
  • 网络South Manchurian Railway;South Manchuria Railway
  1. 为了扩大日本在华的地位,并取代俄国,日本重点修建南满铁路长春附属地。

    In order to expand in China , Japan , and replaced by Russia , and Japan focus on the construction of the South Manchuria Railway Changchun dependent .

  2. 铺设以南满铁路为中心(包括北满在内)的满蒙铁路网是日本政府满蒙政策的主要内容。

    The major part of Japanese government 's Manchuria and Mongolia policy was to establish a Manchuria Railway Network centered on South Manchuria Railway ( including North Manchuria ) .

  3. 按照《朴茨茅斯条约》条款实施下列内容:辽东半岛和南满铁路归日本;

    Under the terms of the Treaty of Portsmouth : ( I ) The Liaotung Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway went to Japan ;

  4. 大连中心主义的实施,提高了南满铁路和大连港的竞争能力,实现了满铁垄断性质的经营。

    The practice of Dalian Centered Theory not only raised the competitive capability of the Northeast Railway and the Port of Dalian but also realized its monopoly operation of the Northeast railway .

  5. 满洲里事变是从关东军炸毁奉天附近的南满铁路柳条湖一段开始的。

    The Manchurian Incident took place as members of the Kwantung Army blew up a section of South Manchuria Railway lines in Liutiaogou ( Lake Liutiao ), outside Mukden ( currently Shenyang ) .

  6. 从1905年以武力取得旅大租借权和南满铁路经营权之后,日本帝国主义便开始了对东北的侵略。1931年9月,九一八事变爆发,日本一举占领了中国东北。

    The Japanese imperialists began its aggression upon northeast China when they procured the lease access of Luda and the franchise right of the South Manchurian Railway in 1905 . The " 918 Incident " erupted in 1931 , and the Japanese occupied the Northeast China .