
  • 网络afrikaans;Afrikaan
  1. 南非语、荷兰语、英语、法兰德斯语、及德语则属西日耳曼语的几个重要语言。

    Afrikaans , dutch , english , flemish , and German are the more important languages within the West Germanic grouping .

  2. 南非语的出现是简化了的荷兰语展化而成,令奴隶与荷兰祖籍的老板得以沟通。

    The'Afrikaans'language developed as an independent language by simplifying the Dutch language , so that the slaves and their Dutch owners could communicate .

  3. 南非语有一个词叫乌班图,乌班图来源于哲学,对于我来说它的意思就是我之所以成为人,唯一的解释是你们将我人性的光辉重新折射在我的身上。

    In South Africa they have a phrase called ubuntu . Ubuntu comes out of a philosophy that says , the only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me .

  4. 南非荷兰语,斐语从17世纪荷兰语演变过来语言,为南非的官方语言。

    A language that developed from17th-century Dutch and is an official language of South Africa .