
  • 网络Nanchong;nanchong city
  1. 南充市大气PM(10)污染水平的分布特征

    Distributing Characteristics of PM_ ( 10 ) in Nanchong City

  2. 岭回归建模分析针对促进社会主义新农村经济发展的应用&以四川省南充市xx区为例

    Ridge Regression Theory is Applied for Accelerate Socialist New Rural Economic Development : Example for xx Town Nanchong City

  3. 四川省南充市GIS土壤数据库系统设计的理论研究

    Designing and Applying of a Soil Database System of Nanchong District Based on GIS

  4. 该流量计由传感器和变送器组成,直接测量CNG的质量流量而不受其温度、压力、流量变化的影响。在四川省南充市和遂宁市CNG加气站上使用,效果良好。

    Consisting of sensor and converter , the flowmeter can directly measure CNG quality flow without being influenced by temperature , pressure and flow change .

  5. 本文对南充市环境监测站2002年城区5个监测点的PM10监测资料进行了分析。结果发现南充市大气污染物PM10污染严重,并存在明显的空间和季节差异。

    The paper analyzes the data of PM_ ( 10 ) monitored by the environmental monitoring station of Nanchong city at five spots in 2002.Results show that the atmospheric pollutant PM_ ( 10 ) in Nanchong city has obviously spatial and seasonal difference .

  6. 南充市清洁能源行动计划的政策分析

    Analysis on the policies of the clear energy action in Nanchong

  7. 南充市水稻稻瘟病重发成因及治理对策

    Occurrence Determinants of Rice Blast in Nanchong and Its Control Measures

  8. 南充市清洁能源行动的健康效益评价

    Assessment on Health Benefits of Clean Energy Action in Nanchong City

  9. 1961-2005年南充市肾综合征出血热监测研究

    Surveillance Data Analysis of HFRS from 1961 to 2005 in Nanchong

  10. 南充市土壤侵蚀经济损失估值研究

    Value Estimation of Economic Loss by Soil Erosion in Nanchong City

  11. 南充市居民吸烟归因早死分析

    Anal ysis of premature death attributed to smoking in Nanchong

  12. 放不出与贷不到的矛盾&四川省南充市农村金融供求调查手记

    Investigation on Situation of Rural Finance in Nanchong , Sichuan

  13. 南充市城区暗娼艾滋病高危行为分析

    Analysis on High-risk Behaviors Related to AIDS of CSW in Nanchong City

  14. 南充市藤蔓植物资源及园林应用调查

    Lianas Resources and Its Application in Gardens in Nanchong City

  15. 目前南充市的气象网络已经具有了一定的规模。

    At present the Nanchong city weather network has a certain scale .

  16. 南充市地质环境对城市建设的适宜性评价

    Assessment of suitability of geological environment for urban developmet of Nanchong City

  17. 四川南充市生态占用初步研究

    The Primary Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Nanchong City in Sichuan Province

  18. 南充市大气质量变化就研究对策

    Countermeasures and Variational Trend of Air Quality in Nanchong City

  19. 南充市2007年食用油检测结果分析

    Analysis on test result of edible oil in Nanchong City in 2007

  20. 四川南充市城市白头鹎的巢址选择和巢材研究

    Nest Site Selection and Materials of Pycnonotus sinensis in Nanchong , Sichuan

  21. 南充市耕地资源的保护对策研究

    The protected countermeasures of cultivated land resource in Nanchong

  22. 南充市水资源利用现状及可持续利用研究

    The Present Exploitation of Water Resource in Nanchong and Research for Sustainable Utilization

  23. 南充市针织业经济建设优化设计

    Optimal design of economic building-up for Nanchong Knitting Industries

  24. 南充市城市发展与个性化战略

    The Urban Development and Individualized Strategy of Nanchong City

  25. 南充市主要作物品种演变及其原因探讨

    Study on the Evolution of Main Crop Races in Nanchong and Their Causes

  26. 南充市区域经济发展差异的产业分解

    The Industry Decomposition of Regional Economic Inequalities in Nanchong

  27. 2007年南充市狂犬病疫情分析及控制策略

    Rabies Epidemic in Nanchong in 2007 and Control Measures

  28. 四川省南充市农业可持续发展研究

    Study on the Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Nanchong

  29. 南充市人工湿地的规划研究

    Study on Constructed Wetland Planning in NanChong City

  30. 南充市城区彩叶植物资源及园林应用研究

    The Survey of Color-leaf Plant Resources in Nanchong Proper and Their Application in Landscape