
nán xiànɡ
  • southing
  1. 文章举例说明了SDH网管系统如何使用南向接口进行操作的详细过程。

    The paper gives an example of how to use southbound to operation .

  2. 这里的好学校、与(南向14千米处)悉尼中心商业区相接的便利交通以及附近奥林匹克公园(olympicpark)提供的度假式生活方式吸引了李。

    He was attracted to the excellent schools , reliable transport links to the Sydney Central Business District 14km south , and to the resort lifestyle the adjacent Olympic Park could provide .

  3. SDH网元管理系统管理SDH设备,南向接口在系统中完成下发操作和数据采集工作。

    SDH network element management system needs to manage many SDH equipments . Southbound interface of the system completes the operation and data collection work .

  4. 黑潮无分支,它在台湾岛东南海域由东南向西北偏北向流,到达台湾岛附近转向东北,位于123°E以西,沿着台湾岛东岸由南向北流。

    There is no branch of the Kuroshio . The Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows from the southeast to the northwest until reaching near Taiwan Island , and then flows northward west of 123 ° E ;

  5. 在离此地两英里的地方,另一拨抗议者在雅加达的地标连环道(BundaranH.I.)旁边的一条大路上停了数十辆出租车,堵塞了整个上午的南向交通。

    Two miles away , other protesters parked dozens of taxis on a thoroughfare off the city 's landmark roundabout , known as Bundaran H. I. , blocking south-moving traffic throughout the morning .

  6. 周三早盘期间,沪港通(Shanghai-HongKongStockConnect)南向成交量超过了150亿港元(合19亿美元),是此前单日记录的两倍以上。

    During the morning session on Wednesday , southbound turnover through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect rose past HK $ 15bn ( US $ 1.9bn ), more than double the previous daily record .

  7. 离子通量的变化大体上是无色散的。离子主要受南向行星际磁场(IMF)所引起的对流电场的驱动注入到环电流区域。

    Ions are injected from the magnetotail to the ring current region in a dispersionless mode most probably by enhanced convective electric field that driven by steady southward interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) .

  8. 在磁层昼侧,若IMF有南向分量,也就是和北向的地球磁场方向相反,则磁力线重连的效率最高。

    Reconnection is most efficient when the IMF has a component that is directed southward & that is , opposite to the northward direction of the earth 's magnetic field at the dayside of the magnetosphere .

  9. 为了屏蔽各SDH设备之间的差异,系统利用南向接口管理真实网元,下发相关操作命令,为每种设备提供一个适配器,为业务模块提供统一的接口。

    In order to shield the difference between the SDH equipments , system uses southbound interface to manage equipment , transfer relevant command , supply an adapter for which equipment , and supply uniform interface for operation module .

  10. 2013年,作为普拉斯基高架桥重修计划承包方之一的中建美国公司(CCA)开始施工替换高架桥南向及北向接口的桥面。

    In 2013 , as one of the contractors in Pulaski Skyway rehabilitation program , China Construction American , also called CCA , started to replace the deck on northbound and southbound roads of skyway .

  11. 根据WIND飞船的观测资料,讨论了2000年发生的南向磁场(Bs)事件,分析了它们的源,发现12次事件中有11次的源是日冕物质抛射(CME)。

    According to the observations from WIND spacecraft , the events of southward magnetic field ( Bs events ) occurred in 2000 are studied . Among these 12 events , there were 11 events associated with the coronal mass ejections ( CMEs ) .

  12. 分析说明,当行星际磁场Bz分量出现南向扰动和太阳风速度增大超过500km/s时,地球磁层中常常发生磁暴/亚暴活动。

    The analysis shows that geomagnetic storms / substorms can occur when the component B_z of the IMF is southward and the velocity of the solar wind increases to above 500 km / s.

  13. 高加索人种起源的HLA抗原基因频率(A3、B8等)由西向东又由北向南递减。东南亚蒙古人种起源的HLA抗原基因频率(B46等)由南向北递减。

    Frequencies of HLA alleles of Caucasoid origin ( A3 , B8 and others ) decrease eastwards and southwards , and those of HLA alleles of Southeast Asia Mongoloid origin ( B46 and others ) decrease northwards .

  14. 本文通过对OMC南向接口功能及网元接口的分析,在南向接口设计上采用以CORBA作为通信中间件,以CORBA的事件服务作为应用中间件,确立了基于事件交互的通信机制。

    By analysising the function of the North Bound Interface of OMC and the interfaces of managed elements , we decided to use CORBA as communication middleware , use Event Service of CORBA as application middleware , and the interchange information is conveyed by event .

  15. FTEs通量管中等离子体主要沿轴向场方向流动,整个通量管以慢于背景等离子体的速度沿磁层顶向南向尾运动;

    The plasma inside the flux tubes flows dominantly along the axis aligned field , at the same time the flux tubes move southward to the tail and its velocity is slower than the background plasma ;

  16. 现代住宅南向阳台的功能分析与设计

    Analysis and design in the function of the modern southward balcony

  17. 南向的车道因为一起事故而关闭了。

    The southbound lane is closed because of an accident .

  18. 四川南向通道改造及建设的方案研究

    Study on the Building and Reconstructing of Southerly Transport Corridor in Sichuan

  19. 建筑南向外窗倾斜角度对建筑能耗的影响

    Influence of Installation Angle of Building South Outer Window on Energy Consumption

  20. 天津地区住宅建筑南向遮阳板构型设计

    Shape design of south window shade plates in residential buildings in Tianjin

  21. 场向电流更容易发生在行星际磁场南向且数值较大的情况下。

    FACs are easier to exist under strong southward IMF .

  22. 第二军队在向南向叛军开火。

    2nd army 's flushing the rebels to the south .

  23. 北方地区建筑南向窗的可变建筑构造研究

    Study on Variable Building Construction of South Facing Windows on Northern Area Buildings

  24. 在黑潮以下存在南向逆流。

    There is a southward countercurrent below the Kuroshio ;

  25. 太阳耀斑和行星际磁场南向分量之间的相关分析

    Cross-correlation analysis between the solar flares and the southward components of interplanetary magnetic fields

  26. 后面有通往南向隧道的缺口。

    There was a passage to the South tunnel about a half mile back .

  27. 以重庆地区为例,探讨了炎热地区夏季南向和西向窗户的太阳辐射得热问题。

    Studies the solar radiation gained by south and west oriented windows in Chongqing .

  28. 可调节室内气候的住宅南向封闭阳台

    A southward Enveloped Balcony of Adjusting Interior Climate

  29. 促进南向,积极鼓动台湾厂商到东南亚地区投资。

    Taiwan agitate to invest to southeastern Asia .

  30. 北祁连地体古地磁新数据及古生代地体南向位移事件的发现

    The southward movement in Palaeozoic era from new palaeomagnetic data of North Qilian terrane