
  • 网络the Arab Spring
  1. 在阿拉伯之春(ArabSpring)反政府暴动期间,当抗议者猛攻安全部门总部时,他们经常发现,那些秘密警察购买了欧洲的监控技术来监视抗议者。

    When protesters stormed security service headquarters during the Arab Spring uprisings , they often found secret police had purchased European surveillance technology to monitor protesters .

  2. 鉴于2011年“阿拉伯之春”(ArabSpring)革命时Facebook对亲民主示威者起到的巨大帮助,想要解除中国对Facebook的屏蔽,很可能会附带严格的条件。

    Any decision to unblock Facebook in China would probably come with strict conditions , in light of how useful the site proved to pro-democracy protesters during the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011 .

  3. 有位英国女性在介绍一部关于阿拉伯之春(ArabSpring)的纪录片。

    An English woman was presenting a documentary movie on the Arab Spring .

  4. 阿拉伯之春(Arabspring)后,韩国一直利用其新建的援助部门提供的资源,支持中东各国的发展。

    South Korea has used the resources from its newly established aid agency to support development efforts across the Middle East in the wake of the Arab spring .

  5. 但在2008年金融危机、阿拉伯之春(arabspring)和美国加紧恢复在亚洲的存在之后,不结盟战略在中国国内受到了质疑。

    But following the 2008 financial crisis , the Arab Spring and the growing US push to reassert its presence in Asia , this strategy is being challenged at home .

  6. 这些资料有的滑稽,有的尖锐,就像这漫长而具有戏剧性的十年的缩影——从9·11事件的影响到阿拉伯之春(ArabSpring)的反响。

    The archive , at turns zany and poignant , is a photo album of a long and dramatic decade , from the aftermath of Sept. 11 to the reverberations of the Arab Spring .

  7. ShenggenFan:“确切地说,粮价确实是导致阿拉伯之春的一个原因。”

    SHENGGEN FAN : " Definitely , it is one of the factors that really caused the Arab Spring . "

  8. 他以负责人和投资人的身份设立了CelebrationofEntrepreneurship,这是当时中东最大的创业家团体,而两个月后就爆发了阿拉伯之春运动。

    He led and funded the celebration of entrepreneurship , then the largest gathering of start-up entrepreneurs in the Middle East , two months before the Arab uprisings consumed the region .

  9. 从萨达姆侯赛因(saddamhussein)垮台到阿拉伯之春,中东发生的一系列事件已使宗教认同重新成为推动该地区局势发展的一支力量。

    Events in the region , from the fall of Saddam Hussein to the Arab spring , have revived religious identity as a driving force .

  10. 这些事情显然是复杂的,但你可以进行这样的推定:迅速上涨的食品价格——你可以轻易将其归咎于定量宽松政策——导致了阿拉伯之春(ArabSpring),而定量宽松是金融危机的一个明显而直接的结果。

    These things are obviously complicated but you can make a case that the Arab Spring was precipitated by fast rising food prices - something you can easily blame on QE - a clear and direct result of the financial crisis .

  11. 曾在柏林墙(BerlinWall)倒塌后的10年中占主导地位、支持民主的假设终结了,这至少是“阿拉伯之春”(ArabSpring)没有实现很多人期待的改变的原因之一。

    The end of the presumption in favour of democracy that held sway in the decade following the dismantling of the Berlin Wall is at least one of the reasons why the Arab Spring failed to deliver the changes many hoped for .

  12. 今年的报告强调了网络和社交网站在阿拉伯之春抗议中的重要作用,称诸如Facebook和Twitter这样的社交媒体已成为抗议工具和自由媒介。

    This year 's report also notes the importance of the Internet and social networks in the Arab Spring protest . It says social media like Facebook and Twitter have been firmly established as tools for protests and vehicles for freedom .

  13. 无论如何,问题的关键在于:下一次哪位美国政界人士谈论中东(或在Twitter上发有关中东的消息)时,留心观察他用的是阿拉伯之春、还是有争议性的革命一词。

    Either way , the key point is this : the next time an American politician talks or tweets about the Middle East , watch if that s word - spring - crops up or if the controversial r word appears instead .

  14. 年初的“阿拉伯之春(arabspring)”为全年定下了基调:在突尼斯和埃及政权垮台后,如今,利比亚的穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)被赶下了台,而叙利亚也爆发了动乱。

    The Arab Spring at the beginning of the year set the tone with the fall of the Tunisian and Egyptian regimes , now followed by the ousting of muammer Gaddafi in Libya and the insurrection in Syria .

  15. 萨达姆侯赛因(saddamhussein)和他疯狂的儿子们被推翻,以及伊拉克进行自由选举,或许也帮助改变了中东民众的心态,因而为阿拉伯之春打下了基础。

    The overthrow of Saddam Hussein and his psychotic sons , and the sight of free elections in Iraq , might also have helped to change the psychology of the Middle East and so prepared the ground for the Arab spring .

  16. “阿拉伯之春”撼动了全球威权主义的支柱。

    The Arab Spring has shocked the pillars of global authoritarianism .

  17. 阿拉伯之春的浪潮似乎已经涌到海湾各国了。

    Billows of the Arab spring have reached even the Gulf .

  18. 我相信他们意识到了阿拉伯之春。

    I am sure Arab Spring will cross their minds .

  19. 阿拉伯之春也让伊朗感到惊慌。

    It has also been rattled by the Arab spring .

  20. 公开的言辞强调要支持“阿拉伯之春”。

    The public utterances emphasise support for the Arab spring .

  21. 阿拉伯之春对贵公司的业务有何影响?

    How has the Arab Spring affected your business ?

  22. 投资者应该给“阿拉伯之春”更多时间。

    Investors should give the Arab spring more time .

  23. 第三个新的因素是阿拉伯之春。

    The third new factor is the Arab spring .

  24. 但“阿拉伯之春”已经改变了它,

    But the Arab Spring has changed all that ,

  25. 事实上,共和党内部在阿拉伯之春问题上存在严重的分歧。

    In truth , the Republican party is deeply divided over the Arab spring .

  26. 轰轰烈烈的阿拉伯之春不可避免导致了大量实时书籍的涌现。

    THE Arab spring has , inevitably , spawned a gaggle of instant books .

  27. 他表示,阿拉伯之春为传播和平和安全提供了很大的机会。

    He said the Arab Spring presented a massive opportunity to spread peace and security .

  28. 这真可谓“阿拉伯之春”。

    This really is an Arab spring .

  29. 如果阿拉伯之春要继续绽放的话,阿拉伯人必须带好头。

    If the Arab spring is to flourish , the Arabs must lead the way .

  30. 社交媒体在阿拉伯之春和英国骚乱中扮演的角色就是一个例子。

    Take the role of social media in the Arab uprisings and the UK riots .