保护方面的透明度,一直都极其糟糕,”亚历山大说。

    National development banks such as the Brazilian Development Bank , China Development Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa " have abysmal records in terms of transparency and in terms of social and environmental safeguards , " Ms. Alexander said .

  3. 这个项目也计划去南部非洲的其他地方采风并且将在今年或者明年早些时候发行CD。

    The Project also plans to tour other parts of South Africa and also release a CD this year or early in2009 .

  4. 该公司的网站上展示了一系列安哥拉工程,包括重修本格拉铁路(benguelarailway)工程完工后,将打开通往南部非洲的门户。

    Its website includes a range of Angolan projects , including rebuilding the Benguela railway , which when completed will open up Southern Africa .

  5. 南部非洲电力联盟(SAPP)是南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)电力机构。

    The Southern African Power Pool ( SAPP ) is the electricity arm of SADC .

  6. 在非洲大陆大大小小的区域组织中,南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)无疑是颇具潜力和活力的组织。

    Among regional organizations in Africa , the Southern African Development Community ( SADC ) undoubtedly is potential and dynamic .

  7. 根据南部非洲CMB上存在一尖锐边界S波低速异常体(超级地幔柱)的最新研究成果,利用地震层析成像及重力场理论,对该异常体的结构进行了探讨。

    On the basis of the seismic tomography data we find that there is a low velocity body of S waveform on the CMB under south Africa .

  8. Breadline非洲确实令人难以置信的,有价值的工作,特别是孤儿和艾滋病,影响南部非洲儿童。

    Breadline Africa does incredible , valuable work , especially among orphans and Aids-affected children in Southern Africa .

  9. Okavango三角洲位于南部非洲干旱-半干旱国家-博茨瓦纳北部,是世界上最大且最原始的内陆三角洲。

    Okavango delta , the largest and the most primitive inland delta in the world , is located in the north of Botswana-an arid and semi-arid country in the Southern Africa .

  10. 南部非洲共同体种子库的备份种子已经贮藏在Svalbard群岛上一个已有的种子库中,这些种子将在新的种子库完工之后转移到那里。

    Duplicates of the Southern African Development Community 's seed collections are already being stored in an existing facility on Svalbard and will be moved to the new one when it is completed .

  11. 南部非洲关税同盟(SACU)作为非洲众多的区域经济一体化组织的典型代表,与中国的贸易往来日渐密切。

    As one typical representative of numerous regional economic integration organizations in Africa , trade volume between the Southern African Customs Union ( SACU ) and China has been growing .

  12. 近年来SADC水道共享协议的诞生和发展对于缓和上述矛盾,并且发展南部非洲关于共享水道持续、协调、公平使用的密切合作具有重要意义。

    In recent years the formulation of SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourses and Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses is significant for solving the above problems and the development of close cooperation on sustainable , coordinated , equitable use of SADC shared watercourses .

  13. 南部非洲的贫困与人力资源能力研究

    A Study of Poverty and Human Resource Ability in Southern Africa

  14. 东部和南部非洲贸易促进和训练中心;

    Trade promotion and Training Centre for Eastern and southern africa ;

  15. 南部非洲安全、合作与发展国际会议

    International Conference on Security , Cooperation and Development in Southern Africa

  16. 南部非洲教育及训练方案咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee on the Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa

  17. 东部和南部非洲艾滋病与教育区域讨论会

    Regional seminar on AIDS and education in Eastern and Southern Africa

  18. 南部非洲问题国家元首和政府首脑特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee of Heads of State and Government on Southern Africa

  19. 国际中部和南部非洲赤蝗防治组织

    International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa

  20. 声援南部非洲殖民地人民团结周

    Week of Solidarity with the Colonial Peoples of Southern Africa

  21. 声援和支持南部非洲解放乔治敦宣言

    Georgetown Declaration of Solidarity and Support for the Liberation of Southern Africa

  22. 非洲统一组织南部非洲问题特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee of the Oraganization of Africa Unity on Southern Africa

  23. 这所大学面临在南部非洲缩减投资的压力。

    There was pressure on the university to disinvest in south africa .

  24. 为南部非洲受旱灾影响国家举行的区域间认捐会议;

    Interregional pledging conference for drought-affected countries in southern africa ;

  25. 为争取南部非洲的正义与和平讨论种族隔离问题首脑会议;

    Summit Conference on Apartheid for justice and peace in southern africa ;

  26. 这本新书已全部售完。英联邦东部、中部和南部非洲区域卫生秘书处

    Commonwealth Regional health Community Secretariat for East , Central and Southern Africa

  27. 维护法定公民权利律师委员会南部非洲项目

    Southern African Project of the Lawyers ' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

  28. 南部非洲人口与发展问题部长会议

    Southern African Minister 's Conference on Population and Development

  29. 南部非洲紧急抗旱认捐会议

    Pledging Conference for the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa

  30. 雨水缺乏还使得南部非洲地区的粮食生产中断。

    This lack of rain has also halted crop production in southern Africa .