
nán jí quān
  • Antarctic Circle
  1. 主要位于南极圈内,以南极为不对称中心的大陆

    A continent lying chiefly within the Antarctic Circle and asymmetrically centered on the South Pole .

  2. 位于南极圈和南回归线之间。

    Between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn .

  3. 他曾带领第一艘逛艇航行至南极圈的南侧

    He skippered the first yacht to sail south of the Antarctic Circle

  4. 南极圈和北极圈内有动物存在吗?

    Are there any animals in the polar circles ?

  5. 1773年的今天,詹姆斯·库克船长成为首位进入南极圈的探险家。

    1773-Captain James Cook becomes the first explorer to cross the Antarctic Circle .

  6. 生活在接近南极圈的岛屿上的大型企鹅。

    Large penguin on islands bordering the Antarctic Circle .

  7. 半夜看到的太阳(在北极圈内或南极圈内)。

    The sun visible at midnight ( inside the arctic or antarctic circles ) .

  8. 它是北回归线,南极圈,赤道还是北极圈?

    Is it the Tropic of cancer , Antarctic Circle , equator or Arctic circle .

  9. 营巢于南极圈。

    It nests around the Antarctic Circle .

  10. 南极圈正因气候变暖在融化,天气变得异常,食物供应也受到威胁。

    Climate change is already melting the Arctic , queering weather and threatening food supplies .

  11. 位于地理极或地理极附近的、在北极圈或南极圈的。

    Of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles .

  12. 直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却始终未发现任何陆地。

    Not until the late18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle , but he never saw land .

  13. 它是北回归线,南极圈,赤道还是北极圈?你有三秒钟的时间。开始!

    Is it the Tropic of Cancer , Antarctic Circle , Equator or Arctic Circle . You 've got three seconds , go !

  14. 这些企鹅随着南极圈的浮冰漂到巴西海岸附近。

    Penguins arrive from the Antarctic Circle on ice floes that melt in the vicinity of Brazil 's shore and the birds wash up on Rio beaches every winter .

  15. 地球上两个地区之一,位于北极圈和北回归线之间或南极圈和南回归线之间;以温和的气候为特征。

    The part of the Earth 's surface between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer or between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn ; characterized by temperate climate .

  16. 科学家认为,南极上部大气圈内微小的硝酸冰晶也直接参与其中。

    Scientists believe that tiny ice crystals of nitric acid in Antarctica 's upper atmosphere are directly involved .

  17. 南极地区穿越南部水域,从南美南部,南非和澳大利亚南部直达南极圈。

    Circumpolar range through southern waters , from southern parts of South America , South Africa and Australia to the Antarctic .